Releases: SphereII/SphereII.Mods
[ Block Triggered SDX ]
- Fixed an issue with the ActivateOnLook check
- Updated Cave Spawning to fix against 1.2
- Updated other broken code from the 1.2... minor adjustments
[ Lock Pick ]
- Added a null check on entityalive before checking if they have a cvar.
[ Challenges ]
- Fixed a grammar issue in a comment
- Updated Cave Spawning to fix against 1.2
- Updated other broken code from the 1.2... minor adjustments
[ Lock Pick ]
- Added a null check on entityalive before checking if they have a cvar.
[ Challenges ]
- Fixed a grammar issue in a comment
[ Repair Counter ]
- Added a new Harmony patch to monitor how often an item can be repaired, before blocking the repair.
- This only works on Items, repaired through ItemActionEntryRepair.
- Two formats are supported:
- Comma delimited value. This will allow you to adjust max repairs based on quality
- For non-quality items, or to simplify, a single value can be used for all teirs.
<append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe']">
<!-- The first value is quality 1. The last value is quality 6 -->
<property name="RepairLimit" value="1,2,3,4,5,6" />
<append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolRepairT0TazasStoneAxe']">
<property name="RepairLimit" value="5" />
- Localization Key is: repair_limit_reached
[ Block Spawn Cube 2SDX ]
- Adjusted the code again to try to spawn just a single entity.
[ Fire Manager ]
- Fixed the laws of physics or whatever laws there are that govern how fire spreads.
- Fire now spreads.
[ SpawnCube2SDX ]
- Added an additional check to see if an entity has already spawned, and blocks further spawns.
[ Challenges ]
- Fixed an issue with Craft With Ingredient, where an item had no recipe, causing a null reference.
[ EntityAliveSDX ]
- Removed a debug log about Weapon not found, but was actually there.
[ Take And Replace ]
- Added a new property that will trigger the drop event Harvest.
<property name="HarvestOnPickUp" value="true" />
- If this property is set to true, the following drop event style will be triggered:
<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceCrushedSand" count="9" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/>
<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceClayLump" count="9" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/>
- The block itself will only do the harvest; it will not give you the PickUpValue back.
- By default, Harvest On pick up is false.
[ ConfigurationBlock ]
- Added new section called "AdvancedQuests" to allow more control over quests.
[ Fire Manager ]
- Added a null check for the NetPackage for AddFirePosition
- Removed extra checks that may have been block fire from being cleared on quest reset
[ GotoPOISDX ]
- Added new Property block in ConfigurationBlock called AdvancedQuests
- New Property value in AdvancedQuests block in ConfigurationBlock for re-using quest locations
- If "ReusePOILocations" is set to true, it will not filter quest locations based on if they were already visited.
[ SpawnCube2SDX ]
- Added potential fix for duplicate spawns.
[ Farming ]
- Added "MuteSound" to the BlockWaterSourceSDX to turn off sprinkler sound.
- Default is false, the sound is not muted.
- Added GetWaterRange(), RequireWater(), and WillWilt() public methods as part of the BlockPlantGrowingSDX
- No functionality change, just makes it easier for others to read values through code.
[ Challenges ]
- Added a description_override attribute to completely over-ride the Localization key to the following Challenges:
- if description_override= does not exist, a generated Localized entry will be used.
- ChallengeObjectiveBlockDestroyed
- ChallengeObjectiveBlockUpgrade
- ChallengeObjectiveCompleteQuestStealth
- ChallengeObjectiveCraftWithIngredients
- ChallengeObjectiveCraftWithTags
- ChallengeObjectiveCVar
- ChallengeObjectiveDecapitation
- ChallengeObjectiveEnterPOI
- ChallengeObjectiveGatherTags
- ChallengeObjectiveKillWithItem
- ChallengeObjectiveStealthKillStreak
[ Events ]
- Fixed an issue with OnBuffAdded not parsing multiple buffs
- Removed Debug Log
[ Challenges ]
- Expanded support for WearTags Objective to support installable_tags and modifier_tags.
<objective type="WearTags,SCore" item_tags="armorHead"/>
<objective type="WearTags,SCore" item_mod="modGunBarrelExtender"/>
<objective type="WearTags,SCore" installable_tags="turretRanged"/>
<objective type="WearTags,SCore" modifier_tags="modGunBarrelExtender"/>
[ Documentation ]
- Added some Documentation on Challenges and MinEvents
[ OnBuffAdded Event ]
- Added a if buff is null to the OnBuffAdded event, silently failing if the requested buff does not exist.
[ ObjectiveBuffSDX Quest Objective ]
- Added a if buff is null check, silently failing if the requested buff does not exist.
[ Min Events ]
- Found a few MinEvents that were combined in a single file.
- Seperated so that each MinEvent is in its own file.
- No changes necessary. This is just a clean up.
[ Challenges ]
- WearTags : Takes an item_tags, rather than an Item name.
- Also searches for the tag in Mod / Cosmectic slots.
Default Localization Key: challengeObjectiveWearTags
<objective type="WearTags,SCore" item_tags="armorHead"/>
- GatherTags : Takes an item_tags instead.
Default Localization Key: challengeObjectiveGatherTags
<objective type="GatherTags, SCore" item_tags="junk" count="10"/>
- Craft With Tags
Default Localization Key: challengeObjectiveCraftWithTags
<objective type="CraftWithTags, SCore" count="2" item_tags="tag01"/>
- Get CVar
Default Localization Key: challengeObjectiveOnCVar
<objective type="CVar, SCore" cvar="myCVar" count="20" description_key="onCVar" />
[ Nexus Release ]
- Fixed an issue where the zip files were not in the correct format for Vortex.
[ Block Ground Patch ]
- There is a bug with the PathingCubes and quickly moving into their chunk while being loaded.
- Throws a Block.GroundAlign null error because there is no ebcd (yet?)
at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject(UnityEngine.Component)
at Block.GroundAlign (BlockEntityData _data) [0x0001f] in <e8e43063270440388d2e6b7642da1a62>:0
at ChunkManager.GroundAlignFrameUpdate () [0x00028] in <e8e43063270440388d2e6b7642da1a62>:0
at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00393] in <e8e43063270440388d2e6b7642da1a62>:0
at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <e8e43063270440388d2e6b7642da1a62>:0