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Node Plugins

Gabrielle Zhou edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Plugin 1

Options for plugin account_history

track-account Account ID to track history for (may specify multiple times). eg. track-account="1.2.100"
partial-operations Keep only those operations in memory that are related to account history tracking. eg. partial-operations=true
max-ops-per-account Maximum number of operations per account will be kept in memory. eg. max-ops-per-account=500

Plugin 2

Options for plugin market_history

bucket-size Track market history by grouping orders into buckets of equal size measured in seconds specified as a JSON array of numbers. eg. bucket-size = [60,300]
max-order-his-records-per-market Will only store this amount of matched orders for each market in order history for querying, or those meet the other option, which has more data (default: 1000).
max-order-his-seconds-per-market Will only store matched orders in last X seconds for each market in order history for querying, or those meet the other option, which has more data (default: 259200 (3 days)).

Plugin 3

Options for plugin snapshot

snapshot-at-block Specify the block number after which to do a snapshot.
snapshot-at-time Specify the block time (ISO format) after which to do a snapshot.
snapshot-to Specify the pathname of JSON file where to store the snapshot.

Plugin 4

Options for plugin delayed_node

trusted-node RPC endpoint of a trusted validating node (required). eg. trusted-node=""







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