Releases: bcgov/lear
Lear 2.133.0
Release ticket: #24408
Release report: Entities Sprint 23.3b Release
What's Changed
- 23958 outputs effective date issue by @kzdev420 in #3067
- 24013 - FE Incorporation Application Output Updates by @eason-pan-bc in #3068
- 24085 alteration BC to ULC fee code by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3070
- 23872 receipt outputs hide temp number by @kzdev420 in #3069
- 24041 Fix alteration of company type issues by @leodube-aot in #3071
- 24321 - Add debug logging info by @AimeeGao in #3072
- 24318 - fix missing voluntary dissolution pdf in email attachment by @eason-pan-bc in #3073
- 24390 colin sync currency mapping for share structure by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3074
- 24395-24396-24397 party sync fixes by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3075
- 24295 - Freeze all corporations when synchronizing to COLIN by @ketaki-deodhar in #3076
- 24408 Bump version numbers up for release 23.3b by @leodube-aot in #3079
Full Changelog: 2.132.0...2.133.0
Lear v2.132.0
Release ticket: #24287
Release report: Entities Sprint 23.3a Release
What's Changed
- 20908 Update corp data migration pipeline to work with prefect 3 and get things working again with IAs and ARs by @argush3 in #3040
- Fix 24073 - validate date and handle time offset by @ArwenQin in #3050
- 23938 - remove document paper size by @ketaki-deodhar in #3055
- 23744 Script to delete migrated data by @chenhongjing in #3042
- 24153 fixes in colin sync by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3057
- 24164 Update legacy database extract script by @chenhongjing in #3058
- 24131 - Fix Director Change Output by @ArwenQin in #3059
- 24121 colin sync for correction filing (1 to many) by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3060
- 23872 replace_temp_identfier_to_pending_outputs by @kzdev420 in #3056
- 24121 fix unhandled error by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3061
- 24121 additional log by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3062
- bumped version numbers up for release 23.3a by @JazzarKarim in #3064
- 24121 exception handling for unexpected data by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3065
- 24121 change order of colin sync by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3066
Full Changelog: 2.131.0...2.132.0
LEAR 2.131.0
Release ticket: #23844
Release report: Entities Sprint 23.2b Release
What's Changed
- 23563 - update review endpoint by @ketaki-deodhar in #3029
- 22827 - Add sql-versioning library and versioning switching logic by @chenhongjing in #3024
- 22827 - Update requirement files to include sql-versioning by @chenhongjing in #3031
- 23543 Undo colin_event_id model changes by @leodube-aot in #3032
- 23521 - update continuation emails by @ketaki-deodhar in #3036
- 23982 - update correction email wording by @ketaki-deodhar in #3037
- 23819 - Continuation Application Outputs Update by @ArwenQin in #3038
- 24073 - Add the Validation for Founding Date by @ArwenQin in #3043
- upload data analysis - find columns tool by @eason-pan-bc in #3045
- Fix 24073 - fix founding date validation by @ArwenQin in #3047
- Data Tools - Added find-tables script for data mapping analysis by @leodube-aot in #3048
- Fix 24073 - add a msg show the 2 dates by @ArwenQin in #3049
- 23844 - Bump version numbers up for release 23.2b by @leodube-aot in #3051
Full Changelog: 2.130.0...2.131.0
LEAR 2.130.0
Release ticket # 23845
Release report: Entities Sprint 23.2a Release
What's Changed
- 23348 - Add allowable actions for notice of withdrawal by @AimeeGao in #3014
- 23349 - validation notice of withdrawal by @eason-pan-bc in #3020
- 23539 add batch_processing to colin_event_ids table by @kzdev420 in #3021
- 23608 - Update furnishing entries transferred to bc mail+ by @AimeeGao in #3025
- 23697 - fix stage1 to stage2 dissolution transition bug by @eason-pan-bc in #3028
- 23522-23562 continuation in workflow change by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3026
- 23572 update dissolution letters by @kzdev420 in #3023
Full Changelog: 2.129.0...2.130.0
LEAR 2.129.0
Release ticket # 23635
Release report: Entities Sprint 23.1a Release
What's Changed
- 21752 restoration filing sync by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3016
- 23251 - Updated Limited Restoration to Full Approval Type by @ArwenQin in #3017
- 23343 - update restoration applicant template by @ketaki-deodhar in #3018
- 23627 add meta data track the stages date by @kzdev420 in #3019
- 23635 Update release versions by @severinbeauvais in #3022
Full Changelog: 2.128.0...2.129.0
LEAR v2.128.0
Release ticket # 23561
Release report: Entities Sprint 22.7b Release
What's Changed
- 23034 add feature flags filter for dissolution runs by @kzdev420 in #2985
- 21756 agmExtension filing sync by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2993
- 21104 - add business search validation by @ketaki-deodhar in #2994
- 23034 add the config by @kzdev420 in #2998
- 23222 comment out 1pass udpate section by 20241001 by @kzdev420 in #2996
- 23034 debug config by @kzdev420 in #3000
- 22585 - update allowable actions for amalgamations by @ketaki-deodhar in #2999
- 23034 debug config by @kzdev420 in #3002
- fix: corrected get last ar filed date method by @EPortman in #3001
- 23034 debug config by @kzdev420 in #3004
- 23525 autoescape special characters in xml by @vysakh-menon-aot in #3003
- 23034 debug config by @kzdev420 in #3005
- 22500 - SFTP PDFs to BCMail+ by @JazzarKarim in #2991
- 23034 fix config issues by @kzdev420 in #3006
- 22847 - Amalgamation Application Output Display Type by @ArwenQin in #3007
- 23354 - Misc updates for Notice of Withdrawal by @chenhongjing in #3010
- 22849 - Update Amalgamation Summary Status by @ArwenQin in #3012
- 23361-list of outputs notice withdrawal by @eason-pan-bc in #3011
- 23255 - Refactor dissolution business summary display name to support C companies by @ketaki-deodhar in #3008
- 23222 comment out 1pass update section by 20241001 all BE by @kzdev420 in #3009
- Legal API Linting Fix by @chenhongjing in #3013
- 23561 - Bumped version numbers up for release 22.7b by @AimeeGao in #3015
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.127.0...2.128.0
LEAR v2.127.0
Release ticket # 23374
Release report: Entities Sprint 22.7a Release
What's Changed
- 22499 Furnishings Job - Update private key decoding by @leodube-aot in #2989
- 21757 agmLocationChange filing sync by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2990
- 16382 - add name to limited restoration certificate by @ketaki-deodhar in #2976
- 23413 put the email msg back on the queue if notify-api fails by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2992
- Bump up version for release 22.7a by @ketaki-deodhar in #2995
Full Changelog: 2.126.0...2.127.0
LEAR v2.126.0
Release Ticket: # 23122
Release Report: Entities Sprint 22.6b Release
What's Changed
- Update Entity Emailer version for release by @severinbeauvais in #2969
- Update Legal API version for release by @severinbeauvais in #2968
- 23094 carry over resolution date for Horizontal & Vertical amalgamation by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2971
- 22499 Furnishings job - Updates for SFTP XML to BC Laws by @leodube-aot in #2964
- feat: add endpoint for Business AR to call to automatically update Co… by @EPortman in #2974
- 23054 resolution date in amlagamationApplication (Horizontal & Vertical) document by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2973
- 21034 - Update email reminder job to support C companies by @ketaki-deodhar in #2975
- 22681_remove_notes_ar_filer by @kzdev420 in #2965
- 21753 consentContinuationOut colin sync by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2977
- Admin Freeze check in colin#245 by @stevenc987 in #2979
- 319_delete_ar_prompt by @rarmitag in #2981
- 22367 Emailer - Fix emailer unit tests by @leodube-aot in #2982
- Arprompt2 by @rarmitag in #2984
- 21958 - dissolution config cleanup by @JazzarKarim in #2978
- 21754 continuationOut colin sync by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2987
- 23122 - bumped version numbers up for release 22.6b by @eason-pan-bc in #2988
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.125.0...2.126.0
LEAR v2.125.0
Release ticket # 23058
Release report: Entities Sprint 22.6a Release
What's Changed
- 22931 update consume nr api call by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2959
- 22207 - update dissolution job to check furnishing data by @JazzarKarim in #2962
- 22502 - legal api - update to use service class for furnishing documents generation by @chenhongjing in #2955
- 21515 - MRAS & BN emails for continuation in and amalgamation by @ketaki-deodhar in #2966
- 22502 - furnishings job - generate BCMail+ batch letter by @chenhongjing in #2961
- Update Entity Filer version for release by @severinbeauvais in #2967
Full Changelog: 2.124.0...2.125.0
Lear v2.124.0
Release ticket # 23062
Release report: Entities 22.5b
What's Changed
- 22324 Furnishings Job - Add EP logic to generate XML for stage 2 by @leodube-aot in #2937
- 22495 update furnishing document endpoint to support stage 1 transition letter by @kzdev420 in #2930
- 22353 correction of C, CBEN, CCC, CUL by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2943
- 22502 - add batch custom identifier sequence for batch letter generation by @chenhongjing in #2947
- 22657 - Fixed stage 1 dissolution job email by @JazzarKarim in #2939
- 22325 Furnishings Job - Add EP logic to generate XML for stage 3 by @leodube-aot in #2948
- 22497 Update stage 1 NO_TR letter attachments by @kzdev420 in #2945
- 22011 - Reviews endpoint: apply sorting and filtering by @ketaki-deodhar in #2949
- 22363 Continuation in email templates by @severinbeauvais in #2946
- 22497 update stage 1 no tr letter attachments by @kzdev420 in #2950
- 22011 - fix date range filtering issue by @ketaki-deodhar in #2952
- 22011 - fix query to filter by completing party by @ketaki-deodhar in #2953
- 22889 - Added time to dissolutions in XML payloads by @JazzarKarim in #2951
- 22372 continuation in alteration by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2954
- 22011 - implement filter and sorting for future effective date by @ketaki-deodhar in #2956
- 23060 map operating name in cra request by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2957
- 23062 - bumped version numbers up for release 22.5b by @JazzarKarim in #2958
Full Changelog: 2.123.0...2.124.0