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A MATLAB Library to Control ABB arm (OSID control with PD and Sliding mode Control)

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Library developed to control an ABB arm in MATLAB

# Function definition

(1) R = rotX(theta) 

Returns a rotation matrix describing a rotation
about the X axis (theta in radians).

(2)R = rotY(theta) 

Returns a rotation matrix describing a rotation
about the Y axis (theta in radians).

(3) R = rotZ(theta) 

Returns a rotation matrix describing a rotation
about the Z axis (theta in radians).

(4) R = rpy2Rot (roll, pitch, yaw) 

Returns a rotation matrix corresponding to a roll,
pitch, yaw encoded rotation.

(5) [roll, pitch, yaw] = rot2RPY(R)

Returns the roll, pitch and yaw corresponding to a
given rotation matrix. It should return the two
valid solutions corresponding to the +sqrt and 
–sqrt. Each output is then a [2x1] vector with
the plus solution on top.

(6) X = cpMap(w) 

Returns the matrix packing of the cross product
operator. Ie. Given vectors W and V, cross(W) *
V = W x V

(7) R = angleAxis2Rot(k, theta) 

Returns the rotation matrix encoded by a rotation
of theta radians about the unit vector k axis.

(8) [k, theta] = rot2AngleAxis(R) 

Returns the angle and axis corresponding to a
rotation matrix

(9) Q = rot2Quat(R) 

Returns the quaternion [qo;q_vec] that
corresponds to the rotation matrix.

(10) R = quat2Rot(Q)

Returns the rotation matrix that corresponds to
the quaternion, stacked [q0;q_vec]. 

(11) H = twist2Transform( t ) 

Returns the homogenous transformation matrix
corresponding to a 6 element twist vector. The
twist should be stacked [v;w th].

(12) t = transform2Twist( H ) 

Returns the twist vector corresponding to the
provided homogenous transform matrix. The
twist should be stacked [v;w th].

(13) H = dhTransform(a, d, alpha, theta) 

Returns the homogenous transform corresponding
to the provide DH parameters for a link.

(14) [th1,th2,th3,th4,th5,th6 , reachable] = abbInvKine(T_des, th_last);

Returns the joint angles required to reach the desired transformation for the ABB arm
th1 – th6 the 6 joint angles. These are real scalar values if th_last is provided and are 8x1 vectors if th_last is not provided.
reachable – is true if the transform can be achieved. Is false if it cannot be achieved.
T_des is the desired homogeneous transform
th_last is a 6x1 vector of the last set of thetas used to select a specific solution. If th_last is not provided (check with exist(‘th_last’,’var’) ), then provide all 8 possibilities, otherwise return the closest solution to th_last. These should all be real values!

(15) [p,v,a] = constAccelInterp(t,trajectory,transPercent)

Provides the position (p), velocity (v), and acceleration (a) at time t for a trajectory interpolated using the constant acceleration approach. Each of these are length M vectors.
t – the time of interest (these will be evenly spaced)
trajectory – a Nx(M+1) array of points. There are N waypoints in the trajectory of dimension M. The first column is the time for each point in the trajectory and the remaining M columns are the point to be reached at that time.
transPercent – The percentage of the trajectory time to use for the constant acceleration transition. This must be in the range [0, 0.5]

(16) L = createLink(a, d, alpha, theta, centOfMass, mass, inertia) 

Creates a structure with the following members:
a – DH parameter a (meters)
d – DH parameter d (meters)
alpha – DH parameter alpha (radians),
theta – DH parameter theta (radians)
mass – link mass (kg)
inertia – link mass moment of inertia (kg m^2)
com – the position of the link’s center of mass
isRotary – Boolean true if it is a rotary joint false if it is a prismatic joint.
All vectors and tensors are to be expressed in the Link’s coordinate frame.
On call pass an empty array ([]) to the joint variable that changes, i.e., for a rotary joint a call would be: createLink(.14, 3.4, pi/3, [],…

(17) H = dhFwdKine(linkList, paramList)

Returns the forward kinematics of a manipulator with the provided DH parameter set.
linkList is to be an array of links, each created by createLink
paramList is to be an array containing the current state of their joint variables.

(18) [Jv, JvDot] = velocityJacobian( linkList, paramList, paramRateList)

Returns the velocity jacobian of the manipulator given an array of links created by the createLink function and the current joint variables.
Jv – the velocity jacobian
JvDot – the time derivative of the velocity jacobian
linkList – the list of joint parameters created with createLink
paramList – the current theta or d values for the joints. (an Nx1 array)
paramRateList – the current theta_dot and d_dot values for the joints. (an Nx1 array)
If paramRateList is not provided (check with exist(‘paramRateList’,’var’) ), then return [] for JvDot. Otherwise calculate JvDot as well.

(19) [paramList, error] = dhInvKine (linkList, desTransform, paramListGuess)

Returns the parameter list necessary to achieve a desired homogenous transform and the residual error in that transform. This should be achieved by one of the numerical approaches discussed in class.
linkList – a list of the joint parameters created by createLink
desTransform – the desired homogenous transform
paramListGuess – an initial guess at the parameters. Possibly the current arm state.

(20)[jointTorques, Jv, JvDot] = newtonEuler( linkList, paramList, paramListDot, paramListDDot, boundry_conditions )

Computes the inverse dynamics of a serial link manipulator and provides the velocity jacobian and its rate of change.
linkList – a list of the joint parameters created by createLink
paramList – the current joint angles/distances. (an Nx1 array)
paramListDot – the current joint angle/distance speeds. (an Nx1 array)
paramListDDot – the current joint angle/distance accelerations. (an Nx1 array)
boundry_conditions – a structure containing:
base_linear_acceleration (add gravity in here)


A MATLAB Library to Control ABB arm (OSID control with PD and Sliding mode Control)






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