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Guide 1.1.5꞉ Probabilities

kesac edited this page Dec 1, 2023 · 1 revision


A NameGenerator will allow you to define how often specific consonants positions occur, how often sequences appear, and more. This is done by calling UsingProbability to set desired probabilities.

Here is an example of customizing probabilities for leading and trailing consonants:

var g = new NameGenerator()
        .UsingSyllables(x => x
        .UsingProbability(x => x
            .OfLeadingConsonants(1.0)     // Onsets appear 100% of the time
            .OfTrailingConsonants(0.20)); // Codas appear 20% of the time

Probability values must be a double between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive. A value of 0.0 corresponds to 0% probability and 1.0 corresponds to 100% probability.

In example above, the NameGenerator will use syllables that always have a leading consonant, but only have a trailing consonant 20% of the time.

Syllabore allows you to adjust the probabilities for the following settings:

For each syllable, the probability that... Method to Call Default value if characters added, but custom probability not supplied
...a leading consonant exists OfLeadingConsonants(double) 0.95
...a leading consonant is a sequence OfLeadingConsonantIsSequence(double) 0.25
...the vowel exists OfVowels(double) 1.00
...the vowel is a sequence OfVowelIsSequence(double) 0.25
...a trailing consonant exists OfTrailingConsonants(double) 0.10
...a trailing consonant is a sequence OfTrailingConsonantIsSequence(double) 0.25
For each starting syllable, the probability that... Method to Call Default value if characters added, but custom probability not supplied
...a leading vowel exists OfLeadingVowelsInStartingSyllable(double) 0.0
...a leading vowel is a sequence OfLeadingVowelIsSequenceInStartingSyllable(double) 0.0