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dernasherbrezon edited this page Sep 11, 2017 · 2 revisions

If your RPi attached to the home router or any other device behind NAT, then you won't be able to access it from the internet. To solve this, you need to configure dynamic DNS (DDNS) either on router or in r2cloud.

Here is the links on how to configure DDNS on various routers:

If you have Apple or any other device, which doesn't support DDNS, then you could configure it directly in r2cloud.

  1. Login and open "Configuration" menu
  2. Select tab "DDNS" DDNS tab
  3. Select DDNS provider. Currently supported noip
  4. Fill in username/login and password
  5. Fill in domain name. This domain name should be already registered in DDNS provider
  6. Save
  7. Check if r2cloud now reachable using the configured domain name
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