Teach about mental health, stress and coping.
TBA - XR Device
Adventure Game - Game Based Learning Experience
in progress
An invention to make stress tangible for balancing societies ills, takes a turn for the worst when the system deemed to contain such stress overloads and blows up. Now your job is to help decontaminate the City of Eustress from all the excess stress by doing your own coping, helping others, and finding out what caused the stress overload. Through this virtual reality experience, you explore environments, mini games and learn to appreciate the importance of coping.
Through an entire gaze selection process, player completes different task to obtain coping skills, explore new environments, and investigate new topics. During this time player looses Resiliency Points from time playing, failing task and injuries, which motivates player to practice coping skills through an in game computer tab to regain such resiliency. There are over 14 distinct task and mini games with their own unique mechanics.