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Considerations for implementation of GDMLTessellated Objects

Keith Sloan edited this page Apr 6, 2024 · 3 revisions


  • GDML Tessellated Objects support triangular and Quad Facets


  • GDML object are implemented as Part::PythonFeatures
  • Creation of Geometry is by Python
  • Challenge for Tessellations with a large number of facets

  • Initial import of OBJ is via python again slow

PartPythonFeature Use of FC Mesh

  • Can import with Mesh Workbench i.e.C++ but conversion to Part::Shape slow

Import of OBJ as FC Mesh

  • Loading now faster as via Mesh Workbench which is written in C++
  • Mesh does not support allocation of Material or Colour - So
  • Pre-process file to build a dictionary of Names, Materials
  • Names, Materials applied to loaded FC Meshes
  • Allocation of GDMLMaterial vis Mapping
  • Can also select a single GDMLMaterial before import and will be applied to all
  • Colour is currently random ( Provision in Mapping Window }