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User Stories and Acceptance Criteria

Behiye Avci edited this page Mar 15, 2016 · 2 revisions

Vegetarian / Special Diets

  • As a vegetarian/allergic person I want to have a filter the foods based on my preferences so that I can easily find restaurants which do not brake my nutritional habit.

  • There shall be a warning if a meal does not fit my diet

  • A search shall return appropriate meals in a distance I specify

  • As a person on paleo diet, I want to see where can I eat eggs, fish and veggies on campus so that I will not break my diet by consuming processed foods.

  • As a vegetarian, I want to attach priority to b12 and protein rich foods so that I can see these foods on top when I enter a food server's profile.

  • There shall be vitamin b12 and protein filter.

  • These filters shall also have 'minimum nutrient amount' adjustment.

  • As a person on a rare special diet, I want to prescribe my diet and add among other special diets so that people can view and start my diet.

  • Diet type should be indicated by time period(daily, weekly or monthly).

  • Diets should be consisted of exactly three main meals.

Fit Person

  • As a fit person I want an app that allows me to find nutritional information of food so that I can choose my meals according to my diet.

  • Number of information entries should not exceed 10.

  • Each information entry should not exceed 140 characters.

  • As a fit person I want an app that lets me filter food around me by calories and percentage of fat so that I can avoid high calorie meals.

  • As a fit person, I want to see how many miles of running and swimming it takes to burn calories that I have just consumed which is calculated according to my pace and weight so that I can reconsider my preferences.

  • Running and swimming symbols should be smaller than the food picture.

  • The shown miles font size should be similar with the running and swimming symbols.


  • As an athlete, I want to see the detailed list of ingredients ( especially fat, carbs and protein amounts) of foods on campus so that it will not disturb my balance.

  • As an athlete, I want to keep a log of my meals and weekly calorie intake so that I can evaluate my diet with my nutritionist.


  • As a foodie I want to comment and rate food/servers and keep them at my profile page so that I can give information about foods/servers to my followers.

  • As a foodie I want to be a regular customer of restaurants when I rate/comment a restaurant's at least 20 different meals so that I can get special offers from that restaurant.

    • There shall be the list of regular food servers at consumer's profile.
    • There shall be special offer alert to keep consumer informed about offers simultaneously.


  • As a pregnant woman, I want to see the ingredient of foods at restaurants so that I can find restaurants which serve foods contains more nutritious foods easily.

  • As a pregnant woman I want to be able to reach the menus of places around me so that I can find a food I crave.


  • As a person who has gluten intolerance, I want to see appropriate foods ( more veggies, fruits and meat ) for me so that I will not experience an adverse reaction.

  • As an allergic person i want to send a warning to server so that that my server or chef is aware that i absolutely can't eat the food i am allergic to, and i need to be completely certain that the meal i order doesn't contain it.

  • As an allergic person, I want a publicly open eating log so that in case of my being unconscious doctors can check against possible allergens in my log.

  • The log entry should contain the posted time.

  • Number of logs per page is 10.

Fat Guy

  • As a fat guy, I want to know the calorie of foods, so that I can apply my diet program accordingly.

  • As a fat guy, I want to search the foods which are in my diet program, so that I can find the restaurants containing them around me easily.

  • As a fat guy, I want to set a calorie threshold that gives a warning when I exceed so that I will be sure I do not go off the diet.


  • As a meat lover I want to see the highest rated steakhouses around me so that I can taste the best meat foods.

  • As a meat lover I want to get recommendations about meat restaurants around so that I can get help about where to eat when I can not decide.

Social Media Addict

  • As a social media addict, I want to share the meals I have with people around me so that they know what I like and will be able to interact with me.

  • As a social media addict, I want to tag my friends so that people can see whom I am with.

  • As a social media addict, I want to comment about meals so that people can see what I think about them.

  • Comment length cannot exceed 140 characters.

  • As a social media addict, I want to follow other people so that I can know what they like.

Food Server

  • As a food server, I want to see the ratings and comments of the foods at the menu so that I can remove the foods with lowest rates from the menu or advertise the foods with highest rates.

  • Rating should be shown with a decimal showing one precision.

  • As a food server, I want to see the highest ranked foods of regular customer so that I can recommend them foods based on their taste.

  • There shall be a regular customer parts at food server's profile.

  • There shall be a functionality which returns the foods with similar ingredients at food server's menu.

  • As a food server, I want to share menu with people so that they look at it online.

PS: You can find a good explanation about user stories and acceptance criteria at this [link] (****

Team Members:

#Project: #

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  • [API Docs](API Docs)
  • Plan
  • Themes/Features
  • Personas
  • [User Stories](User Stories and Acceptance Criteria)
  • [Domain Analysis](Domain Analysis)
  • [Responsibility Assignment Matrix](Responsibility Assignment Matrix)
  • [Project Communication Plan](Project Communication Plan)
  • [Test Cases](Test Cases)
  • [Setting Development Environment](Setting Development Environment)

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  • [Use Cases and Use Case Diagram](Use Cases)
  • [Use Case Drafts](Use Case Drafts)
  • [Class Diagram](Class Diagram)
  • [Activity Diagram](Activity Diagram)
  • [Sequence Diagrams](Sequence Diagrams)

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  • [Web Mockups](Web Mockups)
  • [Mobile Mockups](Mobile Mockups)

#Meetings: # Spring Semester

#Milestones: # Spring Semester

  • [Milestone-1 Report](Milestone-1 Report)

      Fall Semester
  • [Milestone-1 Report](Milestone-2 Report)

  • [Milestone-2 Report](Milestone-3 Report)

  • [Milestone-3 Report](Milestone-4 Report)

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