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Compiler deployment on BB5

Pramod Kumbhar edited this page Aug 17, 2018 · 6 revisions

Deploying compiler stack on BB5 Using Spack

These are brief instructions to deploy commercial compiler toolchain on BB5.

First clone the Spack repository and stable branch for deployment:

git clone
cd spack
git pull
git checkout bbpv-0.4.3

We will use SPACK_ROOT environmental variable that point to spack directory:

export SPACK_ROOT=`pwd`

To have spack in PATH, add following to .bashrc (replace SPACK_ROOT by absolute path)

source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/

With this, Spack should be usable now. We can check architetcure of the system as:

→ spack arch

And installed packages as:

→ spack find
==> 0 installed packages.

Commercial Software Licenses

Commercial softwares like Intel, PGI and Allinea need licenses. These are usually simple text files with license key or license server details. To allow Spack to automatically configure licenses, we can license files in spack/etc/spack/licenses directory. We have licenses stored in below mentioned repository. We can clone it under Spack as:

git clone ssh:// $SPACK_ROOT/etc/spack/licenses

The directory has following layout:

	$ tree $SPACK_ROOT/etc/spack/licenses
	├── allinea-forge
	│   └── Licence
	├── intel
	│   └── license.lic
	└── pgi
		└── license.dat

Installation Location

We will use APPS_DIR_PATH environmental variable to point to apps directory. Lets say we define it as:

export APPS_DIR_PATH=/gpfs/

For testing we can set it as: export APPS_DIR_PATH=$HOME/apps

We will install compilers and tools under following directory hierarchy. This can be changed and we will discuss it later.

	├── compilers
	│   └── install
	│   └── modules
	│   └── .cache
	│   └── .mirror		
	├── tools
	│   └── install
	│   └── modules
	│   └── .cache
	│   └── .mirror

Adding Mirror [Optional]

Some software tarballs are very large and often time consuming to download (e.g. Intel Parallel Studio is about ~3 GB). In order to avoid download on every new installation, we can create a mirror where software tarballs could be stored. This is also helpful when we have clusters where network connection is slow or network access is not available (on certain systems). You can check spack mirror documentation for details and extra options. In below script we are simply downloading software tarballs one-by-one:

spack mirror add bbpv_spack_mirror $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/.mirror

    '[email protected]'
    '[email protected]'
    '[email protected]'
    #'[email protected]'

for package in "${packages_to_mirror[@]}"
    spack mirror create -d $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/.mirror --dependencies $package

Some softwares do need manual download from registered account (e.g. PGI compiler). Once we download the tarball, we can manually copy them to mirror directory. For example, PGI compiler 2017.10 is downloaded in below mentioned location. Also, Intel Parallel Studio takes long time to install and hence better to use pre-downloaded tarball as:

mkdir -p $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/.mirror/pgi
cp /gpfs/ $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/.mirror/pgi/pgi-17.10.tar.gz

mkdir -p $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/.mirror/intel-parallel-studio
cp /gpfs/ $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/.mirror/intel-parallel-studio/

Note : Based on version name, you have to rename tarball while copying to mirror i.e. pgilinux-2017-174-x86_64.tar.gz to pgi-17.4.tar.gz

Spack Install Configurations [Optional]

By default Spack installs packages inside $SPACK_ROOT/opt/. We can provide following configuration files to change location, module naming scheme and system provded packages:

  install_tree: $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/install
  source_cache: $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/.cache
    tcl: $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/modules/tcl
    lmod: $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/modules/lmod
  install_path_scheme: '${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}'

      - lmod
      - tcl
      - PATH
      - PATH
        environment_blacklist: ['CPATH', 'LIBRARY_PATH']
    naming_scheme: '${PACKAGE}/${VERSION}'
    hash_length: 0
      - 'gcc'
      - 'pgi'
      - 'intel-parallel-studio'
      - 'llvm'
      - '%gcc'

NOTE : INTEL_ROOT is special environmental variable for Intel compilers! So don't set PACKAGE_ROOT into modules.yaml!

            [email protected]: /usr
        version: [2.63]
            [email protected]: /usr
        version: [1.13.4]
            [email protected]: /usr
        version: [3.0.4]
            [email protected]: /usr
        version: [2.8.12]

Lets copy the provided system configurations in $HOME/.spack where Spack will search by default:

mkdir -p $HOME/.spack
rm -rf $HOME/.spack/*
cp $SPACK_ROOT/sysconfig/bb5/compilers/* $HOME/.spack/

# mirror config gets deleted, lets re-create
spack mirror add bbpv_spack_mirror $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/.mirror

One can look at configurations that spack is going to use as:

→ spack config get config
  install_tree: $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/install
  - $spack/templates
    tcl: $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/modules/tcl
    lmod: $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/modules/lmod
    dotkit: $spack/share/spack/dotkit
  - $tempdir
  - /nfs/tmp2/$user
  - $spack/var/spack/stage
  source_cache: $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/.cache
  misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
  verify_ssl: true
  checksum: true
  dirty: false
  install_path_scheme: ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}

Installing Compilers

By default Spack will find compilers available in $PATH. We can see available compilers using :

 → spack compiler find
 → spack compilers
==> Available compilers
-- clang rhel7-x86_64 -------------------------------------------
[email protected]

-- gcc rhel7-x86_64 ---------------------------------------------
[email protected]

These are default compilers installed on system. For software development we often need to install multiple compilers to meet requirements of different users. Also, compilers are expensive to install considering long build time. Often we don't need to reinstall compilers from scratch. In production environment we typically preserve compiler installations and re-compile all other software stack (e.g. mpi and mpi-dependent packages). In this case it is good practice to install compilers in separate directory.

We can achieve this by using sample config.yaml that we have already copied to $HOME/.spack/. Here is the script to install all compilers in one go:

    '[email protected] +advisor+clck+daal+gdb+inspector+ipp+itac+mkl+mpi+rpath+shared+tbb+vtune'
    '[email protected]'
    '[email protected]'
    '[email protected]'
    '[email protected]'

core_compiler='[email protected]'

spack compiler find

for compiler in "${compilers[@]}"
    spack spec $compiler %$core_compiler
    spack install $compiler %$core_compiler

Using Auto-Generated Modules

Spack automatically creates lmod as well as tcl modules. We can use them using MODULEPATH or as:

module use $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/modules/tcl/linux-rhel7-x86_64/

And now module avail will show installed compilers:

$ module avail

--------------------------------------- $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/modules/tcl/linux-rhel7-x86_64/ ---------------------------------------
   gcc/5.4.0    gcc/6.4.0    gcc/7.3.0 (D)    intel-parallel-studio/cluster.2018.1    pgi/17.10  intel/18.0.1

Alright! All our compilers are ready to use!

If you change naming scheme in modules.yaml then we can re-generate all modules as:

spack module refresh -m tcl -m lmod -y --delete-tree

PGI Compilers and Network Configuration

For a network installation of PGI compilers, we must have to run below installation script on each system on the network where the compilers and tools will be available for use. For example, we installed PGI compilers on bbpviz1. If we try to use PGI compiler on bbpviz2, we get :

$ pgcc hello.c
pgcc-Error-Please run makelocalrc to complete your installation

In this case we have to run following on every node where users are going to use PGI compiler to compile the code:

$ module load pgi/17.10
$ which makelocalrc

$ makelocalrc -x $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/install/pgi-17.10/linux86-64/17.10 -net $APPS_DIR_PATH/compilers/install/pgi-17.10/linux86-64/17.10

Tools Deployment With Spack

Once compielrs are installed, we can deploy common tools/debugger with Spack. It is best practice to separate compiler installation from other tools so that in case of system upgrade we can keep installed compilers and re-build all other tools/mpi etc.

# make sure following variables are set:

export APPS_DIR_PATH=/gpfs/
export SPACK_ROOT=/gpfs/

# update repository
cd $SPACK_ROOT && git pull
git checkout bbpv-0.4.3

# likwid installation group

export LIKWID_GROUP=likwid

# initialise Spack environment as:

source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/

# lets copy the spack configurations for tools:

mkdir -p $HOME/.spack
rm -rf $HOME/.spack/*
cp $SPACK_ROOT/sysconfig/bb5/tools/* $HOME/.spack/

# we can now install all tools as:

spack install [email protected]
spack install [email protected]
spack install [email protected]
spack install [email protected]
spack install likwid +setgid
spack install [email protected]

And if we want to re-generate all modules, do:

spack module refresh --module-type tcl --delete-tree --yes

We can use installed modules as:

module use $APPS_DIR_PATH/tools/modules/tcl/linux-rhel7-x86_64/