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Cyclops References

Indigocoder1 edited this page Oct 23, 2024 · 5 revisions

Sub Library has a system for referencing objects on the Cyclops called the CyclopsReferenceHandler. It provides a reference to the Cyclops prefab after a coroutine setup.

You can access it directly via CyclopsReferenceHandler.CyclopsReference, or by using the interface ICyclopsReferencer. The latter must be called manually during prefab setup, either using a foreach loop or by using InterfaceCallerHandler.InvokeCyclopsReferencers() and passing in your prefab root.

Example prefab setup code (Without using Interface Handler):

GameObject model = Main_Plugin.AssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("ChameleonSub");

GameObject chameleon = GameObject.Instantiate(model);

yield return new WaitUntil(() => MaterialUtils.IsReady);

//Apply shaders first so you don't mess with the instantiated stuff
MaterialUtils.ApplySNShaders(chameleon, shininess: 1f);

yield return CyclopsReferenceManager.EnsureCyclopsReference();

foreach (ICyclopsReferencer referencer in chameleon.GetComponentsInChildren<ICyclopsReferencer>())


Example interface implementation:

internal class ChameleonFXAssigner : MonoBehaviour, ICyclopsReferencer
    public VFXController controller;
    public Vector3 interiorExplosionScale =;
    public Vector3 exteriorExplosionScale =;

    public void OnCyclopsReferenceFinished(GameObject cyclops)
        VFXController cyclopsController = cyclops.transform.Find("FX/CyclopsExplosionFX").GetComponent<VFXController>();
        controller.emitters[0].fx = cyclopsController.emitters[0].fx;
        controller.emitters[1].fx = cyclopsController.emitters[1].fx;

        controller.emitters[0].fx.transform.localScale = interiorExplosionScale;
        controller.emitters[1].fx.transform.localScale = exteriorExplosionScale;

Code examples taken from the Chameleon repo.
While this doesn't use the Sub Library, it has its own system using the same concepts which can be applied here