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Storage and Message Structures

webbhm edited this page Oct 2, 2018 · 5 revisions

Data Structures

All data is considered to be an event - something with a timestamp associated with it. All records have the following common attributes:

  • Timestamp - when the event occurred. This is normally standardized to Greenwich Mean Time (UTM or GTM)
  • MVP - a unique identifier to associated this data record with a particular MVP
  • Subject - what this event is about, the plant, air or nutrients
  • Attribute - what is being measured (temperature, humidity, plant height). Associated with the attribute is the value of the measurement, and the units in which the measurement was taken.
  • Status - status of the activity, whether is it an ongoing event that is in process, or completed. On completion there is a status qualifier indicating if the activity was a success or failure (or was canceled). There can be more details to the status explaining why it failed, and optional comments.
  • Participant - who or what made the observation. This is the name of the device sensor, or a person.

There are currently four patterns of data structures:

  • Environmental Observations
  • State Change
  • Phenotype Observations
  • Agronomic Activity

Environmental Observations

The scope is the whole box. The activity is the process of observing and recording something about the environment. These cover sensor readings of the environment (Air temperature, CO2 concentration). These records do not apply to any individual plant, but to the whole environment. The subject of these records have an additional location attribute - so you can tell the difference between the temperature at the top of the chamber, and the temperature in the leaf canopy. The structure of the Environmental Observations is also used for Device State records (whether the lights are on or off).

State Change

The scope is the whole box. The activity is a device (actuator) reporting a change in its state: turn lights on, turn fan off.

Phenotype Observations

The scope is an individual plant. The activity is the observing and recording something about the plant. This is the valuable information that is needed for analytics, it tells us how well we grew the plants and how they respond to the environment. These records have an experiment id associated with them. In addition to records about the plants (height, width, weight).

Agronomic Activity

The scope is a trial, a group of plants. This is a set of sub-activities, actions done to the plants or the substrate (soil or reservoir). Examples are actions like planting, watering, pruning or harvest.


A trial is the high level event that encompasses all the above activities from its start to finish.


An experiment is not recorded in the database (at this time) as it is not something done with the MVP, but something done with the data created out of running trials. It is the activity of performing analytics, comparing two or more trial results against each other.

Example Records

Environmental Observation - csv format

activity_type start_time field_uuid subject subject_location attribute Value Participant_Id Participant_Type Status Status_qualifier Comment

Environmental_Observation 01/14/18 b8:27:eb:9b:15:1e Nutrient Reservoir pH 5 hmw Person Complete Success may be off due to hot water

Environmental_Observation 01/14/18 b8:27:eb:9b:15:1e Nutrient Reservoir pH 4.5 hmw Person Complete Success may be off due to hot water

Environmental_Observation 01/14/18 b8:27:eb:9b:15:1e Nutrient Reservoir EC 2140 hmw Person Complete Success may be off due to hot water

Environmental_Observation 01/14/18 b8:27:eb:9b:15:1e Nutrient Reservoir EC 2230 hmw Person Complete Success may be off due to hot water

Environmental Observation - JSON format

{ "_id": "010cc0a2e62e5119ead9b176ab000184", "_rev": "1-328bf48fad956d0b3637aca90b8e00f9", "status": { "status": "Complete", "status_qualifier_reason": "", "comment": "", "status_qualifier": "Success" }, "participant": { "type": "Device", "name": "SI7021" }, "field": { "uuid": "8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400" }, "activity_type": "Environmental_Observation", "start_date": { "timestamp": "2018-04-26 13:40:03" }, "subject": { "attribute": { "units": "Cenitgrade", "name": "Temperature", "value": "26.8" }, "name": "Air", "location": { "name": "Left_Side" } } }

State Chanage Example

{ "_id": "10793268116bce2bcec946e5430008cc", "_rev": "1-b44f24b6f58cd400768979359253f509", "status": { "status": "Complete", "status_qualifier_reason": "", "comment": "", "status_qualifier": "Success" }, "participant": { "type": "Person", "name": "Solenoid" }, "field": { "uuid": "8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400" }, "activity_type": "State_Change", "start_date": { "timestamp": "2018-04-25 13:17:18" }, "subject": { "attribute": { "units": "on/off", "name": "State", "value": "Closed" }, "name": "Solenoid", "location": { "name": "Reservoir" } } }

Phenotype Observation - csv format

activity_type Timestamp Experiment_Week field_uuid Trial Plot_Id Subject Attribute Value Participant_Id Participant_Type Status Status_qualifier`

Phenotype_Observation 2018/03/26 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 1 Plant Germination TRUE hmw Person Complete Success`

Phenotype_Observation 2018/03/26 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 2 Plant Germination TRUE Participant_Id Participant_Type Status Status_qualifier`

Phenotype_Observation 2018/03/26 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 3 Plant Germination TRUE hmw Person Complete Success`

Phenotype_Observation 2018/03/26 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 5 Plant Germination TRUE Participant_Id Participant_Type Status Status_qualifier`

Agronomic Activity variation

activity_type timestamp field_uuid trial_uuid Plot_id Subject attribute value participant_Id participant_type status status_qualifier comment

Plant 03/21/18 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 1 Seed Count 2 hmw Person Complete Success Livingston Seed, Royal Red Lettuce. Started in rockwool

Plant 03/21/18 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 2 Seed Count 2 hmw Person Complete Success Livingston Seed, Royal Red Lettuce. Started in rockwool

Plant 03/21/18 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 3 Seed Count 2 hmw Person Complete Success Livingston Seed, Royal Red Lettuce. Started in rockwool

Plant 03/21/18 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 4 Seed Count 2 hmw Person Complete Success Livingston Seed, Royal Red Lettuce. Started in rockwool

Plant 03/21/18 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 5 Seed Count 2 hmw Person Complete Success Livingston Seed, Royal Red Lettuce. Started in rockwool

Plant 03/21/18 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 6 Seed Count 2 hmw Person Complete Success Livingston Seed, Royal Red Lettuce. Started in rockwool

Treatment 01/10/18 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad Nutrient Volume 500 hmw Person Complete Success 6 drops General Hydroponics Rapid Start

Thin 03/28/18 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 1 Plant Thin 1 hmw Person Complete Success Livingston Seed, Royal Red Lettuce. Started in rockwool

Thin 03/28/18 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 2 Plant Thin 1 hmw Person Complete Success Livingston Seed, Royal Red Lettuce. Started in rockwool

Thin 03/28/18 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 3 Plant Thin 1 hmw Person Complete Success Livingston Seed, Royal Red Lettuce. Started in rockwool

Thin 03/28/18 8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400 d3ca243b-2740-4557-87f9-c07be9d929ad 5 Plant Thin 1 hmw Person Complete Success Livingston Seed, Royal Red Lettuce. Started in rockwool

Phenotype Observation - JSON format

{ "_id": "7dea0fbf14174980b1b936b775396418", "_rev": "1-67a391bb83e4a8bb21693ad803226103", "status": { "status": "Complete", "status_qualifier": "Success" }, "participant": { "type": "person", "name": "hmw" }, "field": { "uuid": "8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400" }, "location": { "field": "8e89e414-0181-440a-9170-702434c8f400", "plot": "1", "trial": "1" }, "activity_type": "Phenotype_Observation", "start_date": { "timestamp": "01/14/18 12:00 AM" }, "subject": { "attribute": { "units": "", "name": "Germination", "value": "TRUE" }, "name": "Plant" } }

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