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sinemdalkilic edited this page Mar 20, 2016 · 34 revisions


-Katy Perl-

Katy is an American singer and actress. Now she is 31 and she rose to fame with the single "I kissed a Girl" when she was 24. She enjoys travelling, rafting and climbing. She has a boyfriend who is Murat Özçivit from Turkey and she spends her holidays in Turkey. She heard a lot the reputation of Turkish kebab but there is a problem for her. She is vegetarian and she should eat only vegan foods. So she needs a guide which shows the best vegetarian foods and the details of Turkish foods in terms of calories.Also she is a very popular actress around the world, so she wants to share what she eats and at which restaurant she eats on social media.


-Egemen Can GÖK-

Egemen is a 21 years old MIS student at Bogazici University. He is also a sailor athlete since 2007 and now he prepares for Rio Olympics 2016. He is aware of that how much fitness affects his techniques on boat so he tries to improve his balance, strength, speed, endurance and quick decision making skills with an intense training routine. He goes to gym for weight lifting workouts, runs 5-10 miles, swims, rides bicycle.

Besides his busy training schedule, he tries to catch up his classes. Hence, he spends a lot of time on campus. His nutritionist gave him a weekly diet plan and Egemen needs to lose couple of pounds and gain more muscles. If he cannot prepare his meals, he must go to restaurants on campus. He thinks that tracking each meal and calculating carb, fat and protein intake is very hard and time-consuming. He wants to see which restaurants serve the most healthy meals. Further, he wants to see macro and micronutrient percentages and quantities of a meal and keep a log of each meal he eats easily on a platform. He has a daily calorie restriction as well, therefore he wants to arrange his meals accordingly.


-Vedat Milor-

He is 61 years old. He received his bachelor degree in Economics at Bogazici University and doctoral degree in Sociology at University of California. After he worked as a professor at several universities in USA, he came back Turkey in 2005.

He works as a food and wine critic after coming back Turkey. He has a TV show called "Vedat Milör'le Tadı Damağımda" on NTV. In this show, he goes to several restaurants and taste some foods and wine, and evaluate them. He also has a column at "Milliyet". This is also about food and wine evaluation of restaurants.

Now, he also wants to find restaurants easily for his TV show based on ingredient and also rate and comment about food and share these comments and rates at social media so that his followers can reach his recommendations. Also, he would like to know calories of foods at the restaurants so that not only he can prevent taking excessive calories but also give more information about the food to his followers simultaneously at his show.



She is 24 years old. She is married after she graduated from Bogazici University. She likes children and wants to be a mother so much. Now, she is pregnant for 2 months. Because of this, she needs to think about what she eats not only for herself but also for her baby.

First, when she goes to meet with her friends who study MS degree in Bogazici University, she worries about her nutrition because she isn’t sure about food served in restaurants near the university. She thinks that if she knows the ingredients, she feels better when she is having food because she can find more nutritious and healthy ones. It is beneficial for her baby and herself.

Second, Aliye cares about her mineral and vitamin levels because she knows that she needs more calcium, iron and vitamins in the time of pregnancy. So, in addition to wanting to know the ingredients, she also wants to know micronutrients in the served food.

Last but not least, when Aliye gets a craving food at the time of meeting with her friends, her friends want to help her find the most appropriate and healthy food she desires.



Zeynep is 20 months old. She is quite energetic. She loves to go to playground and play with her friends. To obtain her energy back, she has to eat properly. Luckily she has no distaste and enjoys eating.

Her mother has an allergy aganist walnut, therefore she took Zeynep to allergy-immunology clinic. Tests showed Zeynep has nut allergy including almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts. Couple of months later further tests showed she cannot eat peaches, grapes, parsley and almost all tropical fruits. Later, she became allergic to cosmetics which means her mother has to be more careful, new allergens are springing.

Her mother takes note of everything Zeynep eats, and always asks ingredients when they eat out. She wants to pass this habit to Zeynep, but she is afraid of Zeynep's being inattentive when she grow up. For this reason she wants a platform that restaurants add ingredients and possible allergens in foods they serve. In case of emergency, she wants Zeynep's previous meals history can be easily reachable, so that she or a healthcare professional doctor Zeynep up.

Fat Guy


Kemal is a 25 years old WLL student at Boğaziçi university. He enjoys watching football, playing FM, eating and travelling.But he does not like playing football. He stays at college dorm so he does not have cooking facilities.He is already clumsy about it.Everything in the garden is rosy for him except one thing. He is roughly 120 kilos and wants to lose weight.

Firstly, he went to a dietician and had a diet plan. He must obey the diet plan otherwise he can not lose weight. So it is important to know what he eats, there are how much calories in the food he eats. As I said, he stays at dorm and he is obligatory to choose school cafeteria or any restaurant for eating something.

Secondly, he wants to know which restaurant serves the most suitable foods for his diet plan.He also wants to know which food contains how many calories. Becasue there is a daily calorie restriction for him and he should not exceed the daily calorie limit.It is very crucial for his diet program.

Lastly, I hope he can follow the diet program and lose weight to be more healthy.

Social Media Addict


Ecemsu is a female university student at Boğaziçi University. She enjoys travelling, shopping and spending time with her friends. She's a quite active social media user and shares moments of her life on internet so that she can show her friends and people around her what she is up to right now and what she enjoys doing. She always has her smartphone in her hand either texting, exploring her social media timeline or chatting with friends as long as her battery life allows her. Around 6-7 hours a day she spends time on social media. She likes being appreciated and interacted through likes or comments.

Ecemsu would like to have a platform where she can share what food she eats or likes and interact with her friends. She doesn't want to miss out the chance to post media online especially when she's eating a 'cool' meal. She would prefer a simple interface that lets her easily share as she's been busy with several social apps.

Food Server

-Arda Türkmen-

Arda is 41 years old. He graduated from Bilgi University with double major on Management and Performing Arts Management. He organized many events while studying. During these events he focused on food and drinks. Cooking was a hobby for him at these years, later it becames job for him.

In 2003, he founded a catering firm named ‘Roka’ and he served food and drink to many well-known singers and artists during their visits to Turkey. In 2008, he founds a restaurant named ‘Leblon’ and started serving food. He is now also making a TV show named ‘Arda’nın Mutfağı’ on TV8 as a chef.

He wants to share his recipes and some information about them like ingredients or calories with people and get feedback about them as rating or comment. He also wants to search other recipes in order to extend his knowledge and extend his restaurant’s menu.

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