This is a simple CLI color picker made with Bash that copies the selected color to the clipboard. It works on most of the Linux distributions (using X11 or Wayland). The script also runs in TTYs, but it won't copy the color to the clipboard and will only display the color code. It requires the following tools to work:
- xclip/wl-clipboard
- jq
- fzf
# For X11 based systems
sudo pacman -Sy xclip jq fzf
# For Wayland based systems
sudo pacman -Sy wl-clipboard jq fzf
# For X11 based systems
sudo apt install xclip jq fzf
# For Wayland based systems
sudo apt install wl-clipboard jq fzf
# For X11 based systems
sudo dnf install xclip jq fzf
# For Wayland based systems
sudo dnf install wl-clipboard jq fzf
git clone
cd Catppuccin-CLI-Color-Picker
# Follow the process to select a color
rm ~/.local/bin/ctp
rm ~/.local/share/ctp/palette.json
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.