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@SphereII SphereII released this 02 Aug 19:17
· 56 commits to master since this release


[ Food Spoilage ]
	- Adjusted references within the patches to use their full __instance values, rather than creating shorter forms for cleanliness
	- Fixed an issue where a stack was spamming unlimited rotten meat

[ 0-SCore Blocks ]
	- Added new class to blocks.xml to support PickUpAndReplace features. 
		<property class="AdvancedPickUpAndPlace">
			<property name="Logging" value="false"/>
			<property name="TakeWithTool" value="meleeToolRepairT1ClawHammer" />

[ Take And Replace ]
	- When a TakeWithTools property is set, the default item of clawHammer gets cleared.
	- Fixed the ordering of material checks according to the xml defined order.
		-> is Block a Valid Material to pick up?
		-> Do we need to check the hand item for pick up?
			-> Are we holding one of those tools?
		-> Does our current hand item have the proper material tag?

	- Trying a new design pattern.
		-> Hold unto your hats.

	- Created some helper shortcuts in order to reduce hard coding many references in the blocks.xml/shapes.xml
	- If the TakeWithTool property exists on the block / shape, then a lookup against the AdvancedPickUpAndPlace class is triggered.
		-> ValidMaterials operates the same style of lookup.
	- This lookup uses the value of the TakeWithTool from the block/shape as a key to an entry in AdvancedPickUpAndPlace.
		For Example:
			<!-- blocks.xml -->
			<property name="TakeWithTool" value="WoodenFenceTools" />
			<property name="ValidMaterials" value="woodMaterial"/>
			<!-- Config Block -->
			<property class="AdvancedPickUpAndPlace">
  				<property name="Logging" value="false" />
				<property name="TakeWithTool" value="meleeToolRepairT1ClawHammer" />
  				<property name="WoodenFenceTools" value="meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe,meleeToolRepairT0TazasStoneAxe,meleeToolRepairT1ClawHammer,meleeToolAxeT1IronFireaxe,meleeToolAxeT2SteelAxe,meleeToolAxeT3Chainsaw">
				<property name="woodMaterial" value="Mwood_weak,Mwood_regular"/>

	- You may append to the class with your own unique keys
		<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='ConfigFeatureBlock']/property[@class='AdvancedPickUpAndPlace']">
			<property name="WoodenFenceTools" value="meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe,meleeToolRepairT0TazasStoneAxe,meleeToolRepairT1ClawHammer,meleeToolAxeT1IronFireaxe,meleeToolAxeT2SteelAxe,meleeToolAxeT3Chainsaw" />