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Platform tutorial

Hervé Ménager edited this page Apr 18, 2022 · 6 revisions

Purpose : explain how to add new bioinformatics platforms on the IFB catalogue.


Ensure that you have followed these steps :

  1. Connecting to your account
  2. Access to admin dashboard
  3. Make sure to be leader or deputy or maintainer

CRUD operations can be make only by this type of profile However, note that we do not publish the maintainers from the API, and this privilege is limited to edition

Adding platform

You have to know that the meaning of team is platform

  1. Find out team menu and open it
  2. Click on Add team
  3. You will get the screen like the one below


The form has several tabs that you can to fill :

  • Team info
  • Location
  • Skills
  • Results
  • Persons
  • Organisations

In the tab Team info, these fields are mandatory :

  • Name
  • Description
  • Homepage

In the Persons tab, Members field are mandatory. To add a new member, you just need to:

  1. Click on the member field
  2. Fill the name of the new member (firstname or name or fullname)
  3. As you type something, the system will suggest you some member already saved in DB
  4. Just select your new member from the list

If the member does not exist in catalogue db, you have to add him in clicking on + button below the field member.

If you want to remove a member from the field, you just need to click on the cross (X) which appears to the left of the member's name

This action will remove the member from the field but not from DB. To remove the member from DB, make sure you have the privileges for that or just contact catalogue admin.

In the tab Organisations, only IfbMembership field is mandatory. By default, the system take Not a member

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