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Alternate schedules 2017 18

Sean edited this page Oct 1, 2017 · 1 revision

Gunn's 2017-2018 school year's alternate schedules are provided in a nice JSON format based off the PDF available on their website.

Breaks are conveniently provided with multiple alternate schedules for each no-school day.


Unfortunately the times are given in 12 hour format but no AM/PM was provided.

Month DD
Period Name (starthour:startminute-endhour:endminute)
Period Name (starthour:startminute-endhour:endminute)

Each alternate schedule is separated with a newline and is presented in chronological order. If there is no school on that day, there will be a newline after the description. Descriptions do not have newlines. The period names have not been standardized. Some alternate schedules


August 15
Extended D period, shorter FlexTime
D (8:25-9:57)
Brunch (9:57-10:12)
Flex (10:12-10:50)
E (11:00-12:15)
Lunch (12:15-12:55)
A (12:55-2:15)
G (2:25-3:40)


Alternate schedules are day objects in chronological order.

Period structure

  "name":"Period name",

Hours have been conveniently converted to 24-hour format. "totalminutes" is just hours * 60 + minutes and can be used to calculate durations. "hour", "minute", and "totalminutes" are integers; "name" is a string.

Day structure

  "dayname":"Day name",
  "monthname":"Month name",

Months are one-indexed, and days (of the week) are integers from 0-6 where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday. "dayname", "monthname", and "description" are strings; "day", "month", and "date" are integers. "periods" is an array of period objects (see Period structure)


Is pretty much alt-schedules-2017-18.json but has the day objects in an object instead of an array. Each alternate schedule is represented by "MONTH-DATE" so an alternate schedule on November 8th would be in "11-8"