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Ricardo Ferraz Leal edited this page Apr 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

Developer Setup for Windows (64-bit)

Make sure to download 64 bit packages!

Install MS Visual C Redistributable

Install MSVC++ for Python from ​

Install Anaconda

Install Anaconda 64-bit Python 2.7 from ​

Get SasView

Install Git from ​

 git clone
 git clone

Install Package Dependencies

 conda install numpy scipy wxpython matplotlib pil lxml pillow pylint pyparsing sphinx reportlab pytest cffi decorator py
 pip install pyopencl xmlrunner unittest-xml-reporting xhtml2pdf html5lib
 pip install tinycc

The sphinx, bumps and periodictable Anaconda packages are not up to date. To install the latest versions, use pip as below:

 pip install sphinx==1.3.6
 pip install bumps==
 pip install periodictable==1.3.0


  • If attempting to upgrade older versions of bumps and/or periodictable, first uninstall any versions already installed.

     pip uninstall bumps
     pip uninstall periodictable

You may need to issue these commands more than once to ensure that all previous versions are cleaned out.

  • The above does not install the latex environment needed to build PDF docs.
  • To build the windows installer you also need innosetup and py2exe.

Build SasView

 cd sasview
 python build

Try the Build!


Building the Help Docs

The process for building the help docs has been steadily evolving. The latest instructions might be found here

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