Releases: Orange-OpenSource/ods-android
Releases · Orange-OpenSource/ods-android
What's Changed
- 743 - A11y - Action of OdsListItem with control trailing is handled by the row only by @paulinea in #744
- 745 - Remove padding in OdsProgressLinearIndicator before text when no icon displayed by @paulinea in #746
- 747 - Fix OdsTopAppBar and OdsLargeTopAppBar customization through the bottom sheet by @paulinea in #748
- 275 - A11y - Vocalize app bar title first on screen change by @paulinea in #742
- Use modifier parameter in Content methods by @paulinea in #751
- 752 - Update i18n keys by @paulinea in #755
- 758 - Update OdsChoiceChipsFlowRow to have less vertical space between chips by @paulinea in #759
- 761 - Fix functional colors change on dark mode switch in guideline colors by @paulinea in #762
- 577 - Add OdsSearchTopAppBar composable by @paulinea in #764
- 66 - Documentation - Fix tables display and show mandatory API parameters in bold by @paulinea in #767
- 749 - A11y - Fix code implementation dropdown contrast by enabling it everytime by @paulinea in #779
- 777 - Improve OdsListItem API using an enum instead of a boolean for secondary text lines count by @paulinea in #778
- 551 - Add typography tokens in search result by @paulinea in #763
- 774 - Update copyright in files by @paulinea in #775
- 750 - A11y - Fix keyboard navigation in OdsExposedDropdownMenu by @paulinea in #781
- 615 - Update typography tokens by @paulinea in #754
- 531 - Update the Placeholder image by @florentmaitre in #769
- 485 - List the libraries used in the project by @paulinea in #782
- 784 - A11y - Fix issue in OdsBottomNavigation where items were focused twice when navigating with keyboard by @paulinea in #785
- 620 - Stack buttons in cards when texts are too long to fit on one line by @paulinea in #790
- 656 - Fix XML version of buttons not working when forced on dark or light by @paulinea in #786
- 788 - Add XML code implementation for components with an XML version by @paulinea in #789
- 791 - Remove Hilt dependency in themes by @florentmaitre in #792
- 666 - Update checkboxes and switches demo by showing only one element by @paulinea in #797
- 795 - Stack buttons in OdsBanner if their texts are too long to fit on one line by @paulinea in #796
- 540 - Add documentation for components XML implementation by @paulinea in #793
- 783 - Use a single OdsText method instead of multiple ones by @florentmaitre in #787
- 794 - Update OdsChoiceChipsFlowRow API by @florentmaitre in #798
- 799 - Replace line count customization in OdsListItem by choice chips labelled secondary text by @paulinea in #800
- 119 - Add OdsEmptyStateContent module by @paulinea in #757
- 485 - Separate lib and app dependencies in third party file by @paulinea in #812
- Docs: Add google tag manager by @louismaximepiton in #807
- 549 - Add Compose code implementation for OdsTabRow and OdsScrollableTabRow by @paulinea in #806
- 815 - About - Document dependency step by @paulinea in #816
- Docs: Refactor documentation by @louismaximepiton in #808
- 822 - Fix Jekyll warning with 404.html file when releasing a new version by @florentmaitre in #823
- 821 - Fix typo in files copyright by @florentmaitre in #824
- 825 - Documentation - Add title missing in cookies page by @florentmaitre in #826
- 817 - Fix OdsTopAppBar bad title color for innovation cup theme by @paulinea in #819
- 827 - Disable lib-xml release by @florentmaitre in #828
- 738 - Documentation - Content of left menu is wrong for previous versions by @florentmaitre in #829
- 801 - Update OdsIconToggleButtonsRow and OdsTextToggleButtonsRow APIs by @florentmaitre in #809
- 818 - Update typography and colors documentation by @paulinea in #833
- Chore(deps): bump boosted from 5.2.3 to 5.3.3 by @louismaximepiton in #839
- 830 - Remove OdsDisplaySurface from APIs by @paulinea in #834
- 162 - About - Accessibility statement by @florentmaitre in #487
- 811 - Change empty state no data image by @paulinea in #866
- 868 - Update empty state images for innovation cup theme by @paulinea in #870
- 878 - Review APIs before v1 release by @paulinea in #879
- 880 - Remove OdsComponentColorsInternal by @florentmaitre in #881
- Docs: Fix back to top issues by @louismaximepiton in #873
- 885 - Add missing accessibility statement dependency when using released AARs by @florentmaitre in #886
New Contributors
- @louismaximepiton made their first contribution in #807
Full Changelog: 0.18.0...1.0.0
What's Changed
- 671 - Add bottom navigation XML code implementation by @paulinea in #673
- 685 - [Bug]: Large Top App bar Innovation cup back issue by @florentmaitre in #690
- 683 - [Bug]: ODS - component - Image item (tile) by @florentmaitre in #691
- 675 - Update OdsTab, OdsLeadingIconTab, OdsTabRow and OdsScrollableTabRow APIs by @paulinea in #684
- 676 - Update OdsTextField, OdsPasswordTextField and OdsSearchTextField APIs by @paulinea in #687
- 677 - Update OdsModalDrawer API by @paulinea in #689
- 678 - Update OdsBottomSheetScaffold API by @paulinea in #688
- 696 - Update release documentation by @florentmaitre in #698
- 701 - Simplify APIs by using nested classes for parameter types by @paulinea in #703
- 708 - Nested class names are not fully displayed in code implementation by @florentmaitre in #709
- Update OdsChip API to have a unique leading parameter by @paulinea in #706
- 710 - Fix OdsPasswordTextField sizing or positioning by @paulinea in #711
- 715 - Accessibility - Fix bad vocalization for top app bar change theme button by @paulinea in #717
- 716 - Accessibility - Fix an accessibility issue where items in a list were overlapping when using big font size by @paulinea in #718
- 442 - Accessibility - Add clearer vocalisation on bottom sheet screen by @paulinea in #719
- 699 - Tabs - Change customization options by @paulinea in #721
- 643 - Banner - Enhance display for accessibility and allow banner without button by @paulinea in #720
- 722 - Small card - Display full title and subtitle if the card isn't clickable for accessibility reasons by @paulinea in #724
- 723 - Bottom navigation - Add visual alternative for selected item by @paulinea in #726
- 19 - ODS About module by @paulinea in #727
- 712 - Upgrade dependencies by @florentmaitre in #731
- 729 - Remove context parameter in OdsAbout API by @florentmaitre in #730
Full Changelog: 0.17.0...0.18.0
What's Changed
- 618 - Change illustrations alignment for slider and text field components when in landscape by @paulinea in #657
- 638 - Documentation - Add API details and improve documentation by @paulinea in #658
- 661 - APIs review - Fix inconsistencies in components APIs by @paulinea in #662
- 650 - Update OdsListItem API by @florentmaitre in #664
- Change OdsTextToggleButtonsRow selected button text color for accessibility reason by @paulinea in #680
- 526 - XML component - Bottom navigation bar by @paulinea in #670
- 616 - Progress - Play again animation each time determinate chip is selected by @paulinea in #672
- 651 - Change app bar management by @paulinea in #667
- 674 - Update OdsSnackbarHost API by @paulinea in #679
- Prepare release 0.17.0 by @florentmaitre in #692
- Release 0.17.0 by @florentmaitre in #693
Full Changelog: 0.16.0...0.17.0
What's Changed
- 641 - Refactor OdsComponentContent by @florentmaitre in #642
- 647 - Update buttons functional names by @paulinea in #654
- 652 - Add OdsModalDrawer component documentation by @paulinea in #653
- 648 - Update OdsSlider API by @florentmaitre in #649
Full Changelog: 0.15.1...0.16.0
What's Changed
- 597 - Update OdsCard APIs by @florentmaitre in #600
- 624 - Enhance code implementation syntax by @florentmaitre in #626
- Update release process by @paulinea in #633
- 617 - Update the drop down behavior by @florentmaitre in #639
- 634 - [Bug]: Exposed Dropdown Menu backgound changed to 'surface' in 0.15 by @florentmaitre in #640
- 635 - [Bug]: OdsTextField practically not usable as sizing or positioning constraints are not honored by @florentmaitre in #637
- 623 - Reduce library size by @florentmaitre in #644
Full Changelog: 0.15.0...0.15.1
What's Changed
- 575 -
now published on Maven Central by @florentmaitre in #576 - 580 - ODS-Component - Chips Filter - The screen displayed for filter chips demo is not the good one by @paulinea in #581
- 572 - Update OdsTopAppBar API by @florentmaitre in #583
- 544 - GitHub pages build and deployment fails by @florentmaitre in #590
- 588 - Update OdsBottomNavigation API by @florentmaitre in #589
- 578 - Component > Text Field: Customization text color doesn't change on light or dark switch by @florentmaitre in #591
- 567 - Bug - Accessibility toggle button is not vocalized correctly by @paulinea in #568
- 506 - [Accessibility]: Vocalisation of the result in Search Page by @florentmaitre in #594
- 555-ods component list header updates by @dolinetouko in #586
- 560 - Accessibility - Group dropdown menu elements in the same vocalisation by @paulinea in #595
- 592 - Update OdsBanner API by @florentmaitre in #593
- 530 - Component Odstexttogglebuttonsrow by @dolinetouko in #559
- 596 - Update OdsButton OdsOutlinedButton and OdsTextButton APIs by @paulinea in #598
- 621 - OdsTextField - Fix content color in dark mode by @paulinea in #622
- 599 - Update OdsIconButton OdsIconToggleButton and OdsIconToggleButtonsRow APIs by @paulinea in #601
- 605 - Update OdsAlertDialog API by @paulinea in #606
- 613 - Apply new API in buttons code implementation by @paulinea in #614
- 611 - Update OdsFloatingActionButton and OdsExtendedFloatingActionButton APIs by @paulinea in #612
- 607 - Update OdsLinearProgressIndicator API by @paulinea in #608
- 609 - Update OdsImageItem API and rename it into OdsImageTile by @paulinea in #610
- 603 - Update OdsChip OdsChoiceChipsFlowRow and OdsFilterChip APIs by @paulinea in #604
- 625 - Update demo app icons by @paulinea in #627
Full Changelog: 0.14.0...0.15.0
What's Changed
- 473 - ods component image item by @dolinetouko in #515
- 545 - Add OdsExposedDropdownMenuItem saver in the library by @paulinea in #547
- 546 - Use a dropdown menu to switch between Compose and XML by @paulinea in #548
- 528 - xml component buttons outlined and contained by @dolinetouko in #552
- 561 - Bug - Selected UI framework in dropdown menu does not corresponds to code implementation in some cases by @florentmaitre in #562
- 529 - xml component buttons icons text by @dolinetouko in #553
- 563 - Documentation - Add badges to README by @florentmaitre in #564
- 329 - Toggle button add disable state implementation by @florentmaitre in #565
- 118 - ODS Component - app bar top large by @paulinea in #554
Full Changelog: 0.13.0...0.14.0
What's Changed
- 504 - Navigation drawer - Display a recipe picture as avatar by @dolinetouko in #510
- 513 - Highest emphasis buttons - Set background color to primary by @paulinea in #514
- Fix issue templates references to ods-ios repo by @julien-deramond in #516
- Fix issues templates labels +
links by @julien-deramond in #518 - 459 - Generalize code implementation section in components by @paulinea in #501
- 497 - Documentation - Find a way to use a local Jekyll theme by @florentmaitre in #505
- 511 - Use APIs to release app on Google Play Store by @florentmaitre in #512
- 522 - Use Orange placeholder images by @paulinea in #524
- 532 - Update README by @paulinea in #533
- 535 - Fix Jekyll documentation build process by @florentmaitre in #537
- 534 - Rename master branch to main by @florentmaitre in #536
- 520 - Add a DSL for parameters in code implementation by @florentmaitre in #521
- 523 - Technical - Rename OdsComponentApi annotation by OdsComposable by @florentmaitre in #539
- 476 - Study - Middle layer to address XML applications by @florentmaitre in #519
- Prepare release 0.13.0 by @florentmaitre in #542
- Release 0.13.0 by @florentmaitre in #543
Full Changelog: 0.12.0...0.13.0
What's Changed
- 332 - accessibility bug - vocalise the content when the user change the type of the chips name and description by @paulinea in #454
- 437 - add a documentation for the release process by @florentmaitre in #456
- 359 - accessibility bug - text field with error message is not vocalised correctly by @paulinea in #455
- Remove Gemfile.lock by @MewenLeHo in #440
- 463 - Fix security vulnerability by @florentmaitre in #467
- 445 - Bug - Image height is wrong in some cases in OdsHorizontalCard by @florentmaitre in #461
- Json content update by @B3nz01d in #460
- 426 - Improve theme contract by @paulinea in #430
- 465 - Documentation - Add FoODS announcement in the release process by @paulinea in #466
- 469 - Update demo app package name by @florentmaitre in #472
- 16-demo app search page by @dolinetouko in #462
- 474 - Update privacy policy by @florentmaitre in #475
- 477 - Bug - Scrolling in the guideline screen leads to a crash by @paulinea in #480
- 468 - Add support for Google Play Store release by @florentmaitre in #471
- 457 - Documentation - The documentation is displayed twice on the same page for some components by @florentmaitre in #488
- 458 - Bug - Tab customize bottom sheet opening by @florentmaitre in #489
- 439 - Add documentation to execute locally the documentation by @florentmaitre in #492
- 486 - About page - Take out copyright notice text by @paulinea in #490
- Remove Orange logo from README by @julien-deramond in #493
- 478 - Search - Add guidelines pages in search result by @dolinetouko in #498
- 112 - ODS Component - Navigation drawer by @dolinetouko in #479
- 491 - Rename title ODS Android to Orange Design System Android by @dolinetouko in #500
- 494 - Chips - Update variants by @paulinea in #499
- 484 - Buttons: icons - Update icons buttons in a new component by @paulinea in #496
- 502 - bug selected text in modal drawer should not be bold by @dolinetouko in #503
- 507 - Prepare release 0.12.0 by @paulinea in #508
- Release 0.12.0 by @florentmaitre in #509
New Contributors
- @MewenLeHo made their first contribution in #440
Full Changelog: 0.11.1...0.12.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.11.0...0.11.1