This is a Nextflow-based wrapper for the TBProfiler pipeline for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) analysis of whole-genome sequence data for Mycobacteria tuberculosis complex samples. This pipeline provides a convenient way to analyze many samples at once, on an HPC cluster system. It also integrates additional QC analysis of the input data using fastp, and of the generated alignments using Qualimap.
flowchart TD
reads --> fastp
fastp -- trimmed_reads --> tbprofiler
tbprofiler -- vcf --> snpit
snpit --> check_snpit_against_tbprofiler
tbprofiler -- bam --> qualimap_bamqc
tbprofiler -- bam --> mpileup
mpileup -- depths --> plot_coverage
mpileup -- depths --> generate_low_coverage_bed
nextflow run BCCDC-PHL/tbprofiler-nf \
--fastq_input <fastq_input_dir> \
--outdir <output_dir>
Flag | Default Value | Description |
min_depth |
10 | Minimum depth of coverage used to call a SNP |
min_af_used_for_calling |
0.1 | Minimum minor allele fraction used to call a SNP |
min_af_used_for_prediction |
0.1 | Minimum minor allele fraction used to predict AMR |
An output directory will be created for each sample under the directory provided for the --outdir
The following files will be produced for each sample:
└── sample-01
├── sample-01_TIMESTAMP_provenance.yml
├── sample-01_coverage_plot.png
├── sample-01_fastp.csv
├── sample-01_fastp.json
├── sample-01_low_coverage_regions.bed
├── sample-01_qualimap_alignment_qc.csv
├── sample-01_snpit.tsv
├── sample-01_snpit_unchecked.tsv
├── sample-01_tbprofiler.bam
├── sample-01_tbprofiler.bam.bai
├── sample-01_tbprofiler_full_report.csv
├── sample-01_tbprofiler_full_report.json
├── sample-01_tbprofiler_lineage.csv
├── sample-01_tbprofiler_resistance.csv
├── sample-01_tbprofiler_resistance_mutations.csv
├── sample-01_tbprofiler_summary.csv
├── sample-01_tbprofiler_targets.vcf
└── sample-01_tbprofiler_whole_genome.vcf
In the output directory for each sample, a provenance file will be written with the following format:
- pipeline_name: BCCDC-PHL/tbprofiler-nf
pipeline_version: 0.2.2
nextflow_session_id: ee5b4986-6ada-4eab-a294-ed0cbb18427d
nextflow_run_name: furious_murdock
analysis_start_time: 2024-02-01T16:37:26.062501-08:00
- input_filename: SAMPLE-ID_S133_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
file_type: fastq-input
sha256: 1b6a9a616ec3fd8432ff02f51d60fb6443617c29761b96234ede9c65efe06547
- input_filename: SAMPLE-ID_S133_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
file_type: fastq-input
sha256: f6954b1a174fbead8a035ae7cdfda549fcc751be8847a330505df49de59bed96
- process_name: fastp
- tool_name: fastp
tool_version: 0.23.2
- parameter: --cut_tail
value: null
- process_name: tbprofiler
- tool_name: tb-profiler
tool_version: 4.3.0
subcommand: profile
- parameter: --platform
value: illumina
- parameter: --mapper
value: bwa
- parameter: --caller
value: bcftools
- parameter: --af
value: 0.1
- parameter: --reporting_af
value: 0.1
- parameter: --prefix
value: 23s629
- parameter: --csv
value: null
- parameter: --call_whole_genome
value: null
- process_name: snpit
- tool_name: snpit
tool_version: 1.0.0
- parameter: --input
value: 23s629_tbprofiler_whole_genome.vcf