Runtime Unity Editor v1.9
- Added Clear AssetBundle Cache button (appears if supported by the game, forces the game to reload from disk)
- Added multi-line support to REPL text box (press shift+enter or paste multiple lines of code)
- Accept numpad enter in search boxes and repl
- Improved forcing cursor to be visible (more consistent)
- Refactored root gameobject search logic and improved its performance
- Fixed crash when searching in object tree on some unity versions
- Fixed empty strings getting added to repl history
- Fixed inspector crash on unity 5.x
- Fixed potential crash in object tree
- Fixed wireframe mode flashing on mouse clicks
- Fixed project references
- Updated readme and added a How to build section
Warning: Archive folder format has been changed, make sure to remove old versions of the dlls when updating (expecially in case of the bepin4 version).