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Cory Smith edited this page Sep 1, 2022 · 6 revisions

The STRIG function returns button press True or False status of game port (&H201) or USB joystick control device(s).


IF STRIG(button_function%) THEN ...

QB64 Syntax

IF STRIG(button_function%[, device_number%]) THEN ...


  • Function returns -1 when a button event(even functions) has occurred or a button is pressed(odd functions).
  • STRIG will not read keyboard or mouse buttons detected by _DEVICES.
  • The device number must be used with more than 2 devices. Use device 1 function numbers for just one joystick.
  • QB64 can read many buttons from many devices and allows the use of devices with more than 2 buttons.
  • Returns True(-1) or False(0) button press values for 2 devices. Each leading STRIG checks for missed button press events:

  **STRIG(0) = -1  'lower button 1 on device 1 pressed since last STRIG(0) read**
  **STRIG(1) = -1  'lower button 1 on device 1 currently pressed**
  STRIG(2) = -1  'lower button 1 on device 2 pressed since last STRIG(2) read
  STRIG(3) = -1  'lower button 1 on device 2 currently pressed
  **STRIG(4) = -1  'upper button 2 on device 1 pressed since last STRIG(4) read** 
  **STRIG(5) = -1  'upper button 2 on device 1 currently pressed**
  STRIG(6) = -1  'upper button 2 on device 2 pressed since last STRIG(6) read
  STRIG(7) = -1  'upper button 2 on device 2 currently pressed (maximum in QBasic)
  **STRIG(8) = -1  'button 3 on device 1 pressed since last STRIG(8) read**  'QB64 only
  **STRIG(9) = -1  'button 3 on device 1 currently pressed**           
  STRIG(10) = -1 'button 3 on device 2 pressed since last STRIG(10) read 'QB64 only
  STRIG(11) = -1 'button 3 on device 2 currently pressed

  • STRIG(0), STRIG(2), STRIG(4), STRIG(6), STRIG(8), STRIG(10) are used to monitor any presses that might have been missed.
  • QB64 allows more than two controllers by using the second parameter as the stick number and the odd or even STRIG values:

**STRIG(0, 3): STRIG(1, 3): STRIG(4, 3): STRIG(5, 3): STRIG(8, 3): STRIG(9, 3) 'device 3 {odd)**
STRIG(2, 4): STRIG(3, 4): STRIG(6, 4): STRIG(7, 4): STRIG(10, 4): STRIG(11, 4) 'device 4 (even)

Odd devices use 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 and 9 and Even devices use 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 11 as first parameters with device number following.

  • There will not be an error if you try to read too many device axis or buttons!


Displays the input from 3 joysticks, all with dual sticks and 3 buttons.


  LOCATE 1, 1
  PRINT "JOY1: STICK"; STICK(0); STICK(1); STICK(0, 2); STICK(1, 2);_ 

  PRINT "JOY2: STICK"; STICK(2); STICK(3); STICK(2, 2); STICK(3, 2);_ 
  "STRIG"; STRIG(2); STRIG(3); STRIG(6); STRIG(7); STRIG(10); STRIG(11)

  PRINT "JOY3: STICK"; STICK(4); STICK(5); STICK(4, 2); STICK(5, 2);_ 
  "STRIG"; STRIG(0, 3); STRIG(1, 3); STRIG(4, 3); STRIG(5, 3); STRIG(8, 3); STRIG(9, 3)

Explanation: Notice the extra QB64 only parameters used to cater for the 2nd stick and the buttons of the 3rd joystick.

See Also

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