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leonhardhennig committed Jul 12, 2024
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43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions content/post/acl2024/
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# Documentation:

title: "Multiple papers by DFKI authors accepted to ACL 2024 and co-located events"
subtitle: ""
summary: ""
authors: []
tags: []
categories: []
date: 2024-07-12T09:24:01+02:00
lastmod: 2024-07-12T09:24:01+02:00
featured: false
draft: false

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projects: []

DFKI will have a strong presence at the [62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024)](, one of the top venues of language technology, that will take place August 11-16 in Bangkok, Thailand. Researchers from [Speech and Language Technology department]( will present 6 papers. The papers appeared in the main conference (Findings) as well as 3 co-located events: [The 11th Workshop on Argument Mining](, the [BioNLP 2024 and Shared Tasks Workshop](, and the [Towards Knowledgeable Language Models Workshop](

The participation in the conference was supported by current research projects, as presentation of their recent results. Some of these projects were: TRAILS (BMBF), KEEPHA (BMBF), and XAINES (BMBF).

The DFKI papers presented at the conference are the following:

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{{< cite page="/publication/acl2024-evaluating-macphail" view="4" >}}
{{< cite page="/publication/acl2024-symmetric-courtois" view="4" >}}
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# Documentation:

title: "One paper by DFKI authors accepted to SemEval-2024"
subtitle: ""
summary: ""
authors: []
tags: []
categories: []
date: 2024-06-12T09:24:01+02:00
lastmod: 2024-06-12T09:24:01+02:00
featured: false
draft: false

# Featured image
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preview_only: false

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# E.g. `projects = ["internal-project"]` references `content/project/deep-learning/`.
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projects: []

One paper by researchers from the [Speech and Language Technology department of DFKI]( will be presented at the [18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation](, co-located with [NAACL 2024](

{{< cite page="/publication/semeval2024-verma" view="4" >}}

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions content/publication/acl2024-dialam-binder/cite.bib
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title={DFKI-MLST at DialAM-2024 Shared Task: System Description},
author={Binder, Arne and Anikina, Tatiana and Hennig, Leonhard and Ostermann, Simon},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Argument Mining},
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions content/publication/acl2024-dialam-binder/
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# Documentation:

title: "DFKI-MLST at DialAM-2024 Shared Task: System Description"
authors: [Arne Binder, Tatiana Anikina, Leonhard Hennig, Simon Ostermann]
date: 2024-07-12T00:00:00+00:00
doi: ""

# Schedule page publish date (NOT publication's date).
publishDate: 2024-07-12T00:00:00+00:00

# Publication type.
# Legend: 0 = Uncategorized; 1 = Conference paper; 2 = Journal article;
# 3 = Preprint / Working Paper; 4 = Report; 5 = Book; 6 = Book section;
# 7 = Thesis; 8 = Patent
publication_types: ["1"]

# Publication name and optional abbreviated publication name.
publication: "Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Argument Mining"
publication_short: "ArgMining 2024"

abstract: ""

# Summary. An optional shortened abstract.
summary: ""

tags: []
categories: []
featured: false

# Custom links (optional).
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# links:
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url_pdf: ""
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caption: ""
focal_point: ""
preview_only: false

# Associated Projects (optional).
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# Simply enter your project's folder or file name without extension.
# E.g. `internal-project` references `content/project/internal-project/`.
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projects: [TRAILS]

# Slides (optional).
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# Otherwise, set `slides: ""`.
slides: ""
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions content/publication/acl2024-evaluating-macphail/cite.bib
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title={Evaluating the Robustness of Adverse Drug Event Classification Models Using Templates},
author={MacPhail, Dorothea and Harbecke, David and Raithel, Lisa and M{\"o}ller, Sebastian},
booktitle={Proceedings of BioNLP 2024},
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions content/publication/acl2024-evaluating-macphail/
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# Documentation:

title: "Evaluating the Robustness of Adverse Drug Event Classification Models Using Templates"
authors: [Dorothea MacPhail, David Harbecke, Lisa Raithel, Sebastian Möller]
date: 2024-07-12T00:00:00+00:00
doi: ""

# Schedule page publish date (NOT publication's date).
publishDate: 2024-07-12T00:00:00+00:00

# Publication type.
# Legend: 0 = Uncategorized; 1 = Conference paper; 2 = Journal article;
# 3 = Preprint / Working Paper; 4 = Report; 5 = Book; 6 = Book section;
# 7 = Thesis; 8 = Patent
publication_types: ["1"]

# Publication name and optional abbreviated publication name.
publication: "Proceedings of BioNLP 2024"
publication_short: "BioNLP 2024"

abstract: "An adverse drug effect (ADE) is any harmful event resulting from medical drug treatment. Despite their importance, ADEs are often under-reported in official channels. Some research has therefore turned to detecting discussions of ADEs in social media. Impressive results have been achieved in various attempts to detect ADEs. In a high-stakes domain such as medicine, however, an in-depth evaluation of a model's abilities is crucial. We address the issue of thorough performance evaluation in English-language ADE detection with hand-crafted templates for four capabilities: Temporal order, negation, sentiment, and beneficial effect. We find that models with similar performance on held-out test sets have varying results on these capabilities."

# Summary. An optional shortened abstract.
summary: ""

tags: []
categories: []
featured: false

# Custom links (optional).
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# links:
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url_pdf: ""
url_code: ""

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caption: ""
focal_point: ""
preview_only: false

# Associated Projects (optional).
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# Simply enter your project's folder or file name without extension.
# E.g. `internal-project` references `content/project/internal-project/`.
# Otherwise, set `projects: []`.
projects: [TRAILS]

# Slides (optional).
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# Simply enter your slide deck's filename without extension.
# E.g. `slides: "example"` references `content/slides/example/`.
# Otherwise, set `slides: ""`.
slides: ""
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions content/publication/acl2024-raki-chen/cite.bib
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title={Retrieval-Augmented Knowledge Integration into Language Models: A Survey},
author={Chen, Yuxuan and R{\"o}der, Daniel and Erker, Justus-Jonas and Hennig, Leonhard and Thomas, Philippe and M{\"o}ller, Sebastian and Roller, Roland},
booktitle={Proceedings of KnowledgeLM 2024},
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions content/publication/acl2024-raki-chen/
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# Documentation:

title: "Retrieval-Augmented Knowledge Integration into Language Models: A Survey"
authors: [Yuxuan Chen, Daniel Röder, Justus-Jonas Erker, Leonhard Hennig, Philippe Thomas, Sebastian Möller, Roland Roller]
date: 2024-05-16T00:00:00+00:00
doi: ""

# Schedule page publish date (NOT publication's date).
publishDate: 2024-05-16T00:00:00+00:00

# Publication type.
# Legend: 0 = Uncategorized; 1 = Conference paper; 2 = Journal article;
# 3 = Preprint / Working Paper; 4 = Report; 5 = Book; 6 = Book section;
# 7 = Thesis; 8 = Patent
publication_types: ["1"]

# Publication name and optional abbreviated publication name.
publication: "Proceedings of KnowledgeLM 2024"
publication_short: "KnowledgeLM2024"

abstract: ""

# Summary. An optional shortened abstract.
summary: ""

tags: []
categories: []
featured: false

# Custom links (optional).
# Uncomment and edit lines below to show custom links.
# links:
# - name: Follow
# url:
# icon_pack: fab
# icon: twitter

url_pdf: ""

# Featured image
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# Focal points: Smart, Center, TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Left, Right, BottomLeft, Bottom, BottomRight.
caption: ""
focal_point: ""
preview_only: false

# Associated Projects (optional).
# Associate this publication with one or more of your projects.
# Simply enter your project's folder or file name without extension.
# E.g. `internal-project` references `content/project/internal-project/`.
# Otherwise, set `projects: []`.
projects: [ADBoard]

# Slides (optional).
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# E.g. `slides: "example"` references `content/slides/example/`.
# Otherwise, set `slides: ""`.
slides: ""
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions content/publication/acl2024-symmetric-courtois/cite.bib
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title={Symmetric Dot-Product Attention for Efficient Training of {BERT} Language Models},
author={Martin, Courtois and Malte, Ostendorff and Leonhard, Hennig and Georg, Rehm},
author={Courtois, Martin and Ostendorff, Malte and Hennig, Leonhard and Rehm, Georg},
booktitle={Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024},
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions content/publication/acl2024-symmetric-courtois/
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Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
# Documentation:

title: "Symmetric Dot-Product Attention for Efficient Training of BERT Language Models"
authors: [Martin Courtois, Malte Ostendorff, Leonhard Hennig, Georg, Rehm]
date: 2024-05-16T00:00:00+00:00
authors: [Martin Courtois, Malte Ostendorff, Leonhard Hennig, Georg Rehm]
date: 2024-07-12T00:00:00+00:00
doi: ""

# Schedule page publish date (NOT publication's date).
publishDate: 2024-05-16T00:00:00+00:00
publishDate: 2024-07-12T00:00:00+00:00

# Publication type.
# Legend: 0 = Uncategorized; 1 = Conference paper; 2 = Journal article;
Expand All @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ publishDate: 2024-05-16T00:00:00+00:00
publication_types: ["1"]

# Publication name and optional abbreviated publication name.
publication: "The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics"
publication_short: "ACL 2024"
publication: "Findings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics"
publication_short: "Findings 2024"

abstract: "Initially introduced as a machine translation model, the Transformer architecture has now become the foundation for modern deep learning architecture, with applications in a wide range of fields, from computer vision to natural language processing. Nowadays, to tackle increasingly more complex tasks, Transformer-based models are stretched to enormous sizes, requiring increasingly larger training datasets, and unsustainable amount of compute resources. The ubiquitous nature of the Transformer and its core component, the attention mechanism, are thus prime targets for efficiency research. In this work, we propose an alternative compatibility function for the self-attention mechanism introduced by the Transformer architecture. This compatibility function exploits an overlap in the learned representation of the traditional scaled dot-product attention, leading to a symmetric with pairwise coefficient dot-product attention. When applied to the pre-training of BERT-like models, this new symmetric attention mechanism reaches a score of 79.36 on the GLUE benchmark against 78.74 for the traditional implementation, leads to a reduction of 6% in the number of trainable parameters, and reduces the number of training steps required before convergence by half."

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ image:
# Simply enter your project's folder or file name without extension.
# E.g. `internal-project` references `content/project/internal-project/`.
# Otherwise, set `projects: []`.
projects: []
projects: [OpenGPT-X, TRAILS]

# Slides (optional).
# Associate this publication with Markdown slides.
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions content/publication/acl2024-towards-maschhur/cite.bib
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title={Towards ML-supported Triage Prediction in Real-World Emergency Room Scenarios},
author={Maschhur, Faraz and Netter, Klaus and Schmeier, Sven and Ostermann, Katrin and Palunis, Rimantas and Strapatsas, Tobias and Roller, Roland},
booktitle={Proceedings of BioNLP 2024},

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