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A Flask web app for presenting bcl2fastq and variant calling performance reports from Analysis-Driver


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EGCG Reporting App

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(Note: this project uses EGCG-Core, which is available here.)

This project contains the companion Rest API and web app for Analysis-Driver.

Rest API

This consists of an Eve/Flask JSON API with aggregation and Clarity Lims extensions. The main Eve app is contained in \_\_init\_\_. Configuration is done by, which sets up the schema from etc/schema.yaml as well as NoSQL connections and url prefixes if the running platform is Tornado.


  • Vanilla Eve: Can be filtered by any field in the schema, or any field contained within aggregated (see below).

    • runs: Container for run_elements and analysis_driver_procs for demultiplexing runs.
    • lanes: Groups run_elements by flowcell lane.
    • run_elements: Represents a single combination of a sample id, lane and sequencing barcode. Contains demultiplexing QC data.
    • unexpected_barcodes: Record of any unexpected barcodes found during demultiplexing.
    • projects: Container for samples and analysis_driver_procs for per-sample relatedness checks.
    • samples: Contains analysis_driver_procs for sample processing and related QC data. Also contains information on data delivery/deletion.
    • analysis_driver_procs: Records of pipeline runs. Can be associated with a run, sample or project.
    • analysis_driver_stages: Records of stages within a pipeline run. Currently used for reporting on pipeline performance, but will eventually be used for Luigi pipeline segmentation.
  • [Deprecated] Pipeline aggregation: These can be filtered by any field in the schema or dynamically generated during aggregation (see aggregation/database_side/

    • run_elements_by_lane: Aggregates all run_elements per sequencing lane.
    • all_runs: Displays runs with associated run_elements.
    • run_elements: Basic aggregation per run element.
    • samples: As all_runs, but for samples.
    • projects: Displays projects with associated samples.
  • Lims queries: Uses SQLAlchemy to query the Clarity database directly and generate predetermined views of the Lims. A request gets passed to a SQLAlchemy expression depending on its endpoint, and the unprocessed SQL joins are rolled into sensibly-formed JSON data.

    • project_status: Samples aggregated by project, filters by process_limit_date.
    • plate_status: Samples aggregated by plate.
    • sample_status: Displays samples with 'Prep Workflow' and 'Species' UDFs. Request args ?match={"project_id":<project_id>} filters by project id, ?match={"sample_id":<sample_id>} filters by sample name, filters by process_limit_date and ?detailed=True/False specifies whether to limit information returned for processes the sample is queued in.
    • run_status: Finds recent sequencing runs and displays their status, instrument ID and associated projects/samples. Request args ?status=current displays currently running sequencers, ?status=recent displays recently-completed runs, and no args displays a combination of the two.
    • sample_info: Basic sample information
    • project_info: Basic project information


  • server_side:: Used for relatively simple aggregation and dynamic calculation of fields. specifies aggregation workflows using expressions (e.g, Sum, Percentage, etc.) from This aggregation is called automatically via Eve event hooks. Also contains, which performs any aggregation functions not available in MongoDB aggregation for aggregation/database_side.
  • [Deprecated] database_side: Used in situations where it is necessary to filter on aggregated fields. Uses MongoDB's aggregation pipeline feature. The pipelines in are passed to PyMongo via collection.aggregate. contains shorthand convenience functions for complex/repetitive pipeline stages. For more information, see the MongoDB docs.
  • database_hooks: Aggregates data upon posting or patching of an entity, and stores the results in the subfield aggregated. Specifies data relations so that, e.g, triggering aggregation in a run_element will re-trigger aggregation in all runs and samples it's associated with, and in turn re-trigger aggregation in all corresponding projects.


This is a module containing code that can be executed with parameters by posting a payload to the endpoint actions. The payload should contain the field action_type: run_review and sample_review initiates a Lims-based sequencing run or sample review, while automatic_run_review and automatic_sample_review apply rules from etc/review_thresholds.yaml to a recorded sequencing run or sample. The payload is then passed to a subclass of Action and calls the method perform_action on it.

Reporting App

This is a Flask app that uses/displays the information from rest_api. Pages are generated using Jinja templating, Datatables and Bootstrap. Authentication is implemented via flask_login. A database of users is specified in the reporting app config in user_db. Users can be added, removed and reset with the admin functions in

Authentication contains classes used in flask_login to implement authentication. On the reporting app, a user logs in and generates an auth token, which allows them to authenticate with the Rest API underneath as well. To facilitate this, there is a DualAuth class here, which allows users to supply username/password credentials or an auth token.


  • column_mappings: Column configurations for datatables, including column id, column header name, the column's location in the Rest API JSON data, and any Javascript post processing to be applied.
  • project_status_definitions: Helper config for the aggregation of data from limsdb, defining what a sample should be marked as, depending on which workflows it has or has not been through.
  • review_thresholds.yaml: Config for rest_api.actions.automatic_review
  • schema.yaml: Passed to Eve as the schema/data validation layer. For more information, see the Eve docs.


Currently, this contains database migration scripts for instances where fields in the schema is altered, as opposed to new fields being added.


A dockerfile and template config are present in docker/ for building the Rest API component as a Docker image. To build the image, navigate to this directory and run:

docker build -t <image_name> .

Having built the image, you should now be able to run a container and query its Rest API through egcg_core:

$ docker run <image_name>
$ docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container_name>
<prints container IP address>
$ python
>>> from egcg_core.rest_communication import Communicator
>>> c = Communicator(('username', 'password'), 'http://<container_ip_address>/api/0.1')
>>> c.get_documents('run_elements', where={'run_id': 'a_run'}, max_results=4)

By default, when an image is started up it will pull the latest version of EdinburghGenomics/Reporting-App on master. To change what version/branch/tag is checked out, you can supply a single positional argument after the image name.

If you start up a container as above with no volumes mounted, the Rest API will use an internal user database at /opt/users.sqlite and an internal NoSQL database at the MongoDB default location of /data/db. You can keep the container completely isolated like this, or link it to databases on your host system with Docker volumes.

For example, to start a container with our own databases you need a local directory containing the following files:

  • data_for_clarity_lims.yaml: If you want to load data to the lims databases so that data is available on the lims endpoints

  • users.sqlite: If you want to specify a user database

  • db: directory containing a mongodb database

    docker run -v path/to/local_directory:/opt/etc <image_name>

You can specify a tag v0.9.2 from git:

docker run <image_name> v0.9.2


  • a running MongoDB database
  • sqlite3 with associated C libraries
  • sqlalchemy with associated C libraries

Running the reporting app

Although the app and Rest API are in the same repository, they are to be run separately. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • Tornado: Run Python on bin/ with the argument reporting_app or rest_api
  • Apache: Write a WSGI script for each app, for example:
import sys
# set up config file env vars, etc/

import reporting_app
# set up logging, etc.

application =


A Flask web app for presenting bcl2fastq and variant calling performance reports from Analysis-Driver







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Contributors 3
