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Using the extended functions for data source development

lgaetz edited this page Jun 29, 2012 · 7 revisions

There are 4 principle functions available to the caller ID sources.

They are:


(Available in Superfecta v2.2.4 - 2.2.X)


  • match_pattern (string pattern, string number) Parses Asterisk dial patterns and produces a resulting number if the match is successful or false if there is no match.


Parm1 -- (required)

Explain parm1.

h3. Parm2 -- (required/option)

Explain parm2.

h2. Examples:

h3. Example1

h3. Example2

h3. Example3


h1. cisf_url_encode_array

(Available in Superfecta v2.2.4 - 2.2.X)

h2. Description:

  • cisf_url_encode_array (array array)

    Encode an array for transmission in http request

h2. Parameters:

h3. Parm1 -- (required/option)

Explain parm1.

h3. Parm2 -- (required/option)

Explain parm1.

h2. Examples:

h3. Example1

h3. Example2

h3. Example3


h1. cisf_find_area

(Available in Superfecta v2.2.4 - 2.2.X)

h2. Description:

  • cisf_find_area (array area, string full_number)

    Search an array of area codes against phone number to find one that matches. Return an array with the area code, area name, and remaining phone number

h2. Parameters:

h3. Parm1 -- (required/option)

Explain parm1.

h3. Parm2 -- (required/option)

Explain parm1.

h2. Examples:

h3. Example1

h3. Example2

h3. Example3



(Available in Superfecta v2.2.4 - 2.2.X)


get_url_contents (string url, [array post_data], [string referrer], [string cookie_file], [string useragent]) Returns a string containing the contents of url specified by url and other optional parameters.


url -- (required)

A string containing the full url of the page you would like to receive.

post_data -- (optional)

An array containing the data you would like to post. If not provided or set to false, no data will be posted.

referrer -- (optional)

A string containing the full url of the referring page. If not provided or set to false, no referrer will be used.

cookie_file -- (optional)

A string containing the full path to the file you will use to store cookie data. If not provided or set to false, cookies will not be used.

useragent -- (optional)

A string containing the user agent to masquerade as. If not provided or set to false, the default user agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/


Simple url

// Set the url
$url = "";

// Get the url
$result = get_url_contents($url);

Post data

// Create the post array.  The key is the form element's name, the value is the form element's value
$post_data = array(
    "form_element_name_1" => "form_element_value_1",
    "form_element_name_2" => "form_element_value_2",
    "form_element_name_3" => "form_element_value_3"

// Set the url of the page the form data should be submitted to
$url = "";

// Post the form data and return the results
$result = get_url_contents($url, $post_data);

Using cookies and referrer to post data to a page requiring cookies and a referrer.

// Set the referring page.  In this case, it is the url of the page containing the form.
$referrer ="";

// Set the url of the page that will be processing the posted data

// Set the data that will be posted
$post_data = array(

// Create a temporary path for a cookie file in the /tmp directory
$cookie_file = tempnam("/tmp", "CURLCOOKIE");

// Load the results page once to get some cookies set.
// The first result will fail, but the cookie file will be populated
$result = get_url_contents($url,$post_data,$referrer,$cookie_file);

// Load the results page again, now that our cookie file has valid cookies
$result = get_url_contents($url,$post_data,$referrer,$cookie_file);

// Delete the temporary cookie file, since we no longer need it