Clone the website repo:
git clone [email protected]:DFKI-NLP/
Create a new publication, e.g. by copying an old one:
cp -r content/publication/acl2022-repl4nlp-chen-fewie/
And edit the files and cite.bib. Then just commit and push. Check whether the commit was built correctly (e.g. here:
Add / update a news post:
cp -r content/post/acl2022
and edit Then just commit and push. Check whether the commit was built correctly (e.g. here:
For local testing, install Hugo (
tar -xvf hugo_extended_0.80.0_Linux-64bit.tar.gz
sudo mv hugo /usr/local/bin/
Clone the website repo:
git clone [email protected]:DFKI-NLP/
Init all submodules in the repo:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Serve the website locally (reachable at http://localhost:1313/):
hugo server
Assuming that we are in the top-level directory, create a new publication entry:
hugo new --kind publication publication/<my-publication>
Go to content > publication > <my-publication>
and edit
Here is an example:
If you add a file called cite.bib
with a bibtex entry, hugo will create a cite button.
File (e.g. poster) can be added to the directory and linked to a "poster" button (see example).
Links to the paper and/or demo can be added as well.
More details can be found here: There is also a way to automatically create a publication from bibtex but it did not work for me:
To publish your changes, add and commit all your changes (make sure the website looks as expected with hugo server):
git commit -m "Added my latest NeurIPS publication"
git push origin src
IMPORTANT: Only push to the src branch! The repository contains a Github action that automatically builds and publishes the static page to the master branch.