iOS Messaging SDK - Version
Version 6.2.0
iOS Messaging SDK
Release Date: Jan 29, 2021
Environmental Requirements
The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 12 through 14.
This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version 5.2.4 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.9 clang-1103.0.32.53) which means it will work with Swift version 5.2.4 and above.
XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.
New Features
In App proactive support
Send Push notification in logout state (New Logout API)
Consumers can now receive push notifications even in logged out state. SDK has introduced new enum configurations to let brands decide If they want consumers to receive notifications when logged out.
Brands can choose either of the following configurations to unregister user from pusher:
func logout(unregisterType: LPPusherUnregisterType, completion: @escaping ()->(), failure: @escaping (_ errors: [Error])->())
Welcome Message
Adding link recognition to WelcomeMessage text and localization of "hiMessage" string:
When setting a URL(https:
), sms:
, tel:
, facetime:
or facetime-audio:
as part of the Welcome Message text or "hiMessage" string, this elements will by highlighted as links:
⚠️ this change only adds support to url, sms, tel, facetime, facetime-audio, and doesn't cover hyperlinks format.
- All: unregister for all types of push notification messages
- None: do not unregister from the pusher at all
- Agent: Unregister only for agent push notification messages. Consumers can still receive outbound push notifications sent from the Proactive or Connect to Messaging (IVR) services.
- Error Codes
- New configurations for conversation separator line
- enableConversationSeparatorLine
- Toggle conversation separator line when conversation resolved from agent or consumer.
- enableConversationSeparatorLineOnAutoClose
- Toggle conversation separator line when conversation is auto close
- enableConversationSeparatorLine
Bug fixes:
- LPConfig property inputTextViewContainerBackgroundColor not respecting color
- LPConfig property conversationBackgroundPortraitImage not changing image
- Fixed a gap of space surrounding the conversation separator
- Loading screen is not showing after resuming conversation after logout
- Unread message divider is not showing for one unread message
- File/Phone preview not updated when network unreachable
- Brand Avatar not display while using Window Mode
- Scroll to bottom issue when conversation screen is loaded and has content but screen does not scroll all the way down
- Messaging history is retained after launching the messaging as an unauthenticated user
- Close conversation dividers is displayed in auto close conversation
- Encryption Recovery after discovering a corrupted keychain so that empty bubbles will not show.
- Fixing input text view cut off on the right side in file preview view.
Crashes fixed
- QuickReply crashes when migrating from older SDK versions
- Unread message crash for unauthenticated users when returning from background.