Release for the Printrbot Simple Metal, model 1403 - with induction sensor for Z endstop
IMPORTANT NOTE: This release makes changes to the motor direction as compared to previous versions (see Motor wire orientation, below). Unless you are directed to use this release, you may want to use a prior release to avoid having to flip motor connections. If you do use this release, please test manual movements carefully to confirm proper operation of each axis and extruder.
NOTE: This firmware will work with ANY Printrbot with an induction sensor AND the Y endstop physically located at maximum. Older bots may have the Y endstop installed at the Y minimum location. You can manually reconfigure your stepps per mm manually (M92) and the build dimensions (M211). More info here--
Stock equipment:
GT2 belts and pulleys
Direct Drive Extruder
Build Dimensions X 150mm , Y 150mm , Z 150mm
Home is at X,Z minimums and Y maximum (top left)
Motor wire orientation:
X and Z motors are plugged in normally, Y and E are inverted (corrected, see below)
Current Printrbot Simple (Simple Metal 1403, Simple Maker 1405): X,Y,Z inverted, E normal
Legacy Printrbot Simple with string drive and Al direct drive extruder: X,Z inverted, E, Y normal
Legacy Printrbot Simple with string drive and wooden extruder: X,Z,E inverted, Y normal
M211 is now implimented (resizing build volume soft endstops)
M212 is now implimented (setting your induction sensor offset values)
edited 2014-07-08 by j-laird to highlight motor direction changes introduced in this release