This repository contains the 3D models of the HiveBoard, BeeBoard and their mechanical cases. These boards are developed by the SwarmUS team and their schematics and other design files can be found at Electrical.
- Solidworks 2021
├── BeeBoardCase
│ ├── case
| ├── outputs
| ├── BeeBoard
| ├── BeeBoard_puck
| ├── BeeBoard.SLDASM
| ├── supported_BeeBoard.SLDASM
│ └── UWB_antenna.SLDPRT
├── HiveBoardCase
│ ├── case
| ├── HiveBoard
| ├── outputs
| ├── HiveBoard.SLDASM
│ └── supported_HiveBoard.SLDPRT
case: Contains all the mechanical parts of the case of the BeeBoard.
outputs: Fabrication files (.STL) to 3D print the case.
BeeBoard.SLDPRT: CAD of the board itself. It was fetch from the exported .STEP of the Altium project found at Electical.
supported_BeeBoard.SLDASM: Assembly of the BeeBoard with it's case.
UWB_antenna.SLDPRT: Approximated 3D model of the antennas used on the BeeBoard.
BeeBoard_puck: Folder that contains an assembly of 3x BeeBoards with their antenna at 2.7cm from each other and the 3D model of all the support parts.
- case: Contains all the mechanical parts of the case of the HiveBoard.
- HiveBoard: Folder that contains the 3D model of all components on the HiveBoard and the HiveBoard itself.
- outputs: Fabrication files (.STL) to 3D print the case.
- HiveBoard.SLDASM: CAD of the board itself. It was fetch from the exported .STEP of the Altium project found at Electrical.
- supported_HiveBoard.SLDASM: Assembly of the HiveBoard with it's case.