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Clément Gallet edited this page Jul 12, 2014 · 3 revisions

Changes to a new monster formation. The purpose of the 1st byte ($B6) is unknown, it seems to cause glitches if it's not 0. The second byte ($B8) and last 7 bits of third byte ($B9) are which formation to change to. The first bit of last byte determines if the monsters should get Max HP or not. If it's 1, then the monsters get max HP. If it's 0, then monsters retain HP and max HP from current formation.

Here is the list of writes in $B8 and $B9 until battle formation is computed (in C2/5072):

$C2/031C 64 B8       STZ $B8    [$00:00B8]   A:0021 X:0000 Y:000C P:envMXdIzc
$C2/031E 64 B9       STZ $B9    [$00:00B9]   A:0021 X:0000 Y:000C P:envMXdIzc
$C2/035F 85 B8       STA $B8    [$00:00B8]   A:0001 X:0000 Y:00FE P:envmXdIzc
$C2/027C 85 B8       STA $B8    [$00:00B8]   A:0001 X:0000 Y:00FE P:envmXdIzC
$C2/5072 A5 B8       LDA $B8    [$00:00B8]   A:FF40 X:0040 Y:0000 P:envMXdIzc

$B8-$B9 is set up from $3520,Y-$3521,Y which comes from $3F22-3F23 which comes from $3A30-$3A31 which comes from $B8-$B9 for the previous spell.

The structure of $B8-$B9 is probably: Bit n of $B8 is set if character in slot n is targeted; bit n of $B9 is set if enemy in slot n is targeted.

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