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Configure CxLogOutput

Nathan Leach edited this page Dec 18, 2020 · 1 revision

Logging Output Component Configuration

This configuration is only relevant if OutputFactoryClassPath="CxAnalytix.Out.Log4NetOutput.LoggerOutFactory, Log4NetOutput" appears in your configuration file.


The application runs a background process that periodically checks for files that have no been modified for at least DataRetentionDays recursively from the folder specified in OutputRoot. Files that have not been modified for longer than the DataRetentionDays attribute value will be purged.

The PurgeSpecs element allows for multiple file specifications for checking last modification date. Each spec element with the associated MatchSpec attribute can specify a file wildcard for matching files to check for age.

  <CxLogOutput DataRetentionDays="14" OutputRoot="logs\">
      <spec MatchSpec="*.log.*" />