Haskell starter bot (random moves) for AI Block Battle (Beta), parsing the
full supported set of outputs from the game engine.
Set "debug' = True" to enable debug logging
Example usage:
debug $ putStrLn "message"
Use "handleAction" as a hook for adding your AI behaviour. In this
function, use state to access the GameState type that represents
all information the game engine has provided so far.
handleAction :: String -> Context()
To access the IO monad from the StateT monad transformer, use:
liftIO $ putStrLn "some IO"
xyz <- liftIO someReturningIO
Implemented as a StateT (easy to incrementally update the game
state when receiving updates from the admin script) monad with
IO as inner monad (easier to debug when developing...).
URL to the development repo: https://github.com/ksallberg/block-battle