次々と出現するパネルを上手に置いて、得点を競いましょう!! 道を繋いで、森を広げて、教会を建てて...目指せ世界一!!
"You make a country as a prince candidate, the time limit is 90 seconds."
Let's make your own country by combining panels that appear one after another!! City, church, vast forest ... What country would you like to make?
- VisualStudio2017
- Xcode10.1
- Cinder 0.9.1を用意
- boost 1.67.0 と glmをCinderのフォルダ内にコピー
- Cinder 0.9.1のライブラリと同じ場所にプロジェクトののフォルダを配置します。
- Let's build!!
License All source code files are licensed under the MPLv2.0 license