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Toolkit Initialization
To initialize bbUI you need to call the bb.init() function before you start loading UI elements into your application. THIS IS MANDITORY The bb.int() function takes one parameter which is a JavaScript object containing any of the options you wish to override. If you want to simply use the default configuration call the initialization function with no parameters bb.init().
The easiest and simplest way to initialize your application with bbUI is shown in the following code. The code assumes that you are using the webworks-a.b.c.d.js file supplied with the BlackBerry 10 WebWorks SDK. This webworks.js file can be used and included in your application on BB5/6/7/PlayBook/10 projects. By including this file it will ensure that the webworksready event will fire for all platforms. This ensures that the entire WebWorks framework is loaded before opening your first screen.
More information on application structure and pushing screens can be found here
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bbui-0.9.4.css"></link>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bbui-0.9.4.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/webworks-"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('webworksready', function(e) {
// Open our first screen
bb.pushScreen('firstScreen.htm', 'firstScreen');
}, false);
The default values of the options which can be overriden are:
onbackkey: null, // Custom handler for back key on BlackBerry 5/6/7 smartphones
onscreenready: null, // Manipulate your screen before it's inserted into the DOM
ondomready: null, // Manipulate your screen after it's inserted into the DOM
actionBarDark: true, // If set to true, the action bar will use the dark theme
controlsDark: false, // If set to true, the controls will use the dark theme
listsDark: false, // If set to true, lists will use the dark theme (you need a dark background)
highlightColor: '#00A8DF', // A highlight color to use when a user selects an item
bb10ForPlayBook: false // If set to true, PlayBook will be considered a BB10 device
Here's an example of what an bb.init() call may look like with some overriden values:
bb.init({actionBarDark: true, controlsDark: true, listsDark: false, bb10ForPlayBook: true});
You can be notified when your screen, and all associated <script> tags, are loaded and ready for manipulation before styling is applied using the onscreenready event. The screen is still not contained in the DOM of the page at this point, but can be manipulated to modify its contents before the bbUI styling is applied. This allows you to perform your data manipulation before the screen has been displayed to the user and minimizes rendering engine layouts which are very expensive.
NOTE: If you are using jQuery to select DOM elements to manipulate, you must wait until after the ondomready event fires
You can also be notified when your screen, and all associated <script> tags, have been inserted into the DOM using the ondomready event. This allows you to perform your data manipulation after the screen has been displayed to the user.
When using ondomready, you need to understand that there are situations where you need to use this, but it will come with a performance hit. By manipulating the content of the screen after it is loaded into the DOM your user interface performance will be impacted.
To subscribe to this event simply assign a function to the onscreenready parameter of the init function. The function will be called with the DOM element of your screen, and the id you have specified for that screen so that you can apply any screen specific changes.
Since all of the script files for the specific screen are loaded before the onscreenready or ondomready events are fired, you can place all your screen specific logic in those files and only have one onscreenready and ondomready global handler to act as the "traffic cop".
When either the onscreenready or ondomready events fire, they will be passed three parameters:
- The DOMElement of the screen which was loaded
- The id of the screen which the the DOMElement belongs
- The optional params object passed into the bb.pushScreen() function
The getElementById() function has been added to the element object that is passed into onscreenready and ondomready events so that you can manipulate the DOM of the element passed into the event.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bbui-0.9.4.css"></link>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bbui-0.9.4.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/webworks-"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('webworksready', function(e) {
bb.init({onscreenready : function(element, id, params) {
if (id == 'menu') {
doMenuLoadingBeforeInsert(element, params);
ondomready: function(element, id) {
if (id == 'menu') {
doMenuLoadingAfterInsert(element, params);
// Open our first screen
bb.pushScreen('menu.htm', 'menu');
}, false);
NOTE: These changes are in the "next" branch and will be included in the upcoming release of v0.9.5
If you would like to have colored title bars based on the highlightColor property passed into bb.init() you can specify coloredTitleBar:true in the bb.init() function. By default coloredTitleBar is set to false.
bb.init({coloredTitleBar: true});