Releases: Kaldaien/TBF
Tales of Berseria "Fix" - v 0.9.2
Render Target View Added to Texture Modding Tools
- This has little to no application for most texture modders, but shows the order render passes happen in (for transparency) - I used the tool already to fix a few problem areas where environmental shadow rescaling was rescaling other render targets it should not have been... so win-win 👍 - Adds Post-Processing Resolution Rescaling - Eliminate annoying shimmering :)Wait for VBLANK Option Added
- The old timing hack from Tales of Zestiria is back ;) - This requires D3D9Ex and used to require the game actually ran in D3D9Ex mode, but now a dummy D3D9Ex device is created for the sole purpose of timing. - Enabling this will reduce input latency and CPU usage by up to 90% (Ctrl+Shift+C to view CPU usage with the mod's OSD active). - You will need to adjust the limiter tolerance slider to a lower value to make my framerate limiter re-adjust itself more frequently, or framerate will oscillate.Tales of Berseria "Fix" - v 0.9.1
Wait for VBLANK Option Added
- The old timing hack from Tales of Zestiria is back ;) - This requires D3D9Ex and used to require the game actually ran in D3D9Ex mode, but now a dummy D3D9Ex device is created for the sole purpose of timing. - Enabling this will reduce input latency and CPU usage by up to 90% (Ctrl+Shift+C to view CPU usage with the mod's OSD active). - You will need to adjust the limiter tolerance slider to a lower value to make my framerate limiter re-adjust itself more frequently, or framerate will oscillate.Tales of Berseria "Fix" - v 0.9.0
Builds on 0.8.0 by bringing the audio fix back for center channel audio problems
- Disables certain compatibility layer features that break non-compliant Windows DLLs (including, ironically, the Steam overlay). Said DLLs do things at startup that Microsoft expressly forbids and the authors should know better :-\_0.9.0.1_ adds input remapping configuration for keyboard users (swap any pair of keys on the keyboard you want).
Feature Complete Real-Time Texture Modding
- All files can be re-loaded on demand from the texture mod menu - Texture caching of injected textures works as intended now (they aren't constantly reloaded) - Debug Texture highlighting can be turned on/off (default=on)Ideal 7-zip compression settings
A low compression ratio is not as important as making sure .7z files are non-solid. Solid archives will kill performance because multiple packed files have to be decompressed in pairs instead of individually (it's a compression ratio optimization that does not favor fast decompression).
- The disclaimer on startup about pressing Ctrl + Shift + ... can be disabled, directions to do so are in the message itself.
_0.8.2.1_ is an emergency hotfix for a corrupt texture discovered in-game, that was causing texture caching problems.
Tales of Berseria "Fix" - v 0.8.2
Feature Complete Real-Time Texture Modding
- All files can be re-loaded on demand from the texture mod menu - Texture caching of injected textures works as intended now (they aren't constantly reloaded) - Debug Texture highlighting can be turned on/off (default=on)Ideal 7-zip compression settings
A low compression ratio is not as important as making sure .7z files are non-solid. Solid archives will kill performance because multiple packed files have to be decompressed in pairs instead of individually (it's a compression ratio optimization that does not favor fast decompression).
- The disclaimer on startup about pressing Ctrl + Shift + ... can be disabled, directions to do so are in the message itself.
_0.8.2.1_ is an emergency hotfix for a corrupt texture discovered in-game, that was causing texture caching problems.
Tales of Berseria "Fix" - v 0.8.1
Cumulative Updates
- Includes several updates that snuck into 0.8.0.x for testing - Fixes banding during some lighting effects caused by unnecessary compression in attenuation ramp texture - Thank you to Steam user Yuichi for help with thisIncluded are more 💡 textures that need fixes -- sheesh - QLOC is no better at this than Other Ocean was!
Realistically, 6fb10040 is the only one the community has a shot of fixing... the rest are to embarrass QLOC into fixing this the right way ;)
Tales of Berseria "Fix" - v 0.8.0
Advanced Texture Modding Tools
- Dumping textures and visually inspecting them while the game is running is now possible - Future versions will add the ability to reload textures - In the more distant future, the DLC Manager from Tales of Symphonia "Fix" will be integrated directly into the mod and you can download/install and re-prioritize texture mods from inside the game! 💪_0.8.0.1_ Tweaks the texture preview window for usability, load-time and file size information for injected textures is inaccurate and the re-load button does not work yet.
_b26e4b62.dds_ is why, boys and girls, you don't compress gradient textures using DXT1.
This is an important texture used for lighting effects and it's responsible for a lot of banding artifacts in this game.
Anyone skilled with Photoshop who can reproduce the original gradient would be doing the community a huge service by re-creating that texture and then exporting it (ideally) in A8R8G8B8 uncompressed format or (less ideally) DXT5.
Tales of Berseria "Fix" - v 0.7.3
Mouse Input Improvements
- TBFix's control panel uses the game's cursor and does not interfere with its ability to show/hide itself - The setting to pause the game while the config menu is open is persistent - All known issues associated with mouse-look when auto-pause was not disabled have been resolved - Disabling the Steam popup for achievements correctly persists across application exits_0.7.3.1_ adds no new features, but it is important that a few updates to Special K be tested before they cause any problems (I'm expecting the usual round of Windows 7 nonsense 💢 )
Tales of Berseria "Fix" - v 0.7.2
Disabled AI Fix and Related Support Code
- Part of the AI fix included crash fixes for systems with DirectInput controllers that don't support rumble and more than 4 controllers... - If you are one of those niche people, then set VirtualControllers=1 to avoid the game itself crashing at start - Removed the audio fix section from the control panel and changed the default settings of the mod to disable the audio fix.- **_0.7.2.1**_ allows the virtual controller system to be started without restarting the game...
I still find value in this feature (and will continue to support it) since virtual players P2-P4 have visible targeting indicators this way ;)
Tales of Berseria "Fix" - v 0.7.1
AI Intelligence Boost 👓
- Adds Virtual Controller Support, read below to configureStep 1. Enable Virtual Controllers
Open the mod's Control Panel, select the Input tab and set the number of virtual controllers accordingly
Hot-plugging will be severely restricted if you set this number too high, but you can change it as need be while he game is running. Lower the number to make room for a the addition of a new controller.
Step 2. Controller Assignment
- Open the game's Controller Configuration and assign Players 2-4 to separate "TBFix Dummy Controller"s.
Step 3. AI Brain Surgery
- Set Control Mode = Auto for all non-controlled characters
Step 4. Donate Gald to Kald 😄
0.7.1 adds disclaimer regarding the use of the Audio Fix in retail versions, improves support for DirectInput hot-plugging and disables the Yes button during software updates once it's been clicked. prevents cascading input on systems with only one XInput controller -- in simpler terms, you can change characters in combat now ;)
Tales of Berseria "Fix" - v 0.7.0
AI Intelligence Boost 👓
- Adds Virtual Controller Support, read below to configureStep 1. Enable Virtual Controllers
Open the mod's Control Panel, select the Input tab and set the number of virtual controllers accordingly
Single-player keyboard/mouse users select 4.
Single-player controller users select 3.- _Restart the game the first time you change this setting._
Step 2. Controller Assignment
- Open the game's Controller Configuration and assign Players 2-4 to separate "TBFix Dummy Controller"s.
Step 3. AI Brain Surgery
- Set Control Mode = Auto for all non-controlled characters
Step 4. Donate Gald to Kald 😄
_0.7.0.1 (tbfix_0701.7z)_ Includes a fix for systems with more than 4 DirectInput devices
- The game normally crashes on these systems.
_0.7.0.2 (tbfix.7z)_ Fixes DirectInput + XInput inter-op issues and should work on all systems