Relational-RfD-Net: A Semantic Instance Reconstruction framework using Attention
[Ingo Blakowski], [Trung Quoc Nguyen]
Ground-truth | Prediction (RfD) | Prediction (Relational-RfD) |
To set up the project please refer to the of the original RfDNet in this project folder. There you can also see the basic commands to train and test the models.
To control the training and testing the configuration files (see 'configs/config_files/****.yaml') are used.
Set before proposal generation MLP (before_prop_gen: True)
Or/and set after proposal generation MLP (after_prop_gen: False):
self_attention: appearance_feature_dim: 128 before_prop_gen: True after_prop_gen: False
- Use GT (use_gt_boxsize: True) or predicted (use_gt_boxsize: False) box size.
- Compute either two box losses before and after the relation module (compute_two_losses: True) or only one box loss after the relation module (compute_two_losses: False).
relation_module: use_relation: False method: RelationalProposalModule loss: Null use_gt_boxsize: True compute_two_losses: False #use_learned_pos_embed: False n_relations: 8 #4 appearance_feature_dim: 768 #384 key_feature_dim: 96 geo_feature_dim: 96 isDuplication: False