[ Check Items For Valid Containers ]
- Fixed a null reference when opening up zombie loot bags, because they do not have block properties.
- Questioning life choices that I did not name this feature correctly, and will be forever doomed calling it "Check Items For valid Containers"
- Added additional check for block at the tile location's position
[ ModEvents ]
- Removed a usefuless warning about duplicate mods folder ( this is the standard now )
- This provides a quick hash of all installed mods, allowing overhauls to quickly see at a glance if it matches the expected value.
- The hash is made up of modlet name + version number.
- If more mods are installed than expected, or it has different version numbers, the hash will change.
- Changed the mod hash from a GetHashCode() to a truncated Sha256 value
Modlet List Hash: 7E5FF