Releases: Orange-OpenSource/ods-android
Releases · Orange-OpenSource/ods-android
What's Changed
- 418 - crash on components tabs exit by @florentmaitre in #423
- 419 - add demo app description by @dolinetouko in #429
- 413 - buttons fab add a size label before the default/mini customization chips by @dolinetouko in #431
- 427 - enable github actions on develop branch by @florentmaitre in #428
- 360 - ods component - bottom sheet by @dolinetouko in #434
- 362-update the progress bar with label and the current value by @dolinetouko in #436
- 35 - ods component - horizontal card by @paulinea in #433
- 432 - cards - rename cards labels and components by @paulinea in #435
- 115-ods component banners by @dolinetouko in #438
- 449 - food content - update json file by @paulinea in #450
- 441 - accessibility bug - the value of the progress bar is vocalized twice by @paulinea in #443
- 447 - Sheets: bottom - Keep same bottom sheet height when content or not by @paulinea in #448
- 451 - prepare release 0.11.0 by @florentmaitre in #452
- Release 0.11.0 by @florentmaitre in #453
New Contributors
- @dolinetouko made their first contribution in #429
Full Changelog: 0.10.0...0.11.0
What's Changed
- 391 - bug - accessibility - Fix cards vocalization when clickable by @paulinea in #398
- 392 - bug - accessibility - Group lines of implementation code sections into one vocalisation by @paulinea in #397
- 393 - bug - accessibility - Fix icon buttons not focusable with Talkback by @paulinea in #396
- 387 - bug - accessibility - Vocalise selection control in the list item in lists by @paulinea in #394
- 388 - display food content in demo app by @florentmaitre in #389
- 401 - technical - update dependencies by @paulinea in #405
- 395 - buttons & chips - bottom sheet wording coherence by @paulinea in #406
- 109 - ods component - floating action button by @paulinea in #402
- 390 - about - second level screens link in other theme by @florentmaitre in #407
- 355 - technical - factorize components common behaviors in common files by @paulinea in #408
- 409 - documentation - fix Jetpack Compose integration by @paulinea in #410
- 385 - define format for demo data file for food content by @florentmaitre in #411
- 403 - add new links in the about section by @florentmaitre in #412
- 258 - documentation versioning by @florentmaitre in #416
- 415 - text fields - manage text field style through theme configuration by @paulinea in #417
- 420 - bug - links in documentation are broken on GitHub pages by @florentmaitre in #421
- 111 - ods component - menu by @paulinea in #414
- 424 - Prepare release 0.10.0 by @paulinea in #425
Full Changelog: 0.9.0...0.10.0
What's Changed
- 349 - Top app bar - Fix overflow menu colors for all themes by @paulinea in #361
- 337 - Fix list item trailing icon display and vocalization by @paulinea in #368
- 370 - doc - use jekyll theme header by @paulinea in #371
- 314 - technical - create and use an extension for disabled/enabled coloration by @florentmaitre in #374
- 339 - Update buttons to display code implementation and remove styles from contained buttons customization by @paulinea in #365
- 294 - ods component - odsiconbutton by @florentmaitre in #378
- 375 - about second level screens background is always dark even in light mode by @florentmaitre in #379
- 302 - component - list page update by @florentmaitre in #381
- 376 - bug - text field password visual icon deselection action by @florentmaitre in #384
- 382- technical - refactor code related to forced surfaces in button demos by @florentmaitre in #383
- 377 - update - the illustrations for the innovation cup theme by @florentmaitre in #386
- 399 - release version 0.9.0 by @florentmaitre in #400
Full Changelog: 0.8.0...0.9.0
What's Changed
- 318 - remove material catalog app by @florentmaitre in #319
- 322 - demo - enhance changelog by @florentmaitre in #323
- 320 - technical - use optin annotation by @florentmaitre in #321
- 324 - technical - use multipreview annotation by @florentmaitre in #325
- 303 - update the buttons demo page with a customization bottom sheet by @paulinea in #317
- 330 - Fix colors of leading icon tabs by @paulinea in #333
- 327 - cards - replace action buttons switches by a counter in the customization bottom sheet by @paulinea in #328
- 307 - update the slider demo with a bottom sheet customization by @paulinea in #326
- 334 - doc - include the oldest os version support by @paulinea in #342
- 114 - ods component - snackbar by @paulinea in #331
- 305 - update the chips customization by @paulinea in #336
- 338 - text field - error message example by @paulinea in #348
- 352- technical - remove unused resources by @florentmaitre in #353
- 350 - bug - odstextfield demo is always multiline by @florentmaitre in #351
- 343 - technical - upgrade to target sdk 33 by @florentmaitre in #354
- Add NOTICE.txt file in the repository by @paulinea in #357
- 335 - feature - allow to switch theme from the top app bar by @paulinea in #358
- 363 - Prepare 0.8.0 release by @paulinea in #364
Full Changelog: 0.7.0...0.8.0
What's Changed
- 288 - technical - review software architecture to be able to implement new themes by @paulinea in #293
- 295 - theming - create the innovation cup theme by @paulinea in #300
- 301 - typography page update by @paulinea in #308
- 306 - update the lists customization option by @paulinea in #309
- 304 - update the chips page structure by @paulinea in #310
- 312 - release - publish multiple artefacts on maven central by @florentmaitre in #313
- 315 - Prepare 0.7.0 release by @paulinea in #316
Full Changelog: 0.6.0...0.7.0
What's Changed
- 254 - demo - update all components detail screens by @paulinea in #255
- 267 - demo - add technical objects names in components detail screens by @paulinea in #269
- 272 - release - push app on app distribution on successful release by @florentmaitre in #273
- 260 - demo - update the button page list types by @paulinea in #270
- 266 - bug - vocalisation of number of items selected by @paulinea in #274
- 282 - demo - split progress and activities components in two variants by @paulinea in #283
- 279 - bug - the state of the dropdown click to customise is not vocalised on chips by @paulinea in #285
- 280 - bug - add vocalisation for selected button in icon in scrollable tabs by @paulinea in #286
- 284 - demo - update customization bottom sheets by @paulinea in #287
- 278 - demo - tweak the button page list types by @paulinea in #281
- 271 - technical - generate a class to reference lib apis in code by @florentmaitre in #276
- 290 - technical - use compositionlocal instead of passing lambdas through the composition by @florentmaitre in #291
- 256 - feature - color hex copy by @florentmaitre in #292
- 296 - release - version 0.6.0 by @paulinea in #297
- 298 - bug - fail to resolve component-processor when using released ods-lib by @florentmaitre in #299
Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.6.0
What's Changed
- 153 - buttons - new functional colour variants by @paulinea in #210
- 216 - documentation - home page still references jitpack maven repository by @florentmaitre in #219
- 220 - bug - workflow android-build fails on forked repository by @florentmaitre in #222
- [#205] Limit
workflow to main 'ods-android' repository by @julien-deramond in #215 - 225 - bug - latest version is not displayed in changelog by @florentmaitre in #226
- 229 - bug - guideline and component images are cropped by @florentmaitre in #230
- 238 - bug - back button does not collapse expanded bottom sheets by @florentmaitre in #239
- 172 - bug - number of items selected by @florentmaitre in #240
- 141 - bug - lists new variants by @florentmaitre in #227
- 211 - ods guidelines spacing by @florentmaitre in #228
- 245 - tabs - crash when last tab selected and the user decreases tabs number by @florentmaitre in #249
- 252 - bug - lists bad wording by @paulinea in #253
- 105 - ods component - app bar standard by @paulinea in #244
- 169 - update the bottom sheet with chips in all components using it by @paulinea in #246
- 168 - bug - button forced on light by @paulinea in #257
- 241 - technical - add compose previews for lib components by @florentmaitre in #242
- 243 - bug - accessibility talkback vocalisation sliders with icons by @paulinea in #263
- 262 - technical - use painters instead of resource identifiers in component parameters by @paulinea in #264
- 247 - bug - cards are always clickable and corner radius of ripple effect is missing by @paulinea in #261
- 221 - update the text fields page by @paulinea in #251
- 259 - change version from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 by @paulinea in #265
Full Changelog: 0.4.0...0.5.0
What's Changed
- Create the Bug Reporte Template by @B3nz01d in #2
- 11 - demo app - high level app navigation by @paulinea in #23
- 22 -demo app - app distribution by @paulinea in #24
- Fix file path for distributed apk by @paulinea in #26
- Improve app distribution by upgrading and adding release note by @paulinea in #27
- Execute distribution when a PR is merged by @paulinea in #28
- Improve distribution release note by @paulinea in #29
- Use GITHUB_HEAD_REF env variable by @paulinea in #30
- Improve distribution release note by @paulinea in #31
- 36 - ods - jetpack compose theme by @paulinea in #37
- 38 - demo app - fix top app bar display by using the noactionbar theme by @paulinea in #39
- 40 - demo app - integrate app launcher icon by @paulinea in #41
- 43 - demo app - update bottom navigation bar icons by @paulinea in #44
- 3 - change app icon app name by @paulinea in #46
- 42 - bugfix - menu overlapping with icon by @RemiCholleyOcto in #50
- 32 - ods - component - card - card image first by @RemiCholleyOcto in #47
- 34 - ods - component - card - card small by @RemiCholleyOcto in #48
- 12 - demo app - Guideline page by @RemiCholleyOcto in #51
- 25 - demo app - toolbar with light dark support by @RemiCholleyOcto in #49
- 12 - demo app - guideline page structure Review by @RemiCholleyOcto in #53
- 13 - demo app - Component page by @RemiCholleyOcto in #52
- 54 - Bug- Card image first - wrong image size and title typography by @RemiCholleyOcto in #55
- 56 - demo app - guideline colour page by @RemiCholleyOcto in #58
- 57 - component - bottom navigation - fix colors according zeplin by @paulinea in #60
- 59 demo app guideline typography page by @RemiCholleyOcto in #61
- 45 - ods - component - buttons by @paulinea in #65
- 62 Ods Component Card - Card page by @RemiCholleyOcto in #63
- 68 - Demo app - Create card screen with list of different cards by @RemiCholleyOcto in #69
- 74 - theme switching issue with component by @RemiCholleyOcto in #75
- 67 - documentation - add images in documentation by @paulinea in #72
- 66 - ods components - add a mecanism to force display on light or dark by @paulinea in #70
- 76 Demo App - Add back icon on Top App Bar for available second level screens by @RemiCholleyOcto in #78
- 64 ods component controls by @RemiCholleyOcto in #81
- 82 guidelines colour apply zeplin design to screen by @RemiCholleyOcto in #84
- Upgrade gradle build tools to 7.1.2 by @paulinea in #85
- 71 - components - buttons - apply zeplin design to screen by @paulinea in #86
- 15 - demo app - about page by @paulinea in #92
- 93 - Clean code by @paulinea in #94
- 33 - ods component - card - card title first by @paulinea in #96
- 20 - ods component - bottom navigation by @paulinea in #97
- 79 - ods component - slider by @paulinea in #122
- 80 - ods component - progress indicator by @paulinea in #123
- cards - replace images by a placeholder in demo app by @paulinea in #124
- technical - review app navigation management by @paulinea in #126
- 73 - ods component - lists by @paulinea in #136
- Use Jetpack states and refactor the demo app by @paulinea in #139
- doc: update README file to be coherent with other ODS repositories by @julien-deramond in #9
- Gradle Kotlin migration by @florentmaitre in #128
- 89 - ods component - controls split out by @paulinea in #140
- Crashlytics integration and configuration by @florentmaitre in #144
- Demo app versioning by @florentmaitre in #130
- Demo app release notes by @florentmaitre in #143
- 148 - technical - prefix commits with github issue id by @florentmaitre in #149
- 133 - bug - Fix wording for disabled switch by @paulinea in #151
- 83 - ods component - text field by @paulinea in #146
- technical - upgrade gradle plugin to 7.2.0 by @paulinea in #152
- 101 - ods component - dialogs by @paulinea in #150
- 155 - technical - enable save actions plugin by @florentmaitre in #156
- 134 - bug - large card with title first text spacing by @paulinea in #158
- 137 - bug - accessibility talkback header navigation by @paulinea in #159
- 138 - bug - accessibility talkback grouping elements for vocalisation by @paulinea in #160
- 157 - documentation - add header and menu on the existing documentation by @paulinea in #161
- 108 - ods component - tabs by @paulinea in #154
- 95 - bug - about page corrections by @florentmaitre in #167
- 131 - bug - legal notice not showing on samsung by @florentmaitre in #166
- 176 - improvement - change modules screen wording by @paulinea in #184
- 98 - bug - impossible to go to components crash by @florentmaitre in #180
- 174 - improvement - display a toast on dialog actions buttons click by @paulinea in #183
- 165 - lib documentation - introduction by @paulinea in #182
- 181 - display changelog in about page by @florentmaitre in #185
- 189 - documentation - homogenize documentation structure for components by @paulinea in #195
- 177 - ods lib release - define the publication process by @florentmaitre in #193
- 170 - change the text fields placeholder text to "Hint text" by @paulinea in #199
- 106 - ods component - progress indicators by @paulinea in #191
- 173 - bug - control enabled disabled clarification by @paulinea in #198
- 175 - improvement - split buttons variants in sub-components by @paulinea in #201
- 202 - bug - activity indicator centered by @florentmaitre in #204
- 113 - ods component - chips by @paulinea in #186
- 196 - component customization - replace checkboxes by switches by @paulinea in #197
- 178 - ods lib release - document the install process in the code documentation by @florentmaitre in #203
- 190 - rename sub-components in variants by @paulinea in
feat(docs) add landing page Signed-off-by: Ruffin Arnaud <[email protected]>