Protocol bridge between PEDRO messaging system for robotics and Coppelia Simulator Remote API.
Python robot controller that gets sensor data from simulator sending percepts to a PEDRO/QuProlog/Teleor program and receving motion commands (actions) from it. Here we use the PioneerP3DX mobile robot model, but you can easily replace it with the model you prefer just changing the names and the arrangement of the sensors and actuators.
Coppelia Robotics robot simulator, PEDRO server and QuLog/Teleor clients are needed:
- remember in Ubuntu:
- autoreconf -f -i
- sudo apt-get install texinfo
- remember in Ubuntu:
- (also install the required QuProlog compiler)
- (optional)
You can play with different configuration of hierarchical control:
Configuration for redis_control:
robot --> robot_interface (Python3) --> REDIS --> your AI
robot <-- robot_interface (Python3) <-- REDIS <-- your AI
Configuration for redis_control (+pedro):
robot --> robot_interface (Python3) --> REDIS --> pedro_percepts -> PEDRO --> QuLog AI
robot <-- robot_interface (Python3) <-- REDIS <-- pedro_actions <-- PEDRO <-- QuLog AI
Configuration for pedro_control:
robot --> robot_interface (Python3) --> PEDRO --> QuLog AI
robot <-- robot_interface (Python3) <-- PEDRO <-- QuLog AI
In the redis_control configuration, the robot is controlled by the ROBOT redis channel,
while it sends its sensor readings to the ROBOT:PERCEPTS redis channel.
sonar( Ld, Cd, Rd)
Ld Left distance
Cd Center distance
Rd Right distance
of type floating point, meters from obstacles. Became very large to represent nothing (+ infinity)
vision ( Position, Width, Base, Height ) red bottle detection
Position: close|center|left|right
Width, Base, Height : floats
of type floating point, meters per seconds.
Select your preferred robot controller in the