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Releases: zzampax/Elgato-Control-Center-API

Elgato Control Center (ECC) API v1.1.1

22 Nov 09:05
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Add config.toml interpretation for cleaner script call, can be provided with -c/--config flag as explained in the help log:

Elgato Control CLI

Usage: ecc-api [OPTIONS]

      --ip <ip>                    Elgato KeyLight/LightStrip IP address
  -p, --port <port>                Elgato KeyLight/LightStrip port
  -c, --config <config>            Config file providing ip and port, default path ~/.config/elgato-control-center/config.toml
      --toggle                     Turn on/off the Elgato KeyLight/LightStrip
      --hue <hue>                  Set the hue of the Elgato LightStrip
      --saturation <saturation>    Set the saturation of the Elgato LightStrip
      --temperature <temperature>  Set the temperature of the Elgato KeyLight
      --brightness <brightness>    Set the brightness of the Elgato KeyLight/LightStrip
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version

The config.toml file must follow the format:

ip = "<ip_string>"
port = 1234

Elgato Control Center (ECC) API v1.1.0

20 Oct 09:29
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Fixed --toggle bug that turned on/off the light even if not present.


if matches.contains_id("toggle")` {}


if matches.value_source("toggle") == Some(clap::parser::ValueSource::CommandLine) {}

The script now outputs a Standard JSON Format string that can be parsed with any JSON interpreter:

ecc-api --ip <ip> --port <port> | jq

Giving thus the following (eg. LightStrip):

  "brightness": 100,
  "hue": 360.0,
  "on": 1,
  "saturation": 100.0

Elgato Control Center (ECC) API v1.0.0

19 Oct 22:20
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Working API for Basic usage:

ecc-api --ip <ip> --port <port> --toggle

For example, turns on or off the specified Light.
Based on the type of Light (KeyLight or LightStrip) more controls are available.
The script returns the object sent to the Client.