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feat: more API for AddMonoidAlgebra.supDegree / leadingCoeff / Monic (#…
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Infrastructure for working with [monomial orders]( on MvPolynomial rings. The lexicographic order is used in #6593 (proof of the fundamental theorem of symmetric polynomials)

Co-authored-by: Ruben Van de Velde <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Parcly Taxel <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jeremy Tan Jie Rui <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yaël Dillies <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Junyan Xu <[email protected]>
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5 people committed Sep 9, 2024
1 parent 0c4fd28 commit dbed408
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Showing 5 changed files with 322 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Group/Subsemigroup/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ theorem mem_mk {s : Set M} {x : M} (h_mul) : x ∈ mk s h_mul ↔ x ∈ s :=

@[to_additive (attr := simp, norm_cast)]
theorem coe_set_mk {s : Set M} (h_mul) : (mk s h_mul : Set M) = s :=
theorem coe_set_mk (s : Set M) (h_mul) : (mk s h_mul : Set M) = s :=

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Group/Subsemigroup/Operations.lean
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Expand Up @@ -595,6 +595,15 @@ theorem coe_srange (f : M →ₙ* N) : (f.srange : Set N) = Set.range f :=
theorem mem_srange {f : M →ₙ* N} {y : N} : y ∈ f.srange ↔ ∃ x, f x = y :=

private theorem srange_mk_aux_mul {f : M → N} (hf : ∀ (x y : M), f (x * y) = f x * f y)
{x y : N} (hx : x ∈ Set.range f) (hy : y ∈ Set.range f) :
x * y ∈ Set.range f :=
(srange ⟨f, hf⟩).mul_mem hx hy

@[to_additive (attr := simp)] theorem srange_mk (f : M → N) (hf) :
srange ⟨f, hf⟩ = ⟨Set.range f, srange_mk_aux_mul hf⟩ := rfl

theorem srange_eq_map (f : M →ₙ* N) : f.srange = (⊤ : Subsemigroup M).map f :=
copy_eq _
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261 changes: 260 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/MonoidAlgebra/Degree.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Damiano Testa
import Mathlib.Algebra.MonoidAlgebra.Support
import Mathlib.Order.Filter.Extr

# Lemmas about the `sup` and `inf` of the support of `AddMonoidAlgebra`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,7 +214,14 @@ For an element `f : R[A]`, the element `supDegree f : B` is the supremum of all
support of `f`, or `⊥` if `f` is zero.
Often, the Type `B` is `WithBot A`,
If, further, `A` has a linear order, then this notion coincides with the usual one,
using the maximum of the exponents. -/
using the maximum of the exponents.
If `A := σ →₀ ℕ` then `R[A] = MvPolynomial σ R`, and if we equip `σ` with a linear order then
the induced linear order on `Lex A` equips `MvPolynomial` ring with a
[monomial order]( (i.e. a linear order on `A`, the
type of (monic) monomials in `R[A]`, that respects addition). We make use of this monomial order
by taking `D := toLex`, and different monomial orders could be accessed via different type
synonyms once they are added. -/
abbrev supDegree (f : R[A]) : B := D

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,6 +264,10 @@ theorem supDegree_withBot_some_comp {s : AddMonoidAlgebra R A} (hs :
unfold AddMonoidAlgebra.supDegree
rw [← Finset.coe_sup' hs, Finset.sup'_eq_sup]

theorem supDegree_eq_of_isMaxOn {p : R[A]} {a : A} (hmem : a ∈
(hmax : IsMaxOn D a) : p.supDegree D = D a :=
sup_eq_of_isMaxOn hmem hmax

variable [AddZeroClass A] {p q : R[A]}

Expand All @@ -266,6 +278,10 @@ theorem ne_zero_of_supDegree_ne_bot : p.supDegree D ≠ ⊥ → p ≠ 0 := mt (f
theorem ne_zero_of_not_supDegree_le {b : B} (h : ¬ p.supDegree D ≤ b) : p ≠ 0 :=
ne_zero_of_supDegree_ne_bot (fun he => h <| he ▸ bot_le)

theorem supDegree_eq_of_max {b : B} (hb : b ∈ Set.range D) (hmem : D.invFun b ∈
(hmax : ∀ a ∈, D a ≤ b) : p.supDegree D = b :=
sup_eq_of_max hb hmem hmax

variable [Add B]

theorem supDegree_mul_le (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,6 +325,249 @@ theorem apply_add_of_supDegree_le (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2)

end SupDegree

section LinearOrder

variable [LinearOrder B] [OrderBot B] {p q : R[A]} (D : A → B)

/-- If `D` is an injection into a linear order `B`, the leading coefficient of `f : R[A]` is the
nonzero coefficient of highest degree according to `D`, or 0 if `f = 0`. In general, it is defined
to be the coefficient at an inverse image of `supDegree f` (if such exists). -/
noncomputable def leadingCoeff [Nonempty A] (f : R[A]) : R :=
f (D.invFun <| f.supDegree D)

/-- An element `f : R[A]` is monic if its leading coefficient is one. -/
@[reducible] def Monic [Nonempty A] (f : R[A]) : Prop :=
f.leadingCoeff D = 1

variable {D}

theorem leadingCoeff_single [Nonempty A] (hD : D.Injective) (a : A) (r : R) :
(single a r).leadingCoeff D = r := by
rw [leadingCoeff, supDegree_single]
split_ifs with hr
· simp [hr]
· rw [Function.leftInverse_invFun hD, single_apply, if_pos rfl]

theorem leadingCoeff_zero [Nonempty A] : (0 : R[A]).leadingCoeff D = 0 := rfl

lemma Monic.ne_zero [Nonempty A] [Nontrivial R] (hp : p.Monic D) : p ≠ 0 := fun h => by
simp_rw [Monic, h, leadingCoeff_zero, zero_ne_one] at hp

theorem monic_one [AddZeroClass A] (hD : D.Injective) : (1 : R[A]).Monic D := by
rw [Monic, one_def, leadingCoeff_single hD]

variable (D) in
lemma exists_supDegree_mem_support (hp : p ≠ 0) : ∃ a ∈, p.supDegree D = D a :=
Finset.exists_mem_eq_sup _ (Finsupp.support_nonempty_iff.mpr hp) D

variable (D) in
lemma supDegree_mem_range (hp : p ≠ 0) : p.supDegree D ∈ Set.range D := by
obtain ⟨a, -, he⟩ := exists_supDegree_mem_support D hp; exact ⟨a, he.symm⟩

variable {ι : Type*} {s : Finset ι} {i : ι} (hi : i ∈ s) {f : ι → R[A]}

lemma supDegree_sum_lt (hs : s.Nonempty) {b : B}
(h : ∀ i ∈ s, (f i).supDegree D < b) : (∑ i ∈ s, f i).supDegree D < b := by
refine supDegree_sum_le.trans_lt ((Finset.sup_lt_iff ?_).mpr h)
obtain ⟨i, hi⟩ := hs; exact bot_le.trans_lt (h i hi)

variable [AddZeroClass A]

open Finsupp in
lemma supDegree_add_eq_left (h : q.supDegree D < p.supDegree D) :
(p + q).supDegree D = p.supDegree D := by
apply (supDegree_add_le.trans <| sup_le le_rfl h.le).antisymm
obtain ⟨a, ha, he⟩ := exists_supDegree_mem_support D (ne_zero_of_not_supDegree_le h.not_le)
rw [he] at h ⊢
apply Finset.le_sup
rw [mem_support_iff, add_apply, apply_eq_zero_of_not_le_supDegree h.not_le, add_zero]
exact ha

lemma supDegree_add_eq_right (h : p.supDegree D < q.supDegree D) :
(p + q).supDegree D = q.supDegree D := by
rw [add_comm, supDegree_add_eq_left h]

lemma leadingCoeff_add_eq_left (h : q.supDegree D < p.supDegree D) :
(p + q).leadingCoeff D = p.leadingCoeff D := by
obtain ⟨a, he⟩ := supDegree_mem_range D (ne_zero_of_not_supDegree_le h.not_le)
rw [leadingCoeff, supDegree_add_eq_left h, Finsupp.add_apply, ← leadingCoeff,
apply_eq_zero_of_not_le_supDegree (D := D), add_zero]
rw [← he, Function.apply_invFun_apply (f := D), he]; exact h.not_le

lemma leadingCoeff_add_eq_right (h : p.supDegree D < q.supDegree D) :
(p + q).leadingCoeff D = q.leadingCoeff D := by
rw [add_comm, leadingCoeff_add_eq_left h]

lemma supDegree_mem_support (hD : D.Injective) (hp : p ≠ 0) :
D.invFun (p.supDegree D) ∈ := by
obtain ⟨a, ha, he⟩ := exists_supDegree_mem_support D hp
rwa [he, Function.leftInverse_invFun hD]

lemma leadingCoeff_eq_zero (hD : D.Injective) : p.leadingCoeff D = 0 ↔ p = 0 := by
refine ⟨(fun h => ?_).mtr, fun h => h ▸ leadingCoeff_zero⟩
rw [leadingCoeff, ← Ne, ← Finsupp.mem_support_iff]
exact supDegree_mem_support hD h

lemma supDegree_sub_lt_of_leadingCoeff_eq (hD : D.Injective) {R} [CommRing R] {p q : R[A]}
(hd : p.supDegree D = q.supDegree D) (hc : p.leadingCoeff D = q.leadingCoeff D) :
(p - q).supDegree D < p.supDegree D ∨ p = q := by
rw [or_iff_not_imp_right]
refine fun he => (supDegree_sub_le.trans ?_).lt_of_ne ?_
· rw [hd, sup_idem]
· rw [← sub_eq_zero, ← leadingCoeff_eq_zero hD, leadingCoeff] at he
refine fun h => he ?_
rwa [h, Finsupp.sub_apply, ← leadingCoeff, hd, ← leadingCoeff, sub_eq_zero]

lemma supDegree_leadingCoeff_sum_eq
(hi : i ∈ s) (hmax : ∀ j ∈ s, j ≠ i → (f j).supDegree D < (f i).supDegree D) :
(∑ j ∈ s, f j).supDegree D = (f i).supDegree D ∧
(∑ j ∈ s, f j).leadingCoeff D = (f i).leadingCoeff D := by
rw [← s.add_sum_erase _ hi]
by_cases hs : s.erase i = ∅
· rw [hs, Finset.sum_empty, add_zero]; exact ⟨rfl, rfl⟩
suffices _ from ⟨supDegree_add_eq_left this, leadingCoeff_add_eq_left this⟩
refine supDegree_sum_lt ?_ (fun j hj => ?_)
· rw [Finset.nonempty_iff_ne_empty]; exact hs
· rw [Finset.mem_erase] at hj; exact hmax j hj.2 hj.1

open Finset in
lemma sum_ne_zero_of_injOn_supDegree' (hs : ∃ i ∈ s, f i ≠ 0)
(hd : (s : Set ι).InjOn (supDegree D ∘ f)) :
∑ i ∈ s, f i ≠ 0 := by
obtain ⟨j, hj, hne⟩ := hs
obtain ⟨i, hi, he⟩ := exists_mem_eq_sup _ ⟨j, hj⟩ (supDegree D ∘ f)
by_cases h : ∀ k ∈ s, k = i
· refine (sum_eq_single_of_mem j hj (fun k hk hne => ?_)).trans_ne hne
rw [h k hk, h j hj] at hne; exact hne.irrefl.elim
push_neg at h; obtain ⟨j, hj, hne⟩ := h
apply ne_zero_of_supDegree_ne_bot (D := D)
have (k) (hk : k ∈ s) (hne : k ≠ i) : supDegree D (f k) < supDegree D (f i) :=
((le_sup hk).trans_eq he).lt_of_ne ( hk hi hne)
rw [(supDegree_leadingCoeff_sum_eq hi this).1]
exact (this j hj hne).ne_bot

lemma sum_ne_zero_of_injOn_supDegree (hs : s ≠ ∅)
(hf : ∀ i ∈ s, f i ≠ 0) (hd : (s : Set ι).InjOn (supDegree D ∘ f)) :
∑ i ∈ s, f i ≠ 0 :=
let ⟨i, hi⟩ := Finset.nonempty_iff_ne_empty.2 hs
sum_ne_zero_of_injOn_supDegree' ⟨i, hi, hf i hi⟩ hd

variable [Add B]
variable [CovariantClass B B (· + ·) (· < ·)] [CovariantClass B B (Function.swap (· + ·)) (· < ·)]

lemma apply_supDegree_add_supDegree (hD : D.Injective) (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2) :
(p * q) (D.invFun (p.supDegree D + q.supDegree D)) = p.leadingCoeff D * q.leadingCoeff D := by
obtain rfl | hp := eq_or_ne p 0
· simp_rw [leadingCoeff_zero, zero_mul, Finsupp.coe_zero, Pi.zero_apply]
obtain rfl | hq := eq_or_ne q 0
· simp_rw [leadingCoeff_zero, mul_zero, Finsupp.coe_zero, Pi.zero_apply]
obtain ⟨ap, -, hp⟩ := exists_supDegree_mem_support D hp
obtain ⟨aq, -, hq⟩ := exists_supDegree_mem_support D hq
simp_rw [leadingCoeff, hp, hq, ← hadd, Function.leftInverse_invFun hD _]
exact apply_add_of_supDegree_le hadd hD hp.le hq.le

lemma supDegree_mul
(hD : D.Injective) (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2)
(hpq : leadingCoeff D p * leadingCoeff D q ≠ 0)
(hp : p ≠ 0) (hq : q ≠ 0) :
(p * q).supDegree D = p.supDegree D + q.supDegree D := by
cases subsingleton_or_nontrivial R; · exact (hp (Subsingleton.elim _ _)).elim
apply supDegree_eq_of_max
· rw [← AddSubsemigroup.coe_set_mk (Set.range D), ← AddHom.srange_mk _ hadd, SetLike.mem_coe]
exact add_mem (supDegree_mem_range D hp) (supDegree_mem_range D hq)
· simp_rw [Finsupp.mem_support_iff, apply_supDegree_add_supDegree hD hadd]
exact hpq
· have := covariantClass_le_of_lt B B (· + ·)
have := covariantClass_le_of_lt B B (Function.swap (· + ·))
exact fun a ha => (Finset.le_sup ha).trans (supDegree_mul_le hadd)

lemma Monic.supDegree_mul_of_ne_zero_left
(hD : D.Injective) (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2)
(hq : q.Monic D) (hp : p ≠ 0) :
(p * q).supDegree D = p.supDegree D + q.supDegree D := by
cases subsingleton_or_nontrivial R; · exact (hp (Subsingleton.elim _ _)).elim
apply supDegree_mul hD hadd ?_ hp hq.ne_zero
simp_rw [hq, mul_one, Ne, leadingCoeff_eq_zero hD, hp, not_false_eq_true]

lemma Monic.supDegree_mul_of_ne_zero_right
(hD : D.Injective) (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2)
(hp : p.Monic D) (hq : q ≠ 0) :
(p * q).supDegree D = p.supDegree D + q.supDegree D := by
cases subsingleton_or_nontrivial R; · exact (hq (Subsingleton.elim _ _)).elim
apply supDegree_mul hD hadd ?_ hp.ne_zero hq
simp_rw [hp, one_mul, Ne, leadingCoeff_eq_zero hD, hq, not_false_eq_true]

lemma Monic.supDegree_mul
(hD : D.Injective) (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2)
(hbot : (⊥ : B) + ⊥ = ⊥) (hp : p.Monic D) (hq : q.Monic D) :
(p * q).supDegree D = p.supDegree D + q.supDegree D := by
cases subsingleton_or_nontrivial R
· simp_rw [Subsingleton.eq_zero p, Subsingleton.eq_zero q, mul_zero, supDegree_zero, hbot]
exact hq.supDegree_mul_of_ne_zero_left hD hadd hp.ne_zero

lemma leadingCoeff_mul [NoZeroDivisors R]
(hD : D.Injective) (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2) :
(p * q).leadingCoeff D = p.leadingCoeff D * q.leadingCoeff D := by
obtain rfl | hp := eq_or_ne p 0
· simp_rw [leadingCoeff_zero, zero_mul, leadingCoeff_zero]
obtain rfl | hq := eq_or_ne q 0
· simp_rw [leadingCoeff_zero, mul_zero, leadingCoeff_zero]
rw [← apply_supDegree_add_supDegree hD hadd, ← supDegree_mul hD hadd ?_ hp hq, leadingCoeff]
apply mul_ne_zero <;> rwa [Ne, leadingCoeff_eq_zero hD]

lemma Monic.leadingCoeff_mul_eq_left
(hD : D.Injective) (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2) (hq : q.Monic D) :
(p * q).leadingCoeff D = p.leadingCoeff D := by
obtain rfl | hp := eq_or_ne p 0
· rw [zero_mul]
rw [leadingCoeff, hq.supDegree_mul_of_ne_zero_left hD hadd hp,
apply_supDegree_add_supDegree hD hadd, hq, mul_one]

lemma Monic.leadingCoeff_mul_eq_right
(hD : D.Injective) (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2) (hp : p.Monic D) :
(p * q).leadingCoeff D = q.leadingCoeff D := by
obtain rfl | hq := eq_or_ne q 0
· rw [mul_zero]
rw [leadingCoeff, hp.supDegree_mul_of_ne_zero_right hD hadd hq,
apply_supDegree_add_supDegree hD hadd, hp, one_mul]

lemma Monic.mul
(hD : D.Injective) (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2)
(hp : p.Monic D) (hq : q.Monic D) : (p * q).Monic D := by
rw [Monic, hq.leadingCoeff_mul_eq_left hD hadd]; exact hp

section AddMonoid

variable {A B : Type*} [AddMonoid A] [AddMonoid B] [LinearOrder B] [OrderBot B]
[CovariantClass B B (· + ·) (· < ·)] [CovariantClass B B (Function.swap (· + ·)) (· < ·)]
{D : A → B} {p : R[A]} {n : ℕ}

lemma Monic.pow
(hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2) (hD : D.Injective)
(hp : p.Monic D) : (p ^ n).Monic D := by
induction n with
| zero => rw [pow_zero]; exact monic_one hD
| succ n ih => rw [pow_succ']; exact hp.mul hD hadd ih

lemma Monic.supDegree_pow
(hzero : D 0 = 0) (hadd : ∀ a1 a2, D (a1 + a2) = D a1 + D a2) (hD : D.Injective)
[Nontrivial R] (hp : p.Monic D) :
(p ^ n).supDegree D = n • p.supDegree D := by
induction n with
| zero => rw [pow_zero, zero_nsmul, one_def, supDegree_single 0 1, if_neg one_ne_zero, hzero]
| succ n ih => rw [pow_succ', (hp.pow hadd hD).supDegree_mul_of_ne_zero_left hD hadd hp.ne_zero,
ih, succ_nsmul']

end AddMonoid

end LinearOrder

section InfDegree

variable [SemilatticeInf T] [OrderTop T] (D : A → T)
Expand Down
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/MvPolynomial/Variables.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Johan Commelin, Mario Carneiro
import Mathlib.Data.Finsupp.Lex
import Mathlib.Algebra.MvPolynomial.Degrees

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ theorem vars_prod {ι : Type*} [DecidableEq σ] {s : Finset ι} (f : ι → MvPo

section IsDomain

variable {A : Type*} [CommRing A] [IsDomain A]
variable {A : Type*} [CommRing A] [NoZeroDivisors A]

theorem vars_C_mul (a : A) (ha : a ≠ 0) (φ : MvPolynomial σ A) :
(C a * φ : MvPolynomial σ A).vars = φ.vars := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,6 +309,25 @@ theorem mem_vars_rename (f : σ → τ) (φ : MvPolynomial σ R) {j : τ} (h : j

end EvalVars

section Lex

variable [LinearOrder σ]

lemma leadingCoeff_toLex : p.leadingCoeff toLex = p.coeff (ofLex <| p.supDegree toLex) := by
rw [leadingCoeff]
apply congr_arg p.coeff
apply toLex.injective
rw [Function.rightInverse_invFun toLex.surjective, toLex_ofLex]

lemma supDegree_toLex_C (r : R) : supDegree toLex (C (σ := σ) r) = 0 := by
exact (supDegree_single _ r).trans (ite_eq_iff'.mpr ⟨fun _ => rfl, fun _ => rfl⟩)

lemma leadingCoeff_toLex_C (r : R) : leadingCoeff toLex (C (σ := σ) r) = r :=
leadingCoeff_single toLex.injective _ r

end Lex

end CommSemiring

end MvPolynomial
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Order/Filter/Extr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -577,3 +577,34 @@ theorem IsMinOn.iInf_eq (hx₀ : x₀ ∈ s) (h : IsMinOn f s x₀) : ⨅ x : s,
@IsMaxOn.iSup_eq αᵒᵈ β _ _ _ _ hx₀ h

end ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder

/-! ### Value of `Finset.sup` / `Finset.inf` -/

section SemilatticeSup

variable [SemilatticeSup β] [OrderBot β] {D : α → β} {s : Finset α}

theorem sup_eq_of_isMaxOn {a : α} (hmem : a ∈ s) (hmax : IsMaxOn D s a) : s.sup D = D a :=
(Finset.sup_le hmax).antisymm (Finset.le_sup hmem)

theorem sup_eq_of_max [Nonempty α] {b : β} (hb : b ∈ Set.range D) (hmem : D.invFun b ∈ s)
(hmax : ∀ a ∈ s, D a ≤ b) : s.sup D = b := by
obtain ⟨a, rfl⟩ := hb
rw [← Function.apply_invFun_apply (f := D)]
apply sup_eq_of_isMaxOn hmem; intro
rw [Function.apply_invFun_apply (f := D)]; apply hmax

end SemilatticeSup

section SemilatticeInf

variable [SemilatticeInf β] [OrderTop β] {D : α → β} {s : Finset α}

theorem inf_eq_of_isMinOn {a : α} (hmem : a ∈ s) (hmax : IsMinOn D s a) : s.inf D = D a :=
sup_eq_of_isMaxOn (α := αᵒᵈ) (β := βᵒᵈ) hmem hmax.dual

theorem inf_eq_of_min [Nonempty α] {b : β} (hb : b ∈ Set.range D) (hmem : D.invFun b ∈ s)
(hmin : ∀ a ∈ s, b ≤ D a) : s.inf D = b :=
sup_eq_of_max (α := αᵒᵈ) (β := βᵒᵈ) hb hmem hmin

end SemilatticeInf

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