Releases: bcgov/lear
Lear v2.115.0
Release ticket: #21260
Release report: Entities Spring 21.3b Release
What's Changed
- 21173 add meta_data field to batch_processing table by @AimeeGao in #2696
- fix path to sentry dsn var by @bolyachevets in #2704
- 21197 add configuration dissolution jobs by @kzdev420 in #2692
- 21091 Legal API - create staff only endpoint to retrieve businesses eligible count for involuntary dissolution by @chenhongjing in #2683
- 21091 Legal API - Remove one criterion for eligible count of involuntary dissolution service by @chenhongjing in #2705
- 21123 add in dissolution property to business model by @eason-pan-bc in #2698
- 21091 Update enum usage for some db queries by @chenhongjing in #2707
- Test legal api CD by @argush3 in #2708
- Test legal api CD by @argush3 in #2709
- Test legal api CD by @argush3 in #2710
- 21260 bumped up version numbers for release 21.3b by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2713
- 21414 - Update business summary json endpoint to return correct legal name by @chenhongjing in #2715
- 21347 fix email output for sp/gp registration by @eason-pan-bc in #2712
- 21260 - Bumped version number of emailer up by @JazzarKarim in #2717
- 21124 Legal API - update allowable actions by @AimeeGao in #2716
- 21437 Fix emailer 400 error by @JazzarKarim in #2721
- 21417 refactor to put group admin endpoints under one folder by @eason-pan-bc in #2719
- 21207 Legal API - implement functionality to check if given business is eligible for dissolution by @chenhongjing in #2718
- 21262 Added inDissolution to slim json by @JazzarKarim in #2706
- 19263 continuation in validation and db updates by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2720
- feat: split nats from main requirements.txt by @thorwolpert in #2725
- 21473 Legal API - Fix transition filed check for eligible dissolution businesses by @chenhongjing in #2724
- Small tweak to dockerfile for requirements-nats.txt by @argush3 in #2727
- Small tweak to Makefile for requirements-nats.txt by @argush3 in #2729
- 21189 delete drafts minio by @PaulGarewal in #2730
- 19268 filer refactoring by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2728
- 21455 add criterion to exclude frozen businesses from being selected to involuntary dissolution by @eason-pan-bc in #2722
- 21279 Update to include more details about why business eligible for dissolution by @argush3 in #2732
- 21279 Update eligibility query to allow including/excluding of businesses in dissolution in check by @argush3 in #2733
- 21092 Dissolution Job - add logic to initiate dissolution process for businesses (first pass) by @leodube-aot in #2714
- 21279 add involuntary dissolutions warning by @kzdev420 in #2711
- 21442 Legal API - Add filter to configurations endpoint by @AimeeGao in #2731
- 21279 fix broken test by @kzdev420 in #2735
- Small tweak on legal-api to add NATS requirements as optional by @chenhongjing in #2738
- 21260 bumped up version numbers for release 21.3b by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2740
- 21092 Dissolutions Job - Add meta data and unit tests to stage 1 by @leodube-aot in #2737
- 19268 continuation in filer by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2741
- 19286 - Continuation In Initial list of outputs by @ketaki-deodhar in #2742
- Remove nats requirements from by @argush3 in #2744
- 20802 additional filing meta data by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2745
- Adding gcp queue to filer by @thorwolpert in #2743
- 21475 - Add trigger_date to batch_processing table by @chenhongjing in #2746
- 21331 Dissolutions Job - Implement stage 2 by @chenhongjing in #2736
- fix: Removed ledger entry for AR filing from Business AR, Updated the… by @kris-daxiom in #2748
- 21480 Created delete endpoint for minio documents by @PaulGarewal in #2747
- fix: add in temp identifier to gcp event call by @thorwolpert in #2753
- setting protocol bufs to python generation by @thorwolpert in #2754
- fix: updated dockerfile by @thorwolpert in #2755
- 20802 static documents with file name by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2752
- 21330 Filer - Add involuntary dissolution unit tests by @leodube-aot in #2749
- 21696-Fix broken code coverage uploads in all CI pipelines - Try out add token by @eason-pan-bc in #2757
- 21696-fixe-broken-code-coverage-uploads-try-v4 by @eason-pan-bc in #2759
- 21475 Dissolutions job - Update stage 1 & stage 2 processes by @chenhongjing in #2751
- Update filer to publish generic events in format that pay understands by @argush3 in #2762
- Get future effective filings in Colin by @kris-daxiom in #2764
- 20949 fix for special resolution fee filing type code by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2766
- 21737 - Create alembic script & model for furnishings table by @chenhongjing in #2761
New Contributors
- @AimeeGao made their first contribution in #2696
- @eason-pan-bc made their first contribution in #2698
- @kris-daxiom made their first contribution in #2748
Full Changelog: 2.114.0...2.115.0
Lear v2.114.0
Release ticket: #21321
Release report: Entities Spring 21.3a Release
What's Changed
- 21020 Fix wrong AR year is being displayed in the annual report output by @leodube-aot in #2688
- 21025 create PUT configuration endpoint by @kzdev420 in #2680
- 21196 Misc configurations table updates and other updates by @chenhongjing in #2691
- the location of SENTRY_DSN var moved by @bolyachevets in #2695
- 21202 Add additional checks to disable NR related functionality when disable-nr-check flag is on by @argush3 in #2693
- 21236 exclude local filings from colin sync by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2694
- Update legal api spec after reviewing legal name updates in stoplight by @argush3 in #2701
- 21321 Bumped up version numbers for release 21.3a by @JazzarKarim in #2703
Full Changelog: 2.113.0...2.114.0
Lear 2.113.0
Release ticket: #21056
Release report: Entities Spring 21.2b Release
What's Changed
- 21089 - Legal API - Alembic script and model update to exclude businesses from dissolution by @chenhongjing in #2670
- 21089 Temporarily comment out code that breaks dev by @chenhongjing in #2671
- 21089 Add mapper entry of new column by @chenhongjing in #2672
- 21085 Add skeleton furnishings job by @leodube-aot in #2673
- 21025 configuration GET endpoint by @kzdev420 in #2679
- 21202 Integrate disable-nr-check feature flag with NR validate code by @argush3 in #2681
- 21056 - update version for release 21.2b by @ketaki-deodhar in #2682
Full Changelog: 2.112.0...2.113.0
Lear v2.112.0
Release ticket: #21141
Release report: Entities Spring 21.2a Release
What's Changed
- 20993 Structural errors in schema in the Legal API spec by @kzdev420 in #2620
- Removed intendedAgmDate by @jamespaologarcia in #2621
- 20992 - Create skeleton involuntary dissolutions job by @chenhongjing in #2622
- 21024 Configuration table alembic script + model by @leodube-aot in #2630
- 20996 Added alternateNames to slim json by @JazzarKarim in #2632
- 20992 - Create skeleton involuntary dissolutions job (Part2) by @chenhongjing in #2633
- 21027 alembic script and model for batch tables by @kzdev420 in #2631
- 20992 - Create skeleton involuntary dissolutions job (Part3) by @chenhongjing in #2634
- 19926 certificateOfNameCorrection by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2635
- bumped up version numbers for release 21.2a by @JazzarKarim in #2636
Full Changelog: 2.111.0...2.112.0
Lear v2.111.0
Release ticket: #20901
Release report: Entities Spring 21.1.b Release
What's Changed
- 20608 my business registry url for temp identifier (IA, Registration, Amalgamation) by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2591
- 20576 no output when requesting with temp identifier and filing is in completed state by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2602
- 20533-removed-detail-for-cont-out by @jamespaologarcia in #2603
- 19285 - Update allowable actions for Continuation In by @ketaki-deodhar in #2606
- 20766 update business schema version by @kzdev420 in #2607
- 19261 continuation in - initial changes by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2609
- 20775 - fix sorted and first 2 legal name outputs for registration and change of registration by @tshyun24 in #2610
- 20942 update alt_name definition api spec by @kzdev420 in #2613
- 20775 - lower function aligned by @tshyun24 in #2615
- 20777 - Update logic for legalName field in business response by @chenhongjing in #2611
- 20777 - Filter out party when cessation date is not null by @chenhongjing in #2616
- 20778 Update business get response to return alternate names list by @leodube-aot in #2614
- 20901 Bumped up some version numbers for Release 21.1b by @severinbeauvais in #2617
Full Changelog: 2.110.0...2.111.0
Lear 2.110.0
Release ticket # 20855
Release report: Entities Sprint 21.1a Release
What's Changed
- 15985-allowable-states-for-limited-restoration-corps by @jamespaologarcia in #2536
- 20352 update allowable actions for TING by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2551
- 20195 remove details from admin freeze by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2554
- removing outdated documentation by @thorwolpert in #2557
- adding OAS on the mainline by @thorwolpert in #2558
- 19918 futureEffective property in payment call for amalgamation by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2561
- Added placeholder for Amalgamating Business application by @jamespaologarcia in #2553
- 20150 cherry pick legal name spec updates by @argush3 in #2574
- Updated test cases, added comments for extra clarity. by @jamespaologarcia in #2576
- bump version numbers up for release 21.1a by @kzdev420 in #2592
Full Changelog: 2.109.0...2.110.0
Lear 2.109.0
Release ticket # 20470
Release report: Entities Sprint 20.6a Release
What's Changed
- 20178 business summary update by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2534
- 19392 cco field details removed by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2540
Full Changelog: 2.108.0...2.109.0
Lear v2.108.0
Release ticket # 20372
Release report: Entities Sprint 20.5b Release
What's Changed
- 19895 sync admin dissolution in colin-api by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2506
- 20179 admin dissolution - delete amalgamations and amalgamating_businesses data by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2515
- 16130-removed-extra-comma by @jamespaologarcia in #2518
- 20179 get amalgamated into from version data by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2519
- bump version numbers up for release 20.5b by @JazzarKarim in #2528
- 20378 fix the ar min date calculation for leap year (feb 29th) by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2529
Full Changelog: 2.107.0...2.108.0
Lear v2.107.0
Release ticket # 20255
Release report: Entities Sprint 20.5a Release
What's Changed
- 19904 email updates for amalgamation application by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2478
- 15285 update state filing id in putbackon by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2483
- 19865-disallow-ting-restorations by @jamespaologarcia in #2481
- 20177 amalgamations and amalgamating_businesses version by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2491
- 20177 amalgamation application output - get versioned data by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2496
- 18750-put-back-on-rules by @jamespaologarcia in #2498
- 20255 bump up version 2.107.0 by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2504
Full Changelog: 2.106.0...2.107.0
Lear v2.106.0
Release ticket # 20034
Release report: Entities Sprint 20.4a Release
What's Changed
- 19885-incorrect-amalgamation-date-format by @jamespaologarcia in #2471
- 19746 additional validations in amalgamation filing by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2474
- 20034 bump up version 2.106.0 by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2477
Full Changelog: 2.105.0...2.106.0