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  • make sure all attributes with a price have a singular and plural defined.
  • missing "each" on the end of the prompt in investments()
  • maint mode should prompt for handle, default to currentloginname, tab-complete.
  • if there are no shipyards, do not allow purchase of ships
  • if there are no stables, do not allow acquiring horse(s)
  • need sawmill to use lumber to build stables, ships, etc
  • palaces
    • player.palaces in 10% increments sometimes
    • other places, you buy a complete palace
    • combat
    • rank
  • change place where main() calls title() so it is after the clear screen / initscreen calls.
  • inputplayername has case sensitive tab complete
  • completer for edit player profile attribute
    • attributes are not shortened like in player.status()
    • can this be done cleanly using readline?
  • timber
  • scratch news
  • bbs edit -> empyre coin exchange rate no longer hard-coded.
  • update adjust() to check for 0 nobles
  • update adjust() to check for not enough nobles w a call to pluralize()
  • adjust() needs serious work re: nobles, soldiers
  • zircon quest repeats blurbs twice
  • fix "You need 26 more coins to purchase a acre" (grammar)
  • You need 1.0 more coin to purchase a bushel (call int())
  • even with more than enough nobles, adjust() constantly defects a bunch of soldiers. when checking, player.nobles has been set to 2, even tho shortly before that, I set the number of nobles to be more than enough for the number of soldiers.
  • player.status()
    • show 'soldiers' in red if it exceeds nobles*20
    • show 'ships' in red if not enough shipyards (10 ships each)
    • show 'horses' in red if not enough stables (50 horses each)
  • You need 29 more coins to purchase a acre
  • adjust(): reduce the number of soldiers until it is under the player.nobles*20 threshhold.
  • replace {reverse} with {bggray}{white} and replace {/reverse} with {/all}
  • You have no soldiers! when plague wipes out 993, player.soldiers=1392
  • harvest(): give serfs all the grain player has
  • adjust(): says 'no soldiers' but soldierpay > 0.
    • soldierpay is calculated based on player.soldiers, player.taxrate, player.combatvictory, and player.palaces.
  • The barbarians will sell their grain to you for 1.0 coin each (floating point price, call int())
  • Your army requires 13,921 bushels this year. Give them how many? 0 (wrong default)
  • add 'your stats' ("Y") to investments()
  • "Your army requires 10,271 bushels this year." input defaults to 0 (wrong).
  • reconsider use of the 'node table' for games. does empyre even need subnodes for anything?
  • when a new player is created calculate rank (currently defaults to None)
  • make sure is set correctly on new player (set to None) (uclug 2021-06-08)
    • player.setattribute() added
    • fixed database empyre.player view to use engine.node instead of a separate table. problem solved.
    • updated
      • set attributes to defaults
      • set and player.attributes["name"] based on inputplayername() result
  • in player.edit(), if t == bool, call ttyio.inputboolean() not ttyio.inputchar() (uclug 2021-06-08)
  • getplayerid(args, playername) returns None or playerid
  • in tourney(), echo the number of acres lost when attacking yourself.
  • check to be sure handling of boolean attributes in player.edit() is correct.
  • use ttyio.inputboolean() instead of ttyio.inputchar() in some places.
  • change inputplayername() to return playername instead of playerid
  • dbh.commit() a new player record.
  • playerid shows up in engine.node, but not empyre.player
  • psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn: column "memberid" does not exist
  • sysop tool to maintain players
  • add index/etc so that duplicate player names (case insensitive) are not allowed across all modules
  • log entries should not show up in a 'select * from empyre.player' query.
  • add 'prg' column to engine.__node to simplify views.
  • add 'memberid' to self.attributes, and attributes->>'memberid' to view.
  • 'prg' attribute causing problems w empyre.player view
  • in maint mode, unable to edit 'name' attribute: 'jonez' is always invalid.
    • fixed by using verifyPlayerNotFound instead of the default verifyPlayerFound
  • when player is edited, make logentries
    • after adding newsentry, return nodeid so subnodes can be made
  • "army requires" -> if player.bushels == 0, show a message, and do not allow entering more bushels than available.
  • set defaults so that a new player can get through the first round wo going bankrupt.
  • fix handling of datelastplayedepoch (call (time.mktime())[]
  • datelastplayedepoch=0 should display None in player.stats()
  • column width of player.status() is not correct when grain > 1000
  • player.setattribute() and player.getattribute() performance
  • !after editing an attribute
    • new value is saved but not displayed
    • reload/update modified player record
    • player.status() looks at player.attributes, which does not get updated by edit()
    • solution was to set player = p if playerid matches
  • in, be verbose about which exception has been raised.
  • use localtime() instead of gmtime() for player.datelastplayed. wrong timezone is displayed.
  • "Your army requires 201 bushels this year, and you have bushels"
  • add call to bbsengine.title() in quests()
  • function empyre.title() -- careful about using 'title' as a local variable in loops (main menu, quests, etc)
  • penalty for starving army
  • penalty for starving horses
  • player.datelastplayed not properly updated (call localtime() instead of gmtime())
  • make default for town() input a "Q"
  • problem with grain calculation -- calculation error swapped "<" with ">" and it's fixed.
  • show player.isdirty() result in bottom bar (setarea())
  • add stables to investments menu (10,000 each)
  • change horsesrequire = random.randint(2, 7) bushels
  • update player.adjust() to free horses when there are not enough stables
    • zircon awards 50 horses wo checking for enough stables
    • zircon should award enough stables, too
  • !after changes to use player.getattribute() and player.setattribute(), empyre no longer starts up
    • thought the problem was that player.getattribute("memberid") was returning more than the "name" key, but that is not it.
    • ultimately, getplayer() is returning the entire attribute dict instead of only the value. misuse of getattribute()?
    • getattribute is working as designed
    • added some ttyio.echo() calls to narrow down problem. "dat" is the correct value (10)
    • it looks like there is a getattribute() call for "memberid" which returned a dict instead of the value, like player.getattribute() does.
    • did a 'select * from empyre.player' and it turns out the memberid attribute has been corrupted.
    • all player attributes are corrupted. player.getattribute() returns a dict, getattr() returns only the value. not wise to make sweeping changes given diff return values.
    • set about updating all calls to player.getattribute() so they handle the dict properly.
    • properly using player.getattribute() may fix another issue with editing attributes.
    • player.status() is broken (too much whitespace). total columns? cosmetic.
    • empyre starts now. have not tried to play a turn.
    • playing through a turn works.
    • player is being saved correctly as a result of going through every call to player.getattribute() and writing code to handle it correctly.
    • solution: player = p
  • when showing how many bushels the horse(s) require, eliminate the number value ("your 1 horse ..." looks wrong)
  • in maint mode, default 'player name' to current player name for edit()
  • in combat, make sure only soldiers w assigned nobles are used (consider 10,000 soldiers for only 2 nobles, win every time wo a limit)
  • after freeing 999 horses, it still calculates bushel requirements
  • horses freed are not saved
  • add more ranks
  • graffiti wall for next player to read
  • where does lumber come from? islands have specific number of trees, after trees are gone, done. no more lumber. plant trees?
  • handle morning, noon, night.
  • seasons
  • fishing for bushels from ships (stigg, ryan)
  • "You need 1 more coin to purchase a bushel" -- add cost per bushel
  • enhance "yearly report" similar to empire deluxe.
  • census report from empire deluxe
  • allow more than one island?
  • allow diff cargo per ship?
  • 50 horses per stable (mdl.emp.delx1.txt)
  • spices are only on the colony or the fleet, not the mainland
  • [-] rename "cannons" -> "canons" and make sure Player can handle it.
  • poll for notifications (combat)
  • "%s mills are overworked!": use bbsengine.pluralize()
  • handle 'breaking even' in P&L
[~/projects/empyre] [8:49pm] [jam@cyclops] % psql zoidweb5
psql (13.3)
Type "help" for help.

[local]:5432 jam@zoidweb5=# select * from empyre.player ;
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type bigint: "{"name": "memberid", "type": "int", "value": 10, "default": 10}"
[~/projects/empyre] [8:01pm] [jam@cyclops] % ./empyre --debug
empyre.main.100: args=Namespace(verbose=False, debug=True, databasename='zoidweb5', databasehost='localhost', databaseport=5432, databaseuser=None, databasepassword=None)

│                                                                                   Empyre                                                                                  │
 database: zoidweb5 host: localhost:5432 
 getcurrentmemberid.100: currentmemberid=10 
 startup.300: currentmemberid=10 
getplayer.100: memberid=10

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/home/jam/projects/empyre/", line 2464, in <module>
  File "/home/jam/projects/empyre/", line 2456, in main
    currentplayer = startup(args)
  File "/home/jam/projects/empyre/", line 1796, in startup
    player = getplayer(args, currentmemberid)
  File "/home/jam/projects/empyre/", line 1763, in getplayer
    cur.execute(sql, dat)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/psycopg2/", line 236, in execute
    return super().execute(query, vars)
psycopg2.errors.InvalidTextRepresentation: invalid input syntax for type bigint: "{"name": "memberid", "type": "int", "value": 10, "default": 10}"
This year's harvest is 9,731 bushels

Your people require 8,841 bushels of grain this year

You have 9,731 bushels and 4,235 coins
grain: [B]uy [S]ell [C]ontinue [E]dit: Continue
Give them how many? 8841

Your army requires 141 bushels this year and you have no bushels.
 armyrequires=141 player.grain=0 
Give them how many? 0
Your army requires 10,271 bushels this year.
Give them how many? 10271
This year's harvest is 26,389 bushels

Your people require 20,281 bushels of grain this year

You have 26,389 bushels and 221,216 coins
grain: [B]uy [S]ell [C]ontinue [E]dit: Continue
Give them how many? 20281
  • make sure the zircon script fails a small part of the time

  • when terminal less than full screen, bottom bar is not updated correctly.

  • horses should require a certain amount of grain per year. penalty if they are not maintained.

  • figure some way to handle multi-player at a time

  • fishing from boats (stigg) 4 bushels per fish?

  • sawmills produce lumber.. where to get trees? (stigg)

  • if horses are given less than the required amount or grain, remove a random amount of them (empire6)

  • island loading dock

  • fishing from boats (stigg)

  • sawmills produce lumber.. where to get trees? (stigg)

    Islands could have forests and import lumber to the mainland. Also, timber is quest 3's prize (pina)

  • if horses are given less than the required amount or grain, remove a random amount of them (empire6)

  • island loading docks

    • grain
    • serfs
    • soldiers
    • horses
    • exports
  • mainland loading dock

    • grain
    • serfs
    • nobles
    • navigators
    • spices
    • soldiers
  • King Lotharon (princess bride)

  • If money coins < 1, skip "You can buy soldiers" prompt.

  • your army requires bushels -- change background color

  • unleash dragon

  • move adjust() to Player

  • reset number of turns when now() is at least 24 hours from last play

  • test endturn (<100 serfs? if so, beheaded)

  • adjust() should not call save()

  • move calculaterank() to Player?

  • display land, grain, etc using locale instead of exponent. 1504224 -> 1,504,224 not 1.5042e+06. cast w int()

    • some attributes (grain, land) are being stored as exponent notation (float)
    • in player.status(), cast attribute values to int so the locales will work
  • make a way to enforce all int attributes to be ints (not floats) so that every usage does not involve calling int()

  • tab-complete of attribute names in edit()

  • edit attribute does not work

  • make sure feeding horses is realistic and adjust harvest to match (mom)

  • add "player status" to maint menu w a prompt for the player

  • if editing a player, check to see if it is current player before player = p

  • in "natural disaster bank", do not prompt if credits < 1

  • finite number of acres in entire game (@since 20220217)

  • finite number of coins in entire game (@since 20220217)

  • implement "sneak attack" (@since 20220217)


  • ryan for 'empire6' (including c64list's labels), valuable variable tracing, and lots of ideas.
  • uclug's June 2021 meeting for help w troubleshooting of the new player problem.
  • stigg for coming up with the name 'empyre' and lots of ideas


quest [123?Q]: 3 -- Seek Arch-Mage Zircon's Help
    Warning: Zircon's help is a gamble!
Your rivals are pressing you hard!  In desperation, you have undertaken a long and dangerous journey.  Now at last you stand before Castle
Dragonmare, the home of Arch-mage Zircon.  It is your hope that you can convince him to help you..

Your rivals are pressing you hard!  In desperation, you have undertaken a long and dangerous journey.  Now at last you stand before Castle
Dragonmare, the home of Arch-mage Zircon.  It is your hope that you can convince him to help you..

Zircon says he must consult the bones...
You are gifted 40,000 bushels, 1,000 serfs, and 10 tons of spices by Arch-Mage Zircon.
Quest Completed.
Not enough nobles!
You have no soldiers!
jonez: dirty. saving.
calling 'tourney'
tourney.100: otherplayer=None

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/home/jam/projects/empyre/", line 2383, in <module>
  File "/home/jam/projects/empyre/", line 2377, in main
    mainmenu(args, currentplayer)
  File "/home/jam/projects/empyre/", line 1702, in mainmenu
    callback(args, player)
  File "/home/jam/projects/empyre/", line 2339, in play
    res = f(args, player)
  File "/home/jam/projects/empyre/", line 140, in tourney
    if otherplayer.nobles < 2:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nobles'
  • tried changing empyre.newsentry and empyre.player to not use the node table
    • thought 'newsentry' would work out ok until I needed an fk to empyre.player which would require a 'materialized view', which means a delay of however often I run a cron to update data.
    • 'player' might be able to stand on it's own, except my code makes use of updatenodeattributes(), and handling the exceptions (lastplayed, name, etc) will confuse the code and make it more difficult to teach.
    • postgresql materialized views
    • in the end, decided that the complexity of the node table is not enough to justify not using it.
    • using engine.node, possible to add notes and other items to a player or newsentry.
  • check if there is a member account for the current username before trying to create a new player (@since 20211216)
  • realtorsadvice(): fix "name 'buf' not defined" (1391) (@since 20211216)
  • news() does not show a timezone, even after calling time.tzset()
  • "You have no stables for 1 horse is, 1 horse is set free." (@since 20211216)
  • use 💰 as needed (@since 20220223)
  • use :sun: and :thunder-cloud-and-rain: (@since 20220224)
  • use maint, set coins to 2000, "sysop options" still shows 0 coins (@since 20220224)
  • when Player is loaded from storage, be sure to set all obj attrs to loaded values so isdirty() is accurate (@since 20220410)
  • make sure datelastplayedepoch is updated properly (@since 20220410)
  • Player
    • when initialized, populated with default values
    • when a player is selected, self.attributes is populated
    • as a result, Player is always "dirty" since it is diff than default values
    • would save a save() if Player was initialized properly on load
    • reload player record after maint of current player (@since 20220522)
  • trade() (@since 20220411)
    • update bottombar after every call so dirty flag is updated (rightbuf) (@since 20220411)
    • do not show player stats after a transaction by default. add 'Y' option to menu (@since 20220412, @done 20220422)
  • gets called in maint mode even if the choice is not to save (@since 20220411)
  • player.revert() builds self.attributes (which is a seq of dicts) values based on Player object attrs (@since 20220411)
  • in player.status(), extend width by 2, result is "lastplayed" vs "lastplay.."
  • if more than one player for given memberid, make sure player name input can deal with empty input (@since 20220422)
  • "other players" list is empty, but shows box chars anyway (@since 20220430 @done 20220430)
    • uses bbsengine.ResultIter()
  • go over every call to bbsengine5.setarea() and set most of them to 'stack=False' (@since 20220511 @done 20220522)
  • if a dragon has been killed, echo diff message based on if it is the only dragon (@since 20220522 @done 20220522)
  • establish /usr/share/empyre/ and put text files related to quests there to start (@since 20220522)
  • keep track of which quests have been completed, date, and a count (@since 20220719)

ttyio.echo("{bggray}{white}[1]{/bgcolor} {green}Raid the Pirates Camp") ttyio.echo("{bggray}{white}[2]{/bgcolor} {green}Mystery of the Haunted Cave") ttyio.echo("{bggray}{white}[3]{/bgcolor} {green}Rescue the Maiden's Sister") ttyio.echo("{bggray}{white}[4]{/bgcolor} {green}The Quest of the Gods") ttyio.echo("{bggray}{white}[5]{/bgcolor} {green}Eradicate the Evil Cult") ttyio.echo("{bggray}{white}[6]{/bgcolor} {green}Search for the Island of Spice") ttyio.echo("{bggray}{white}[7]{/bgcolor} {green}Quest for the Legendary Bird City") ttyio.echo("{bggray}{white}[8]{/bgcolor} {green}Look for the Mountain Side Ship") ttyio.echo("{bggray}{white}[9]{/bgcolor} {green}Seek Arch-Mage Zircon's Help {yellow}Warning: Zircon's Help is a {blink}GAMBLE{/blink}") ttyio.echo("{/all}")

    if ch == "1":
        if isquestcompleted() is True:

ttyio.echo("""Your invasion is swift and merciless and the pirate camp is soon under your control. Flushed with victory, your band counts the treasure which you have received. You gain 30,000 coins!{F6:2}""")

            bbsengine.filedisplay(args, "data/quests/raidpiratecamp-win.txt")
            player.coins += 30000
            newsentry(args, player, "You win quest #1: raid pirate camp - %s" % (bbsengine.pluralize(30000, "coin", "coins")))
    elif ch == "2":
        ttyio.echo(quests[1][0], level="debug")
        ttyio.echo(quests[1][1], level="debug")
        bbsengine.filedisplay(args, "data/quests/hauntedcave-win.txt")


#With the need for good horses, and also having heard of wild horses in the mountains, you set out with some of your Nobles to try to find them.{F6:2} #Questioning the people you meet you discover that the horses have been seen near a haunted cave. Not believing in ghosts, you head for the location.{F6:2} #Finally, you find the cave, seeing one of the horses entering it. Quietly you and your men approach the cave. You are within a hundred yards when you hear some spooky sounds coming from it.{F6:2} #Determined to discover the secret of the sounds, you advance toward the cave. Upon reaching the cave's entrance, you see daylight quite far back. Boldly entering, you discover a tunnel through a mountain. The tunnel distorted the sounds you heard, producing the "ghostly" manifestations!{F6:2} #There is a hidden valley on the other end of the tunnel. In the valley you find a herd of horses.{F6:2} #You gain 30 horses!{F6:2} #""") if isquestcompleted() is True: ttyio.echo("You win quest #2: haunted cave - 30 horses") player.horses += 30 # x(23) elif ch == "3": ttyio.echo(""" You are in need of timber for your forts and ships. Your land is well-suited for growing grain, but you have very little timber.{F6:2} So, at last you decide if your empire is to survive, you must find a source of timber. Discussing this with your Nobles, you decide to lead an expedition into the mountains. Though most of the trees are bent from the high winds, you have heard of a small valley, with good timber.{F6:2} You and your men have been searching for some weeks, when you come upon a young woman. She is in tears, explaining that a band of brigands had captured her and her sister. They were being used as slave labor at the brigands' camp. She further explains she managed to slip away, and begs you to come and free her sister.{F6:2} Considering that these brigands may some day become a threat to your land, you agree.{F6:2} """) if isquestcompleted() is True: ttyio.echo("""So it was that when you and your men came upon the brigands, you were prepared to fight. The brigands, believing themselves safe, were caught off guard.{F6:2} Your seasoned troops make quick work of the task. But you have found something more. The brigands' camp is in a small valley with good timber! You gain 15 tons of timber!""") player.timber += 15 # x(16) else: ttyio.echo("Your soldiers were not properly prepared, and they retreat before completing the quest.") elif ch == "4": ttyio.echo("You win quest #4: 30,000 grain") player.grain += 30000 elif ch == "5": ttyio.echo("You win quest #5: 4,000 acres") player.acres += 4000 elif ch == "6": ttyio.echo("You win quest #6: 20 tons of spices") player.spices += 20 # x(25) elif ch == "7": ttyio.echo("You win quest #7: 4 nobles") player.nobles += 4 # x(6) elif ch == "8": ttyio.echo("You win quest #8: 6 cannons") player.cannons += 6 # x(14)

tho per the instructions, you automagically get enough navigators where would you recruit navigators? maybe at the dry dock? Pinacolada64 — Today at 10:54 PM The Seaman's Union. :> We have a lot of port/dock stuff here in Tacoma. It's a huge shipping point. There are longshoreman unions and stuff. jam — Today at 10:55 PM hmm Pinacolada64 — Today at 10:55 PM point to consider? :> jam — Today at 10:55 PM indeed

  • trap INTR/EOF when ship(s) are docked, reset so docks are free (@since 20220810)
  • Ship
  • Port
  • make _version a resource instead of using a py file
  • handle beheading properly (@since 20220829)
  • handle "no nobles" in zircon-fail.txt (@since 20220829)
  • python -m empyre works, but running from letteredolive does not (@since 20220828 @done 20220829)


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