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Guide 1.1.4꞉ Frequencies

kesac edited this page Dec 1, 2023 · 1 revision

Character Frequency

  • Adjusting character frequency helps fine-tune name generator output
  • Increasing a character's weight increases the frequency it appears
  • By default, all characters have the same weight of 1

To adjust a character's weight, call Weight(int) when you declare characters through your SyllableProvider:

var g = new NameGenerator()
        .UsingSyllables(x => x

In this example, the name generator will use vowel a 4 times more likely than an e.


  • Weights are used instead of percentages because it is easier to see ratios between characters
  • If you want to use percentages, just make sure your weights add up to 100
  • For example, if you want vowel a to be chosen 80% of the time and e 20% of the time, set their weights to 80 and 20 respectively