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@SphereII SphereII released this 24 Jul 19:18
· 63 commits to master since this release


[ SmartText Mesh ]
	- Added a Harmony patch to protect against null reference due to the Signs Feature.
	- Sign Feature hides the wooden mesh and Text from showing up. This harmony patch protects against
		when the text is changing, and the TextMesh isn't enabled (yet).

[ Signs ]
	- Fixed issues with signs not generating correctly.
	- ImageWrapper, the basis of the image signs, has been modified to support a VideoPlayer
	- Gifs are no longer supported unfortunately due to shader issues.
	- Gif and Gifv links are converted by ImageWrapper to be a mp4 URL.
		- This probably only effectively works if you use an imgur link.
	- This is then fed to the VideoPlayer as a Source URL.
	- When the http:// link is removed, the sign is reverted back to vanilla texture and mesh.