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Cory Smith edited this page Sep 2, 2022 · 6 revisions

The comma is used to TAB the cursor after a PRINT statement's text to tab append another printed value.


INPUT "Name, age and sex(M or F): ", nm$, age%, sex$

  • Commas in PRINT statements TAB space values up to 15 column places with column 57 being the maximum per row.
  • A comma following the prompt text in an INPUT statement does not display a question mark. A Semicolon or no prompt does.
  • Commas are also used between INPUT statement variables when more than one input is required.
  • LINE INPUT can use a comma or semicolon after the prompt text. Neither will display a question mark.
  • Commas are used as argument separators in many kinds of QBasic statements and SUB or FUNCTION parameter lists.
  • WRITE statements use commas to separate values printed to the screen or sent to a file without tab spacing them.
  • Literal numerical values entered into program code, DATA, files or user INPUT cannot contain comma separators!


Comparing TAB to comma tab spacing.

PRINT TAB(15); "T"

PRINT , "T" 

Comparing PRINT and WRITE statement displays.

value1 = 23567: value2 = 45678: value3 = 354126
COLOR 14: LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT value1, value2, value3
COLOR 12: LOCATE 4, 1: WRITE value1, value2, value3

23567        45678      354126


Note: WRITE does not space any values. The commas separate the numerical values without the normal PRINT spacing.

See Also

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