Gyeeta components can be installed in Kubernetes Cluster environments using Helm Charts.
Gyeeta Helm Charts install the various components in the following way :
- Shyama Central Server is installed as a Statefulset along with its corresponding Postgres DB as a side container
- Madhava Intermediate Server is installed as a Statefulset along with its corresponding Postgres DB as a side container
- Partha Host Agents are installed as a Daemonset as Partha needs to be installed on each host
- Node Webserver is installed as a Deployment
- Alert Action Agent is installed as a Deployment
- Kubernetes 1.19+
- Helm 3.2.0+
- PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
Gyeeta components Helm Chart Description lnks are given below. Readers are advised to install the Helm Charts in the sequence as shown below :
- Shyama Central Server
- Madhava Intermediate Server
- Partha Host Agents
- Node Webserver
- Alert Action Agent
Gyeeta also provides a separate Helm Chart for Postgres DB component though it is recommended not to install a separate Postgres DB. Instead the Shyama server and Madhava Servers will automatically install a PostgresDB container alongside the server container.