Releases: ClonkAndre/ClonksCodingLib.GTAIV
Releases · ClonkAndre/ClonksCodingLib.GTAIV
Version 1.9
- Added “NativePed” class.
- Added “Side” enum.
- Added “GetPlayerPedHandle” function to “NativeGame” class.
- Added “GetCommonWeaponName” function to “NativeGame” class.
- Added “GetSidePedIsStandingFromVehiclesPerspective” function to “IVVehicle” class.
- Added “Empty” function to “NativeModel” struct.
- Added “SetAlwaysKeepTask” function to “PedTaskController” struct.
- Added new overload to “AddBlip” function in “NativeBlip” class.
- Removed the “AlwaysKeepTask” property from “PedTaskController” struct.
Version 1.8
- Updated to work with IV-SDK .NET v1.7
- Added “CoronaHelper” class.
- Added “DayState” enum.
- Added “SetDrunkEffect”, “Process”, “GetScriptCam” and “GetScriptDrawCam” functions to “NativeCamera” class.
- Added “State” property to “NativeCamera” class.
- Added “GetDayState” function to “NativeWorld” class.
- Added “StartObjectFire” function to “NativeFire” class.
- Added “Empty” and “FromHandle” functions to “PedTaskController” struct.
- Added ”ExtinguishObjectFire” function to “NativeFire” class.
- Added “Win32” namespace.
- Changed the “PedAnimationController” and “PedTaskController” classes to be a struct.
- Changed the “LoadEnvironmentNow” function in “NativeWorld” class.
- Changed the “SpawnPed” and “SpawnVehicle” functions in “NativeWorld” class.
- Fixed “GetXXXInstaceFromHandle” typo of functions within “NativeWorld” class.
- Fixed “Unkown” typo in “PedGender” enum.
- Renamed the “IsDisposed” property of “HandleObject” class to “IsDeleted”.
- Removed the “Dispose” method from “HandleObject” class.
- The “PedAnimationController” and “PedTaskController” structs are now in the “CCL.GTAIV” namespace.
- Updated XML comments.
Version 1.7.1
- Updated to work with IV-SDK .NET v1.6
Version 1.7
- Updated to work with IV-SDK .NET v1.5
- Added new overload to “DisplayCustomHelpMessage” function within the “NativeGame” class.
- Added “ImGuiHelper” and “LightHelper” classes.
- Fixed “System.OverflowException” when using some functions/properties in “NativeModel” struct.
- The function “GetIntegerStatistic” within the “NativeGame” class now returns an integer instead of an unsigned integer.
- The function “SetIntegerStatistic” within the “NativeGame” class now takes an integer instead of an unsigned integer as its parameter.
- Renamed and fixed function “GetFloatStatistic” to “SetFloatStatistic” in “NativeGame” class.
Version 1.6
- Added “NativeGroup” class.
- Added “NativeDrawing” class.
- Added “NativeModel” struct.
- Added “Rope” class.
- Added some float extensions.
- Added “MarkAsNoLongerNeeded” and “Delete” methods to “IVObject” class.
- Added “ActivateDrunkRagdoll” and “LeaveGroup” methods to “IVPed” class.
- Added “IsRequiredForMission” function to “IVPed” and “IVVehicle” class.
- Added “IsSeatFree” and “GetMaximumNumberOfPassengers” functions to “IVVehicle” class.
- Added “IsInside” function to “NativeCheckpoint” class.
- Added “CanCharSeeChar” function to “IVPed” class.
- Added “CanVehicleSeeVehicle” function to “IVVehicle” class.
- Added “DisplayCustomHelpMessage” function to “NativeGame” class.
- Added “VehicleSeat” enum.
- Updated XML comments.
Version 1.5
- Made compatible with IV-SDK .NET v1.2.
- Added “Exists”, “SetHeading” and “Explode” function to “IVVehicle” class.
- Added “GetPedType” function to “IVPed” class.
- Added “GetProgress” function to “NativeTaskSequence” class.
- Added “Direction” property to “NativeCamera” class.
- Added tasks “AchieveHeading”, “OpenDriverDoor”, “OpenPassengerDoor”, “Shimmy”, “ShimmyInDirection”, “ShimmyLetGo”, “ShimmyClimbUp”, “LeaveVehicleInDirection”, “Jump” and “ToggleDuck” to “PedTaskController” class.
- Changed the “IVPed.AddAmmoToChar” and “IVPed.AddArmourToChar” function “amount” parameter type to be an integer (int) instead of an unsigned integer (uint).
- Updated XML comments.
Version 1.4
Important: This build, and all builds above this build, only work with IV-SDK .NET v1.0 and above.
- Made compatible with IV-SDK .NET v1.0.
- Added NativeTaskSequence class.
- Added StartScenario method to PedTaskController class.
- Added GetPedInstaceFromHandle, GetVehicleInstaceFromHandle and GetObjectInstaceFromHandle functions to the NativeWorld class.
- Added IsPositionVisibleOnScreen function to NativeWorld class.
- Added ApplyForce, ApplyForceRelative, MakeObjectTargetable, ClearObjectLastDamageEntity and IsPlayerTargettingObject methods and functions to IVObject class.
- Added IsDead, IsDriveable, GetCarHornStatus, GetHeading and GetVehIndicatorState functions to IVVehicle class.
- Added SetAsMissionVehicle, MarkAsNoLongerNeeded, PlaceOnGroundProperly, SoundCarHorn and SetVehIndicator methods to IVVehicle class.
- Added SetAsMissionChar and MarkAsNoLongerNeeded methods to IVPed class.
- Added IsInVehicle function to IVPed class.
- Added SetMoney, AddMoney and GetMoney functions to the IVPlayerInfo class.
- Changed NativeGame.RadarZoom type from float to int.
Version 1.3
- Added GetFreeCam function to NativeCamera class.
- Made constructors of all native objects that are an “HandleObject” public so you can create a new object with an existing handle.
Version 1.2
- Added NativeBlip class.
- Added NativeFire class.
- Added GetPositionOnStreet to NativeWorld class.
- Added GetCinematicCam to NativeCamera class.
- Added AttachBlip functions to CPed, CVehicle and NativePickup classes.
- Added ApplyForce and ApplyForceRelative to CPed and CVehicle classes.
- Added GetSpeed, GetSpeedVector functions to CVehicle class.
- Added GetSpeed, GetVelocity functions to CPed class.
- Added Delete and Exists methods to CPed and CVehicle classes.
- Added MoveTowards and Around Vector3 extension.
- Added SetVelocity and SetSenseRange methods to CPed class.
- Added IsGameKeyPressed and GetKeyboardMoveInput to NativeControls.
- Added 2 overloads for the SpawnPed and SpawnVehicle functions in NativeWorld class which take in a model hash.
- Added GetAnimationController function to CPed class which gives you access to the “AnimationController” class with which you can play, stop and more with animations
- Added GetTaskController function to CPed class which give you access to the “PedTaskController” class with which you can start ped tasks.
Version 1.1
- Added NativeWorld class.
- Added NativeGame class.
- Added “Rectangle3D” struct.
- Added “Create” function overload for NativeCamera class which does not take in any camera type. It will default to “CAM_SCRIPTED” type.
- Added Attach methods to the NativeCamera class with which you can attach the cam to stuff.
- Added “ToRgba” Color extension.
- Added “RandomXYZ”, “RandomXY” and “LookAtYaw” Vector3 extensions.
- Added “GetHandle” and “GetModelRect3D” extensions to CVehicle and CPed classes.
- Change the “OffsetPointIsRelative” property to “AttachOffsetIsRelative” which will now say that the attach offset is relative.
- Changed the “Offset” property in NativeCamera class to set the attach offset.
- Updated XML comments.