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Configure App.config

Nathan Leach edited this page May 21, 2021 · 13 revisions

An example XML configuration file is shown below. The configuration element contains sub-elements that contain the configuration attributes. These sections are described below:

  • configSections: This is a .Net internal configuration that should not be modified. When upgrading to a new version of CxAnalytix, it is a good idea to compare this section with the XML configuration file that is provided with the new version. The section from the new version is generally safe to merge with the same section in an existing XML configuration file. Failure to do so may result in the inability to read new configuration options.
  • CxConnection: The server connection configuration.
  • CxCredentials: Credentials used when connecting the the web api.
  • CxAnalyticsService: Controls how the program executes.
  • ProjectFilterRegex: Configure filtering to limit the projects that are crawled by Team and/or Project filtering regular expressions. (version >= 1.2.3)
  • CxLogOutput: Configuration for the Logging Output component.
  • CxMongoOutput: Configuration for the MongoDB Output component.
  • CxMongoConnection: Configure the connection for MongoDB.
  • AMQPConnection: Configuration for AMQP endpoint connections.
  • AMQPConfig: Configuration for AMQP record handling.
  • CxDB: Configuration for the CxSAST audit database connection.
  • CxAuditTrailRecords: The audit trail record name mapping for logger definitions or Mongo collections.
  • CxAuditTrailSupressions: Configuration to suppress crawling of selected audit records.

Please refer to the default application configuration file to for examples of the application configuration.