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Crypto Morin edited this page Jul 6, 2023 · 8 revisions
case while # ignore this line

type: Text #
name: Text # The name displayed above the entity head. Supports colors.
health: Decimal ; 0 - 2048
glowing: Boolean #
gravity: Boolean # Won't be able to fall down.
silent:  Boolean # Won't make any passive noise.
AI:      Boolean # Whether the entity can move on its own. true by default.
can-pickup-items: Boolean
collidable: Boolean # Can other players push this entity?
gliding:  Boolean # Is the entity gliding?
swimming: Boolean # Is the entity swimming?
remove-when-far-away: Boolean # Despawn the entity when no player can see it?

max-air: Number # Maximum ticks this entity can stay alive before taking damage under water.
remaining-air: Number # Remaining ticks until the entity start to drown.
no-damage-ticks: Number # Hit cooldown (If set to 1 for example, you can spam hit)
fire-ticks: Number # The amount of ticks that the entity will be on fire.
fall-distance: Number # Rarely used. The distance that the entity fell until it hit the block. Usually used for calculating damage.
invulnerable: Boolean # The entity will not receive any damage at all.
ticks-lived: Number # Age of this entity since it spawned.
portal-cooldown: Number # Gets the period of time (in ticks) before this entity can use a portal.

# e.g. 
# effects:
#  - "SLOW, 10, 2"
#  - "NAUSEA, 10, 2"
effects: List # of Potion

case color: Text
  when { type: LLAMA } then #
  when { type: WOLF  } then #
end case

when { type: BOAT       } then tree-species: Text #
when { type: AXOLOTL    } then playing-dead: Boolean
when { type: GOAT       } then screaming: Boolean
when { type: GLOW_SQUID } then dark-ticks-remaining: Number # Number of dark ticks remaining for this squid. Bravo Six will go dark for 100 ticks (5 seconds) if damaged.

  main-hand:  EQUIPMENT_ITEM
  off-hand:   EQUIPMENT_ITEM
  helmet:     EQUIPMENT_ITEM
  chestplate: EQUIPMENT_ITEM
  leggings:   EQUIPMENT_ITEM
  boots:      EQUIPMENT_ITEM

    drop-chance: Decimal ; 0.0 - 1.0 # So for example 50% would be 0.5
    item: Item
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